
Matters needing attention in raising ducks in summer

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Matters needing attention in raising ducks in summer

Summer weather is more complex, is the high temperature and rainy season, or the active breeding period of germs and microorganisms, this is the period of high incidence of disease. The duck has plump feathers, thick fat, extremely afraid of heat and weak resistance to disease. In order to make it safe to spend the summer, what do we need to pay attention to? Let's take a look at the detailed introduction of the pro-agricultural network.

1. Reduce the density of culture

It is hot and hot in summer, so the density of ducks with duck tongue should not be too large, as it is easy to cause crowding of ducks, push the heat of ducks, breed germs easily, cause disease attacks, and eventually lead to the death of ducks. In summer, the breeding density should be reduced, the number of duck tongue should be reduced, and drinking water and feeding utensils should be added in the enclosure.

2. Adjust the feed formula

The feed formula for raising ducks should be changed according to the growth stage and season of ducks. it is high in summer and the fat under the duck is thicker, so it will produce a lot of heat, but the heat excretion capacity is poor. Therefore, in the summer feed formula, in addition to meeting the nutritional needs of ducks, its protein content should be the lowest, which can reduce the amount of heat emitted by the feed during digestion.

3. Cooling and shading

The summer sun is fierce, and ducks are often depressed and hide in shady places, so duck tongues must reduce sunlight exposure and cool off the sun properly. Duck tongue can be tall and spacious in construction, otherwise an Arbor can be built near the duck tongue, or trees can be planted to shade the sun. In high temperature, water can be sprayed on the roof, ground and around the duck tongue to achieve the cooling effect.

4. Feeding method

High temperature, ducks will appear loss of appetite or do not eat the phenomenon, for a long time, not only will not gain weight, but also gradually lose weight, affecting income. At this time, we should pay attention to the timing of feeding, choose to feed in the cooler time in the morning and evening, avoid the high temperature at noon, and provide cool and adequate drinking water. And the feed must be fresh, in the high temperature and humidity environment, the feed is easy to cause fermentation and deterioration, easy to cause disease.

5. Hygiene and disinfection

During the disease-prone season in summer, many infectious diseases are often caused by the unsanitary environment, so it is necessary to keep the duck house clean, especially the duck feces, reduce the contact between young ducks and feces, reduce the chance of epidemic transmission, and reduce the incidence rate. Regular disinfection can also put an end to the occurrence of disease.

The above are the matters needing attention for raising ducks in summer brought by the pro-agricultural net. it is best to keep the breeding environment quiet in summer, avoid being frightened, reduce the activity of ducks, and reduce the emission of heat. If you want to know more, please pay attention to the pro-agricultural network.