
What is the reason why the chicks don't eat?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, What is the reason why the chicks don't eat?

Many farmers always encounter a series of problems when raising newly born chickens. Skilled and experienced farmers can see at a glance that there is something wrong with the body of the chicken, and there are often phenomena such as the chicken is motionless or its limbs are weak. What is the reason for the common problems besides these, there are chickens that do not eat? Next Shuai Shuai will tell you about the solution!

I. solution

First of all, we should prepare the materials: penicillin, oxytetracycline, dysentery, sulfonamidine and other drugs.

1. Add 200 to 400 milligrams per kilogram of the food fed to the chickens, then mix the feed evenly, give the mixed feed to the chickens, stick to it for seven days, and then stop eating for three days and then feed it for another seven days.

2. Feed the chickens with 200 mg of oxytetracycline per kilogram of body weight, or mix two or three grams of oxytetracycline per kilogram of beverage and feed the chickens for three or four times in a row.

3. Give each chicken that does not eat penicillin 2000 international units to mix ingredients for seven consecutive days.

4. Add ten grams of sulfonamidine per kilogram of feed or use five grams of sulfamethazine to stir and feed for five consecutive days.

II. Points for attention

1. Generally speaking, the occurrence of this phenomenon has a lot to do with the purchase of seedlings. When we buy seedlings, we should choose those that are more energetic. If we have mental wilting or instability, we cannot buy them. These are all problematic chicks.

2. When raising chicks, the density of chicks should not be too high. It is best to keep the density of chicks at 30 chicks per square meter. Too much density will make the environment worse, and the range of activities is limited. In addition, if one of them gets sick or has a plague, it will lead to other rapid infection, causing huge losses.

3. The environment in the farm should be well controlled, the temperature and humidity should be maintained properly, and the temperature should be paid special attention to, because the body temperature of newborn chicks is very low and their resistance is very low, so it is necessary to maintain a temperature of about 33 degrees Celsius. it's good for its growth.

The above is the solution for chickens not to eat. Have you learned it? in fact, the main thing is to do a good job in peacetime management, because peacetime management is very important, and you have to choose good and healthy seedlings when you buy seedlings at the very beginning. Only in this way can the survival rate be high and the resistance be good.