
2018 how much is the price of eel per jin and the prospect of culture

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, 2018 how much is the price of eel per jin and the prospect of culture

Eel is a tropical fish species, which is also widely distributed in temperate regions. It is a serpentine fish that lives mainly in the Yangtze River in China. Many people may have seen eel and thought it was a water snake at first glance. Finally, it was found that it was a fish. I believe many people have this experience. Xiaobian is one of them. Eating eel for a long time can delay aging and strengthen bones. Then the editor will tell you how much the eel costs per jin this year and the prospect of breeding.

How much is the price of eel per jin in 2018

According to the latest market price of eel, the price of eel in Guangdong market is 45 yuan per kilogram, the most expensive is 46 yuan per kilogram, and the cheapest is 44 yuan per kilogram. The export price of vegetable eel is as high as 80 yuan per kilogram, the export price of Guangxi is as high as 58 yuan per kilogram, and Zhejiang Province sells it for 24 yuan per kilogram. From this, it seems that the price of eel varies from region to region, so the actual price varies from region to region.

Do you make money raising eels in 2018?

1. Artificially farmed eels are all cultured in ponds. This kind of warm-water fish is of high nutritional value. It was reported in the news that the eel was going to be eaten extinct. Although it is not true, it is really fast to this extent. Nowadays, the intensity and scale of artificial breeding are getting larger and larger. In order to meet all the market needs, more and more farmers have joined in eel farming. Eels are not only in domestic demand. In fact, there are many people who love eel abroad, and foreigners all like to eat it. In our country, supply and demand are relatively tight in first-and second-tier cities, and the market is very popular in first-and second-tier cities. The annual output and purchase volume are in the forefront of the aquaculture industry.

2. The benefit of eel culture is also very high. Some farmers own hundreds of mu of land, and they are all big breeders. Here, you can pinch your fingers and calculate how much capital you need to invest in raising one mu. First of all, to build a pool, the cost of building the pool includes the cost of materials and labor, which adds up to about 5, 000 yuan. Then the eel seedlings needed for the next breeding are calculated as 6200. Here, 5000 eels are released per mu, and the feed cost is about 8000 yuan. In addition, vaccines, drugs and other miscellaneous products are calculated to be 100 yuan. The total cost is about 20, 000 yuan. In general, if you start raising in that year, you can produce more than 1 ton in the next year. Sell according to the local price, the average income per mu can be 50,000, excluding costs can earn about 30,000, so the profit is quite considerable.

3. If the scale and intensity of aquaculture are slowly expanded, the farm will be designed to produce an income of 120000 yuan per 667m2 according to the production of 30,000 tails per 667m2. So is the benefit very attractive from a long-term point of view?

Third, the prospect of 2018 eel culture.

1. The commercial value of eels is mainly reflected in the edible and medicinal fields. Basically, the processed eels are for consumption and are supplied to major restaurants and some seafood restaurants. Eels are very popular in seafood restaurants. Eels can play a role in strengthening essence and tonifying the kidney, especially for some young people, regardless of men and women, old and young.

2. In addition to eating, it is also a direction of commercial use to make it into drugs and health products. It has the effect of tonifying deficiency and nourishing blood. If children eat it, it is very helpful for the development of body bones. Eel is very rich in calcium. Therefore, it has a very good consolidation effect on osteoporosis, it can also enhance the development of human brain, and has a very good effect on delaying the aging of cells.

The above is the price of 2018 eels per jin and the prospect of culture. from the above analysis, we can know that the role of eels is still relatively extensive, so it will not be a loss-making culture project, and we can try to start with it. But we should also consider the investment of funds. If you want to know more related information, please continue to follow the pro-agriculture network!