
The feeding method of fish fry

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The feeding method of fish fry

Now fish culture can be said to be a relatively popular aquaculture industry to get rich, so many people have begun to focus on fish culture to carry out some other way out, and fish fry culture is one of them, and for fish culture is also very important. Because we all know that if we want to raise fish, we must first have fish fry. The fry purchased by many people cannot be kept alive, or there are all kinds of problems. So what is the correct way to raise fish fry? Today, what the pro-agricultural network wants to share with you is about the breeding methods of fish fry. I hope you can benefit from it.

1. Select and clear the pool

The fish fry pond is generally more solid around, the second is that the water storage performance is relatively good, it cannot be leaked as soon as it is put in like a funnel, and the second is to be close to the source of water, so as to facilitate drainage and water injection. Fish fry ponds should be selected in places with sunlight and shelter at the same time, and finally, the water in fish fry ponds can not be higher than 80 centimeters, which is generally 60 or 70 centimeters. Before putting in the fish fry, we need to clean up the pond, clean up the mud and some of the mud in the pond, then sprinkle a layer of quicklime to disinfect the fish fry, and then pour water into the fish fry after the bacteria have been cleaned.

2. Select and release seedlings

If the fry is well selected, then the survival rate of the fry will be high, so how should we choose the fry? first of all, we put the water in the tank where we raise the fry and then keep stirring. If the fry can swim freely in the water, it shows that it has a strong ability to adapt to the environment and is relatively healthy. Another way is to put the fry in a basin, where they swim more briskly, and those who struggle violently after pouring dry water are good fry, because they have a strong desire to survive. When releasing the fry, you have to feed the fry first, and then put it into the pool. They need to adapt to the environment again, so they won't eat a few days ago, which is why they have to be fed before they are released, so as to prevent them from starving to death because they don't have time to find food.

3. Feed and bait

Newly born fish fry basically do not need to rely on outside food. After three or four days of fry, we need to feed them. When we feed them, we usually feed some insects and fish fry special feed, which can also be some plankton. So what will contain these insects and plankton or microorganisms? if it is in the countryside, you can basically see it. That is to pour the water from the dung tank into the pond, if it is raised in the city, then only feed cooked egg yolk. When the fry grows to four or five centimeters, we can feed all kinds of rotifers.

4. Change water

In general, we change water because the water quality in the pool can no longer meet the conditions for the growth of fish fry, or after a new round of fish fry hatches, because all the baits fed by beauty milk cannot be eaten, there will always be some left. it has been accumulated in the pool, resulting in water pollution, or even smelly, which will affect the growth quality of fish fry, but we do not mean to replace all the fish fry. We need to leave some of the relatively clean water in the old pool, and then inject 2/3 of the new water, so that there will be microbes and plankton needed by the fry when they are released, so that they can find their own food.

5. Density

In the process of the growth of fish fry, there will be more and more fish fry in the pond slowly, so we need to divide the pond according to the size of the fry and their growth characteristics, in order to increase the density of the pond. We can choose it three or four times, that is, first, we can separate the fry that are already big enough, and the second time is to sort out the more tenacious and more dynamic ones. The third time is to separate out those who think life is more difficult, leaving behind those who are relatively small and have good vitality, so that they can continue to grow and reproduce, while others can grow in another environment, which can not only make the original pool raise density scientifically, but also increase production and earn more money.