
Symptoms, prevention and treatment of sheep pox disease

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Symptoms, prevention and treatment of sheep pox disease

Raising sheep is our common and ancient breeding industry, which has a long history. Sheep pox disease often occurs when raising sheep, which is also commonly known as smallpox. This disease is a viral disease, which occurs in sheep, and then causes suppurative inflammation. The most serious thing is that the disease is transmitted to people and does great harm. So what causes it, and how to treat it? let's take a look at the symptoms and prevention methods of sheep pox disease in pro-rural network.

1. Etiological analysis of sheep pox disease.

There are many causes of sheep pox disease, including improper feeding and management, seasonal causes, vaccine factors, parasites and human factors. Improper feeding is often due to poor hygiene in the sheep house, high feeding density, lack of timely cleaning of faeces, resulting in the breeding of bacteria and the disease, and the disease is not treated in time after the disease, resulting in the rapid spread of the disease. The seasonal reason is that the sheep pox virus has strong resistance to dryness and cold, so it begins to reproduce actively in winter and early spring. Vaccine factor means that in order to prevent the occurrence of sheep pox disease, farms usually give vaccination, but if the vaccine is not stored properly, it will invalidate the vaccine, thus infecting the disease, and the vaccine is stored in a low temperature below 0 degrees Celsius. The cause of parasites is that some parasites will carry sheep pox virus. If they are not dewormed in time, the resistance of sheep will be weakened and they are easy to be infected with the disease. Human factors are related to vaccine factors. If the vaccine is not disinfected in accordance with the regulations or the injection location and methods are improper, it will also lead to vaccine failure and infection.

2. Symptoms of sheep pox disease

Sheep pox virus will be dormant in sick sheep for about a week. At the time of onset, the body temperature of diseased sheep increases significantly, up to 41-42 degrees, and appears depression, rapid heartbeat and breathing, loss of appetite or not eating, reduced activity or arched back standing. Tears flow from the corners of the eyes, and then purulent secretions gradually begin to flow from the eyes and nose, while the milk production of ewes decreases or stops after the illness, and some sheep are accompanied by a slight cough. Papules begin to appear on the skin of the body surface, gradually turning into blisters, and finally blisters burst and large brown crusts appear. The spread of the disease is extremely fast, and the course of the disease is about half a month. Serious cases can die within two or three weeks. Pregnant ewes will have miscarriage and stillbirth, while the mortality rate of lambs is very high.

3. Prevention and control methods

It is necessary to increase feeding and management, put an end to the introduction of sheep breeds in epidemic areas, isolate and observe new sheep when introducing new sheep, and put them into the flock after taking good epidemic prevention measures. Usually do a good job in the sanitary disinfection of the sheep house, reduce the pathogen, vaccinate the sheep regularly, and strictly abide by the vaccination procedure when vaccinating. After the disease is found, the diseased sheep should be isolated in time, then the sheep house should be thoroughly disinfected, and then the pox area of the diseased sheep should be cleaned with 1% saline solution or 0.1% potassium permanganate. Then apply it with iodine glycerin or a mixture of propolis, alcohol and Yunnan Baiyao, 2-3 times a day. If the phenomenon of ulceration occurs, intramuscular injection can be carried out, and when the condition is more serious, intravenous injection of 500ml 5% glucose solution can be taken, and the effect is excellent.

The above are the symptoms and prevention methods of sheep pox brought by pro-agricultural network. This is the end of the content about sheep pox. If you want to know more, please pay attention to pro-agricultural network.