
Matters needing attention of cows after delivery

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Matters needing attention of cows after delivery

Cows are extremely weak after delivery, their constitution is reduced, their resistance is weak, and they are prone to infection diseases. At this time, the feeding management after delivery is particularly important, which is related to the health of cows and the lactation effect. So in the cow postpartum to pay attention to a lot of things, specific introduction to follow the pro-agricultural network to see it.

1. Feed saline water bran soup

After the cow is extremely weak after childbirth, and because of the reasons for childbirth, the body's water, salt and sugar are consumed in large quantities. At this time, it is necessary to timely feed saline water bran soup to relieve the weakness caused by childbirth and supplement the water, salt and sugar consumed by the body. After delivery, 2kg bran, 100g salt and 1kg brown sugar were mixed with warm water to feed cows, which was beneficial to promote lactation of cows. At the same time, feed high-quality nutritious feed, do a good job of cattle house sanitation, disinfection work, timely replacement of grass, so that cows get rest.

2. Timely treatment of placenta

After the cow gives birth, the placenta should be removed in time. If the placenta is not removed in time, it may induce a series of inflammation and diseases in the cow, which may lead to the death of the cow in severe cases. If the placenta does not fall or stay in the uterus vagina, it should be treated in time. When the cow gives birth, take part of amniotic fluid and drink it after the cow gives birth, which is beneficial to the discharge of the placenta. If the placenta stays in the cow for more than 12 hours, it is necessary to provide drug stimulation for discharge. If it exceeds 24 hours, it must be removed by surgery, so as to avoid diseases caused by the retention of the placenta for too long and endanger the health of the cow.

3. Speed up lochia discharge

Lochia refers to the residual amniotic fluid, congestion and shedding mucous membrane mucus in the postpartum uterus of cows discharged from the body. At this time, it is a normal phenomenon after childbirth. Generally, lochia discharged on the first day after childbirth is blood sample. After one week, transparent mucus is discharged, and within 20 days, it can be discharged clean and returned to normal. Under normal circumstances, it is not necessary to treat it. However, if the lochia discharged is grayish brown and accompanied by a foul odor, it has not been discharged for more than 20 days, and treatment measures need to be taken at this time. First, check the intestines and vagina of cows to find out the cause, and then wash the uterus and vagina of cows with anti-inflammatory drugs to promote lochia discharge or eliminate lochia and accelerate the recovery of cows.

The above are the precautions for postpartum cows brought by the pro-agricultural network. What should be paid attention to after childbirth is introduced here. If you want to know more, please pay attention to the pro-agricultural network.