
Planting techniques and key points of cultivation and management of lemon fruit trees

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Lemon is a citrus plant of Rutaceae, which is native to Southeast Asia. It is mainly produced in the United States, Italy, Spain and Greece. It is also cultivated in Taiwan, Fujian, Guangdong and Guangxi, and is rich in citric acid. Therefore, it is known as citric acid warehouse and has high planting value.

Lemon is a citrus plant of Rutaceae, which is native to Southeast Asia. It is mainly produced in the United States, Italy, Spain and Greece. It is also cultivated in Taiwan, Fujian, Guangdong and Guangxi, and is rich in citric acid. Therefore, it is known as the "citric acid warehouse" and has high planting value. Let's take a look at the lemon tree planting technology.

Planting conditions of lemon trees

Lemon is warm, shade-tolerant, not cold-resistant and afraid of heat, so it is suitable for cultivation in subtropical areas where it is warm in winter and cool in summer. The suitable annual average temperature is 17-19 ℃, the annual effective accumulated temperature (≥ 10 ℃) is more than 5500 ℃, the average temperature in January is 6-8 ℃, and the extreme minimum temperature is higher than 3 ℃. The annual rainfall is more than 1000 mm and the annual sunshine hours are more than 1000 hours. It is suitable to be planted on a gentle slope with warm and deep soil layer and good drainage. The most suitable soil pH value of lemon is between 5.5 and 7.0. The plant grows fast, the plant is as high as 3-6 meters, and it needs a large amount of fertilizer. It has many shoots, blossoms and fruits in a year, and the yield varies greatly because of the good or bad management.

Grafting propagation of lemon tree

1. Splicing: splicing is often used in spring. The grafting effect is better when the sap begins to flow. Sichuan and Chongqing can be grafted within half a month before and after the Rain and Water Festival, and Guangdong has a high survival rate within 40 days after the Beginning of Spring. In years with low temperature, the grafting time can be postponed to May. The cutting operation is simple, the germination is fast and the growth is fast. It can reach the specification of coming out of the nursery in the same year, and can be planted in autumn or the following spring.

2. Abdominal grafting: abdominal grafting is generally used for autumn grafting, which can be carried out from Rain Water's festival to the first ten days of November. The survival rate of abdominal grafting is higher, which can be replaced for 2 or 3 times without one operation. Scion cutting method is the same as cutting method, about 10 cm from the ground, select the smooth surface to cut from top to bottom, about 2 cm long, the cutting depth is appropriate not to hurt or slightly damage the xylem. After the mouth is opened, the scion is embedded and the interface is tightly sealed with plastic film strip from bottom to top.

3. Budding: budding can be divided into two types: small bud grafting and small bud ventral grafting. Small bud grafting is mainly carried out in spring and small bud ventral grafting is mainly carried out in autumn. The budding speed is fast, the work efficiency is high, the wound of the rootstock is small, and it is easy to heal. When cutting buds, hold the scion in the left hand, hold the knife in the right hand, put the knife edge flat, cut from the lower 1 cm of the bud to the upper end of the bud to 0.5 cm above the bud, make the bud with xylem, and then cut the scion down vertically with a knife to remove the bud piece.

Lemon tree establishment and planting

1. Pingba garden: to build a lemon garden with paddy fields, water should be released from high ditches along the slope to dry the fields. After the soil is whitened in the coming year, according to the fixed point of planting, the steamed bread-shaped mound is 40cm high and 50cm high, and the diameter of the bottom of the pier is about 1 meter.

2, slope construction garden: slope construction garden can be adopted to build contour terraces, contour trenches or fish-scale pits to solve soil fertility and soil and water conservation, contour terraces are suitable for slopes with a slope of 100-25 degrees, contour trenches are suitable for slopes with a slope of 6-100, and fish-scale pits are suitable for steep slopes and complex terrain where it is difficult to build horizontal terraces or contour trenches.

3. Lemon planting: the planting density should be 3 × 4 meters and 55 plants per mu. The planting period is generally in spring and autumn, and transplanting in autumn should be carried out from September to October. Before planting, dig a fixed planting hole (ditch) with a specification of 60 × 60 × 60 cm, and apply organic fertilizer 30kg / kg, calcium superphosphate 0.5kg / kg, or mature human and animal dung water more than 20kg. Mix the fertilizer with the soil and cover the soil to make a planting pier with a high unearthed plane of 20cm. When planting, remove the grafting film, trim the injured roots, cut off the long main roots and tender late autumn, and so on. Make a small nest on the planting pier, put in the seedlings, cover the soil while trimming the roots, gently lift the seedling roots, and gently press the soil, so that the roots are closely connected with the soil. The planting depth should be consistent with the mud marks in the nursery stage, the root neck should be exposed to the ground, irrigated with fixed root water, and covered with straw, straw, green manure or plastic film to keep warm and wet.

4. Post-planting management: it takes about half a month for seedlings to survive. This half month should be watered frequently rather than topdressing. After survival, it should be checked frequently to ensure that the soil is moist but not soiled, so as to promote the growth of roots and shoots. Only after a small number of new shoots grow, can you apply clear dung water.

Management of young lemon trees

1. Soil management: every winter idle season, combined with shallow ploughing to cultivate soil, dig out one or two fertilizer holes with a length of 40 cm 60 cm and a depth of 60 cm 80 cm in the crown drip line, and apply compost of 100 kg / m2 (or barnyard manure). Mix it evenly with the soil, which is beneficial to cultivate the well-developed absorption roots of young trees and enhance the absorption function of nutrients.

2. Fertilizer and water management: young trees are fertilized 5-10 times a year to apply fertilizer frequently and thinly. The main types of fertilizers are available nitrogen fertilizer, combined with phosphate fertilizer, potash fertilizer and human and animal manure. From the spring shoot germination in March to the autumn shoot emergence period in September, the seedlings were treated with 30% rotten human and animal dung once a month. For annual young lemon trees, it is usual to apply 80 grams of nitrogen, 40 grams of phosphorus and 30 grams of potassium annually, and then increase by about 10 grams year by year. 2. The fertilization period of 4-year-old young trees was concentrated before each shoot was drawn. The annual fertilization times were 5-6 times, and the foliar fertilizer was sprayed 3-4 times at the tender shoot stage.

3. shaping of young trees: the fixed dry height of lemon is about 40cm to 50cm. When the grafted seedlings produce spring shoots or mature summer shoots, they are coring at full shoots 40 cm from the ground, prompting them to shoot 4-6 new shoots at 25-40 cm to form branches. If the shoot is not ideal and less branches are formed, the buds can be wiped for 1 or 2 times to promote the trunk to produce new shoots. After the shoot is ripe, the strong branch is selected from the upper part as the first main branch, leaving 20-25 cm long, truncating the apex part, and the rest is reserved as auxiliary branches.

Pruning techniques of adult trees

1. Adult tree pruning: lemon pruning can be carried out all the year round, but it is mainly pruned in winter and spring, supplemented by pruning in the growing period, light and sparse pruning of the first fruiting trees, and attention should be paid to the cultivation of excellent fruiting mother branches. keep enough flowers every year to increase yield. As the tree age increases, the yield increases, and the amount of pruning increases year by year. Summer pruning is more used in pruning, combined with the cultivation of tree shape, continue to configure the auxiliary main branches and lateral branches to extend the short branches, and delete the overgrown branches that disturb the tree shape as much as possible. Keep more weak or moderate spring and autumn vegetative branches as fruiting mother branches to ensure enough flowers and fruit in the coming year, so as to turn the tree nutrition center to reproductive growth in time.

2. Pruning of fruit trees: wiping buds and coring in summer and combining thinning and retraction in winter to increase the amount of pruning year by year, to keep the balance of shoot and fruit growth as far as possible, and to prevent annual fruit. For the fruiting branch group, the spring and autumn shoots were rotationally compressed and pruned, leaving 8 leaves and 10 leaves to pick the heart as soon as possible. When the summer shoots germinated, the buds were wiped out repeatedly, and the shoots without buds were repeatedly wiped off, and a large number of short and strong autumn shoots were pumped out in the middle and late July. After thinning and deleting the shoots that were too dense and improperly positioned, these autumn shoots could become excellent mother branches in the coming year. The auxiliary branches inside the crown were removed year by year after they bear fruit.

3. Pruning of drooping branches: the growth of the drooping part of the drooping branch is more likely to weaken, and the drooping part of the apex can be cut off year by year, raise the position of the branch group, and continue to bear fruit. More erect branches at the top can be treated according to the principle of strong trees thinning strong branches and golden mean trees thinning erect branches, weak thinning and strong short cutting. For the adult trees which are neglected in shaping and pruning in the early stage, or the upper part of the crown is strong and the lower part is weak, the adult trees with closed canopy are formed. According to the situation, pruning methods such as thinning branches, sawing big branches, severe retraction, opening skylights and cutting off horseback branches are adopted to reduce canopy closure and restore tree potential as soon as possible. form yield.

Adult tree flower and fruit management

1. Loosen the soil and cut off the roots: from July to August last year, according to the age of lemon trees, tree potential, the amount of hanging fruit and the number of Rain Water, autumn shoots were placed in order to form good fruiting mother branches, and at the same time, branches and leaves should be protected from diseases and pests such as leaf miner moths. After the autumn shoots were fully mature from October to November, the roots were moderately loosened and cut off in order to control the growth of winter shoots and promote flower bud differentiation.

2. Fruit protection measures: ① can smear young fruit stalk with 250x10-6 gibberellin (g A3) + 400x10-6 cytokinin, or spray 50x10-6 gibberellin + Aidoushou solution, or spray fruit mostly solution. ② applied stable fruit fertilizer in May from flowering to fruit expansion, and sprayed the crown with 0.3% urea and 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution. Once every 7 days for 3 times in a row, the fruit setting rate can be increased. ③ orchard beekeeping, creating a good pollination environment is also conducive to improve the fruit setting rate. ④ generally does not re-apply available chemical fertilizer from May to July in order to reduce the emergence of summer shoots and consume tree nutrition. At the same time, summer shoots should be wiped out in time to alleviate the contradiction between flower and fruit growth and new shoots. ⑤ should shake the tree in time to remove the stagnant water on the petals and prevent retting flowers in case of continuous overcast and rainy days during the florescence.

3. Fruit bagging: the paper bag should be a special lemon bag with black inside and yellow double layer, with a length and width of 20 cm x 15.5 cm. Select orchards or plants with good tree potential and high management level, and select lemon fruits with good appearance, disease-free spots and a diameter of 30cm to 40cm for bagging. The best choice for bagging lemon spring flowers and fruits is in early July. Before bagging, the canopy must be thoroughly sprayed with fungicides (Op, virus Sujing, Dasheng or Shigao) and insecticides (Kuaishaling or Zongmike), and special attention should be paid to the control of primary rust wall lice, scale insects and mites. If the diseases and insect pests are serious, they can be mixed and sprayed once every 3 days, and then bagged after the medicine is dry.

4. Timely harvest: the fruit should reach the required maturity before it can be harvested. It is generally required that the transverse diameter of lemon fruit is not less than 50 mm, and the fruit color changes from dark green to light green, or even light green. Spring flowers and fruits are harvested from late October to mid-November, summer flowers and fruits are harvested from late December to early January of the following year, and autumn flowers and fruits are harvested from June to July of the following year. The multiple shearing method is used to pick the fruit. The first cut cuts the fruit and the associated parts of the fruit branches that need to be cut off, and the second cuts the sepals to cut off the fruit stalks, and the pedicel is cut flat. Fruit picking should be carried out from top to bottom, from the outside to the inside. In the high or distant fruit, do not climb branches to pull fruit, you can use fruit ladder to assist fruit picking, so as not to hurt the pedicel.

Fertilizer and water management of adult trees

The main results are as follows: 1. The principle of fertilization for lemon trees is to apply early spring fertilizer, stable fruit fertilizer, strong fruit fertilizer and supplementary fruit-picking fertilizer, usually 3-4 times a year. The amount of fertilizer application is determined according to the number of fruit hanging in the plant and the fertilizer supply of the soil. if the fruit tree produces 30 kg fresh lemon fruit, each plant needs to apply about 0.3 kg of nitrogen, 0.2 kg of phosphorus and 0.2 kg of potassium a year. The way of fertilization can be hole application, strip ditch or radial ditch. The type of lemon fertilization should be the combination of farm manure and chemical fertilizer, mainly farm manure.

2. Application of spring flower fertilizer: spring flower fertilizer is applied from February to March when spring shoots germinate, mainly quick-acting chemical fertilizer, combined with organic fertilizer, weak trees and plants with more flowers should be applied more, plants with strong trees or flowers with less flowers should be applied less or not, and the amount of-like nitrogen fertilizer accounts for 10% of the whole year.

3. Apply stable fruit fertilizer: apply stable fruit fertilizer in May from flowering to fruit expansion, mostly spraying 0.3% urea on the leaf, accounting for about 5% of the whole year.

4. Application of strong fruit fertilizer: strong fruit fertilizer is applied from July to August when the autumn shoot fruit expands, mainly available nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, combined with organic fertilizer, and the fertilization method adopts hole opening (ditch) fertilization. The amount of nitrogen fertilizer and phosphorus and potassium fertilizer accounted for 40% and 50% of the whole year respectively.

5. Application of fruit-picking fertilizer: fruit-picking fertilizer is applied in November after fruit harvest, mainly organic fertilizer, combined with a small amount of chemical fertilizer, and the method of rotary fertilizer is mostly deep application of holes (ditches). The amount of nitrogen fertilizer accounts for 40% of the whole year, and the amount of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer accounts for more than 40% of the whole year.

6. Water management: the key point of water management of fruiting trees is to ensure adequate water supply during spring shoot emergence and young fruit stages. If drought occurs, water should be irrigated immediately. If water sources are insufficient, water-saving caves can be used, that is, large and small, 40cm in depth and 30cm in diameter are dug in 4 directions outside the crown dripping line, and mature manure stalks and green manure are filled in caves. A layer of organic matter and a layer of soil is compacted until the mouth is 10 cm, pour enough water into the mouth, then fill the mouth with soil, and then cover it with plastic film. In addition, lemon tree plates can be covered with film all the year round to prevent water evaporation.

Control of diseases and insect pests in lemon trees

1. Diseases: lemon trees mainly have anthracnose, scab, gum disease, foot rot, yellow spot, brown spot and so on. Strengthen cultivation management, pay attention to drainage and irrigation, increase the application of organic fertilizer, timely thinning and pruning to avoid orchard closure. The prevention and treatment of gummy disease and foot rot disease is to cut off the disease part first and coat it with lead copper or ethyl phosphorus aluminum solution, once after 7-10 days. Other diseases are mainly sprayed once a month from April to September (can be mixed with other pesticide abuse). When you are sick, add Xiansheng or Xinsheng.

2, mites: artificial predation mites, orchard inter-planting thistle, etc., should pay attention to disease prevention as far as possible do not use Bordeaux liquid or stone sulfur mixture, as well as broad-spectrum fungicides, so as not to kill natural enemies. Spray 0.5% Guosheng 500 times liquid once from fruit harvest to spring shoot in the following year to eliminate overwintering eggs and treat other diseases and insects. When the spring shoot buds are about 2 cm / l and the tender leaves are extended, the annual leaves of lemons are investigated once every 7 to 10 days. When the number of mites and eggs reaches 200 / 100 leaves, or when there are mites up to 50%, they should be sprayed in time. Spray again when the number of mites reaches 600 / 100 leaves after flowering. The medicament should be 2000 times of Vidoli, or 2000 times of Nisolang, 2000 times of Dabaxin, 3000 times of Hongjie mites, 1 000 times of mites, 1500 times of mites, etc. When the density of rust mites reaches 2 × 3 per field of vision (10 times of hand-held magnifying glass) in summer and autumn, or when a few black fruits and rusty brown leaves are found in individual trees, Yikou should be sprayed.

3. Flower bud maggots: according to the prediction of diseases and insects, make use of the favorable opportunity for adults not to fly immediately when they are first unearthed, to crawl on the ground first, or to spray medicine when buds appear (buds are as white as mung beans), or buds are just white, and adults are about to emerge from Eclosion. You can choose 25 carbaryl powder 1.5 kg per mu, or 2.5% trichlorfon powder 1.5 kg mixed with dry fine loess 30kg / mu. It can also be sprayed on the ground with 2.5% enemy kill 2000 times or 20% permethrin 3000 times, once every 10 days, twice in a row.

4. Scale insects: during the nymph incubation period, the insecticide can be used for 2 times, 70% Amelol 6000 × 10 000 times, or 3% Mobilang 2000 × 2500 times, mite 1000 × 1500 times, 48% Lexben 1000 accompany liquid, pine mixture 15 times 20 times, and so on. Cut off insect branches, dry branches and canopy branches.

5. Whitefly: combined with winter pruning, cut off dense and weak branches, sprouting branches and insect branches to improve ventilation and light transmission conditions. Reduce the population number of overwintering insects. Chemical control was carried out in the peak period of 1st and 2nd instar nymphs, and the species and concentration of insecticides were found in scale insects. To protect and utilize natural enemies, natural enemies of whitefly pests include parasitic bacteria, parasitic wasps and predatory natural enemies. In the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests, we should pay attention to choose agents that do less harm to beneficial organisms.

6. Butterflies: when the number of larvae is small, the eggs can be removed and the larvae can be killed. When the larvae occur for a long time, they are sprayed at the peak of the 2nd and 3rd instar, and the medicament can be 2000 times of pyrethrin, or 2.5% of Kung Fu, 3000 times of 4000 times, etc.

7. Leaf miner: mainly erasing sporadic early hair, irregular summer shoots, concentrated shoots, in order to reduce the number of insect population. When it is found that the new shoot is pulled out, the damage rate of the new bud is up to 5%, or when the rate of tender shoot eggs (worms) reaches 30% after the shoot is released, start spraying. Once every 7 to 10 days, spray for 2 times in a row. The medicament can choose 7% Ambroxol 1000 × 1500 times, or 0.5% Vidoli 800 times, 2.5% kungfu 2000 times 3000 times, 20% isocarbophos EC 800 times, and so on.

Key points of planting techniques and cultivation management of pineapple

Pineapple is a tropical perennial herbaceous fruit tree, which likes to be warm and humid, avoid low temperature frost, strong drought resistance, but good growth and development requires sufficient moisture, insufficient or excessive or uneven rainfall, which should be regulated by drainage and irrigation. Pineapple is native to tropical rain forests and tropical plateaus, with strong shade tolerance, like diffuse light, avoid direct light, but high yield and high quality still need sufficient light. Pineapple is widely suitable for soil, but it is not suitable for neutral or alkaline soil, clayey or unstructured silt. PH5--6 is required. Pineapple plants are short and less harmed by wind, but strong winds above level 6 can also cause damage.

Planting and seedling raising

There are 4 000 pineapple plants planted in 666.67 square meters, which need a large number of seedlings. Three methods are commonly used: plastic sprouting propagation, vegetative propagation and tissue culture. Time and method of sprouting: plants with 40 cm long green leaves, usually 40 leaves of Cain and 35 leaves of Philippine varieties, were selected from May to November. Each plant was perfused with 250 mg / L ethrel plus 1% urea and 0.5% potassium chloride solution 25 ml, and on the 5th and 12th day after treatment, the heart was perfused with 1500 times and 600 times-750 times orthopedic solution, respectively. Vegetative propagation is often used for seedling cultivation, that is, small terminal buds, small receptacle buds, small sucking buds and fruit tumor buds in the field are pseudo-planted in the nursery and come out of the nursery. The seedlings were cultivated by using the small receptacle buds left on the fruit stalk after fruit harvest, and the old stems were propagated by cutting and renewing the old stems. Tissue culture seedlings were cultured in Ms medium at room temperature for 30 ℃, light for 12 hours or natural light.

Pineapple planting technique

1. Choose a good garden: choose a place with plenty of sunshine, abundant water and convenient transportation as a commodity production base facing north to south.

2. Scientific planting: before planting, improve the barren soil, apply sufficient basic fertilizer, and select strong seedlings for planting. Density: 4000 plants for every 666.67 square meters of caine and 5000 plants for queens.

3. Strengthen fertilizer and water management after planting.

① fertilizer application rate: 42.2kg of nitrogen, 26.8kg of phosphorus, 38.5kg of potassium and 0.62 ∶ of N ∶ P2O5 ∶ K2O=1 ∶ per 666.67 square meters in Guangxi, China.

② fertilization period: usually apply bud-promoting fertilizer before budding from December to February of the following year, and strong bud fertilizer from July to August after fruit harvest; apply strong fruit budding fertilizer between bud-promoting fertilizer and strong bud fertilizer; foliar fertilizer was applied once a year in April, June, July and September, topdressing twice in May and August, 1% urea and 0.5% potassium sulfate solution was used; base fertilizer was applied after fruit harvest.

③ water management: timely drainage and irrigation to prevent waterlogging and drought.

4. Do a good job in other management: if the growth and development of the fruit is not affected, buds should be removed and retained properly; flower promotion should be carried out in order to promote the flower; in order to improve the weight and quality of the fruit, after all the florets thank the flower, spray the fruit with 50 mg / L gibberellin plus 0.5% urea solution, spray it for the second time after 20 days, spray 70 mg / L gibberellin plus 0.3% urea solution. In order to make the fruit mature uniformly, when the fruit develops to medium well, the fruit should be ripened with 300mg / L spray fruit.

Pest control

1. Disease control

① Fusarium wilt control: after the disease of the plant, the leaves became soft and drooping, the leaf color was light green to red, the base rotted, and finally the whole plant died. The disease is caused by pink scale insects. The method of prevention and control is to strictly pay attention to the propagation of diseased seedlings at first. Secondly, kill the pink scale beetle in time, soak the head with 500 times dimethoate solution and plant it after being cold and dry. If you find the damage caused by pink scale insects after planting, spray dimethoate 500x liquid in time, or 25% Chinese family meiling 1500 times liquid. If diseased plants are found, they should be dug up in time to prevent them from spreading.

Prevention and control of ② black rot: the core of the damaged fruit blackened and gradually expanded to the whole fruit rot, and the bacteria were mostly invaded by the bud picking place and the fruit stalk wound. The method of prevention and control is to be careful not to top and pick fruit in rainy days, so as to reduce the chance of germs invading. This disease is also the main disease of storing pineapple fresh fruit.

③ seedling heart rot control: seedling heart rot death. It is mainly caused by stacking heat or stagnant water. The prevention and control methods are to prevent the seedlings from being stacked for too long, especially in the process of long-distance transportation, so as to avoid fever and injury caused by high temperature, high humidity and airtight. Spread out as soon as you arrive at the destination, plant after a little sun for 1 or 2 days, avoid planting in rainy days, and pay attention to deep ploughing and shallow planting.

2. Pest control

When the fruit is bitten by a big-headed cricket when the fruit is ripe, it will cause poor fruit quality and become a grade external fruit. Control method: 1 kg of fried sweet potato with 5 dry grams of rice bran is mixed with a small amount of pickle juice, and then 100 grams of 90% crystal trichlorfon are added to make a poison bait the size of beans, and each bait is trapped around the plant at night.

Harvest and processing

When it is appropriate to harvest is related to fresh or processed food, near-sale or long-distance sale. In general, it is appropriate to harvest the fruits that are sold in the near future, and when the fruits sold far away or used as raw materials are green or 4 small fruits turn yellow, it is the right time to harvest.

Pineapple can be fresh and processed, can be processed into canned pineapple, pineapple juice, etc., pineapple fresh fruit can also be quick-frozen: after washing, peeling, through the core, cut, after-35 ℃ freezing treatment, stored at-20 ℃ low temperature, can make nutrition and fresh pineapple the same. In addition, pineapple processing by-products, can make sugar, alcohol, monosodium glutamate, citric acid and so on.

Planting techniques and key points of cultivation and management of passion fruit

Passion fruit, also known as egg fruit, passion fruit family tropical, subtropical perennial evergreen vines, native to southern Brazil, it has strange leaves, bright colors, evergreen four seasons, its fruit is an oval berry, a single fruit weighs 60 to 120 grams, fruit juice is yellow, sweet and beautiful, with pomegranate, pineapple, strawberry, lemon, mango, sour plum and other fruits, so the name passion fruit. Passion fruit is rich in protein, fat, alkali acid, sugar, vitamins, phosphorus, calcium, iron, potassium and other compounds and 17 kinds of amino acids. Passion fruit is known as "king of beverage". Its fruit juice can be processed into pure natural high-quality beverage, which not only has unique flavor and rich nutrition, but also nourishes fitness and helps digestion. Market supply exceeds demand. Can also be processed into sherbet, jam, jelly, preserves. Passion fruit is a treasure all over the body, the oil content of passion fruit seed is up to 25%, and the oil quality is comparable to sunflower oil, which is suitable for edible oil; pectin extracted from pericarp is a good stabilizer and thickener for food processing; roots, stems and leaves can be used as medicine, it has the effects of anti-inflammation and pain, promoting blood circulation and strengthening body, reducing fat and blood pressure, etc.; the essence extracted from passion fruit is a good additive for dim sum and wine.

The planting and processing industry of passion fruit is in the ascendant and has great potential for development. Passion fruit was planted in the same year, the fruit yield is about 110 jin, and the income per mu is about 10,000 yuan, which can be used for ten consecutive years. Therefore, planting passion fruit is a way to get rich with less investment and quick results.

Environmental requirements

1. Temperature. The most suitable growth temperature of passion fruit is 20 ℃ ~ 30 ℃. Generally, it grows well at the temperature of no less than 0 ℃, and the plant will be seriously damaged or even die when it reaches-2 ℃. The area with annual average temperature above 18 ℃ is the most suitable for planting.

2. Moisture. The passion fruit grows best when the annual rainfall is between 1500 and 2000mm and is evenly distributed, and the annual rainfall in the commercial development planting area should not be less than 1000 mm.

3. Light. As a tropical fruit, passion fruit likes plenty of sunlight to promote vine growth and nutrient accumulation. The condition of long-day sunshine is beneficial to the flowering of passion fruit. In the area with annual sunshine hours of 2300-2800 hours, passion fruit has good vegetative growth, more nutrient accumulation, fast branch growth, early fruiting and high yield.

4. Soil. Passion fruit has strong adaptability and low requirement for soil. However, the soil layer produced in a large area is at least 0.5 meters, and the soil is fertile, loose and well drained, and the soil ph value is 5.5 to 6.5.

Variety selection

Passion fruits are widely planted, such as purple passion fruit, yellow passion fruit and hybrids, but the natural pollination fruit setting rate is about 10% to 29.6%, which requires artificial pollination. The fuchsia passion fruit introduced from Hawaii, USA, has a natural pollination setting rate of 60%, high sugar content (14.4%-21.9%) and vitamin c (49 mg / 100 g pulp), strong aroma and high yield. It was planted and harvested that year, and the yield per mu was more than 2000 kilograms.

Establishment of orchard

1. Land selection and reclamation. Passion fruit planting and development garden should be planted in the area with convenient transportation, sunny leeward and thick soil layer. Can be gentle slope land, platform or flat land, require deep soil layer, more fertile, good drainage, preferably irrigation conditions. The deep, fertile and loose sandy loam is more suitable. Clayey soil, tight sandy soil, cold sandy soil and places that are easy to scour should not be planted or improved. Can be completely reclaimed or hole reclaimed. Concentrated into a piece of orchard, the sloping land will be changed into a terraced land with a width of more than 1.1 meters, introverted, and a small ridge with a height of 20 cm and a width of 30% on the outer edge of the planting belt. And orchard irrigation and drainage, road system at the same time set up planning.

2. Set up a fight. Passion fruit is a trailing plant, which depends on the support of scaffolding to grow normally. There are flat roof type, upright fence type, "human" shape and "door" shape fence type and so on. The general height of the shed is 1.8 to 2 meters, and the scaffolding materials can be made of cement columns, stone columns, wooden columns and bamboo poles, wooden poles, iron wires and so on.

3. Digging holes. The row spacing of planting holes is 4 × 5 meters, and 25 plants are planted per mu. The depth of the hole is 60 × 60 × 60 (cm). 25 kg of farm manure and 0.5 kg of phosphate fertilizer were applied to each hole.

4. Planting. Passion fruit can be planted all year round, but spring and autumn are the most suitable. Cloudy days or sunny days after rain should be chosen for planting. When planting seedlings, the old leaves should be cut off properly, and the nutrition bag should be broken and taken out and should not be buried in the soil. When fixing the seedlings, mix the appropriate amount of mature organic fertilizer with sandy loam soil to make planting soil or cover soil. When planting, we should straighten out the root system, fill the soil layer by layer, and tighten the compaction. Water the roots in time after planting. When planting the newly dug planting hole, the root neck of the seedling is slightly higher than the ground plane by 8cm to 10cm. After planting, the tree plate is cut out and covered with grass or film to keep warm and moist.

Orchard management

1. Fertilization. The newly planted passion fruit was dominated by nitrogen fertilizer in the early stage to promote plant growth. The root system began to grow 10-15 days after planting, 0.5% dilute urea or rare human feces and urine could be applied, and then every 20 days, 5 kg of mature human feces and urine or 0.1 kg of compound fertilizer should be applied to each plant. Every year, each plant applies 2030 kg of farm manure, 0.6-0.7 kg of urea, 0.6-0.9 kg of phosphate fertilizer and 1.2-1.3 kg of potash fertilizer. After retting and ripening, farm manure and phosphate fertilizer were applied in the ditch before and after the Beginning of Spring, urea and potash fertilizer were applied once a month during flowering and fruiting, and 0.3 kg of mixed fertilizer was applied to the plant.

2. Irrigation. Passion fruit is a shallow root plant, like moisture, not only avoid stagnant water but also afraid of drought. Therefore, first of all, a good drainage ditch should be opened to prevent stagnant water in the orchard; at the same time, weeds should be laid to conserve water, and irrigation should be considered when it does not rain for 15 days.

3. Soil management. After clearing the garden in winter, the whole garden should be turned over, which is combined with the weeds and fallen leaves buried in the garden. Then 25,30kg of lime is applied per mu.

Fruit tree shaping

1. Plastic surgery is on the shelf. After the seedling resumes its growth, the buds are sprouted every 5 days to make the main vine grow fast and sturdy. When the main vine grows to 40-50 cm, a pillar should be inserted in time to guide the main vine on the shelf. After the main vine is on the shelf, it is often necessary to lead the side to spiral and grow on the wire rack. After the side vine is full, the top is tied. The trend of the lateral vine is one branch on one side, which is beneficial to the early harvest of the full branch.

2. Shaping of young trees. The method of double-layer four-branch plastic surgery of single main vine was used. When the main vine grew to 70-80 cm, 2 lateral vines were left, which were pulled on the shelf respectively to make the first layer of main vine. When the plant grows to 150cm to 160cm, a strong lateral branch is left, which is used as a second-layer main branch at the same time as the extended branch of the main vine, which is pulled up in the opposite direction to form a double-layer four-branch vine shaping. During this period, the lateral branches and sprouting branches between 80cm and 80cm of the main vine should be cut off or erased.

3. Reshaping the old tree. The shoots that germinated after fruit harvest in the previous year drew fruit vines in almost every node above the middle. Last year, we should leave as many fruiting mother branches as possible, but in order to prevent the greenhouse from being too dense, we should prune it as soon as possible after fruit harvest. Leave the vine according to the two main branches, and the branches near the trunk are full of fruit at first, then prune to 2-3 nodes immediately after ripening and harvest, and the buds that germinate from the base of the main branch can form new fruiting branches. After the last batch of fruits are harvested in winter, all the fruiting branches are pruned from the base.

Pest control

1. Main diseases and their control. The main diseases are seedling quenching disease, mosaic disease, blight disease and stem rot disease.

① should choose pure land to raise seedlings, maintain the wetness of the field, especially prevent the soil from being too wet, stay away from bananas, melons and eggplant fruits and vegetables, and remove burning, washing and diseased leaves in time.

② drug control: choose 0.5% Bordeaux solution or ethyl aluminum, Ruidu, Kangkuling 1000 times solution, 75% chlorothalonil 800times solution, 50% carbendazim temperature powder 1000 times solution to control.

2. Main insect pests and their control. The main pests are small fruit flies, mites, shell insects and so on. Select 1000 times of trichlorfon, 1000 times of Nongdi Le, 800 times of Lesbon, 2000 times of mite death, and so on.

Timely harvest

Generally, 10 days before fruit drop, the fruit color becomes purple (purple) or yellow (yellow), red (red) and slightly fragrant, but fresh fruit can also be picked up underground.