
Causes and Control of rotten Tomato

Published: 2024-10-08 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/08, Causes and Control of rotten Tomato

Tomatoes are very unique, both as fruit and edible, and many people grow tomatoes, but there are often many problems in the planting process. Rotten fruit is one of them, especially in autumn, rotten fruit will seriously affect the yield of tomatoes, if not handled in time, it will even lead to tomato failure. In fact, tomato rot is caused by diseases, then how to prevent it? Let's take a look below!

1. Cotton rot

Disease characteristics: The main damage to young fruit growth, fruit disease will appear in the top of the fruit is very obvious brown patches, occasionally accompanied by white mold spots appear. Then gradually expand and extend, gradually the patch becomes larger and larger, the color will become darker and darker, causing harm to the flesh, and all the fruits will rot in the later stage.

Prevention and control methods: when diseased fruits appear, all diseased fruits should be removed in time, treated far away from the park, pay attention to the growth of plants, and strengthen the permeability of the park. Orchards are fully disinfected and can be sprayed with chlorothalonil and other agents once a week for a month.

2. Soft rot

Disease characteristics: soft rot mainly occurs in fruits that are not ripe or green. After the fruit is infected, the surface cannot be found without careful observation. But the flesh will decay rapidly, accompanied by unpleasant smell, fruit drop phenomenon increased, water completely lost will turn white.

Prevention and control methods: timely pruning of the plant branches, but can not rain or rain after the work. Pay attention to the occurrence of pest control, pests leave holes after the fruit will allow germs to take advantage of. After the disease can be used to control drugs such as Dixon.

3. Anthrax

Characteristics: Anthracnose mainly invades young fruits. After young fruits are infected, there will be water-stained spots without color. The spots will gradually expand. If you press the enlarged spots with your hand, you will feel depressed. Black spots appeared on the late disease spots, and then the whole fruit rotted and dropped.

Prevention and control methods: fruit should be harvested immediately after maturity, and the diseased fruit should be removed in time to prevent infection. Do a good job of orchard disinfection, after the disease can be used chlorothalonil or carbendazim and other chemicals for control, according to the growth rate of plants and soil conditions can be properly cultivated soil.

4. Fruit rot

Disease characteristics: fruit rot disease is mainly caused by Fusarium, fruit rot disease will have been ripe to harvest the fruit damage. The color of the spots on the fruit will gradually darken, and then gradually expand, later covered with the whole fruit, in the humidity is too large when the disease is serious, so that the fruit rot.

Prevention and control methods: its prevention and control methods are similar to the above three, the diseased fruits will be removed in time, away from various fruit and vegetable crop areas, concentrated treatment. The ripe fruit should be harvested at the right time and should not be allowed to touch the ground. After the disease can be used thiophanate-methyl suspension agent spray control.

The above four diseases are the causes of tomato rot, although they are all caused by diseases, but also because we do not do a good job in daily management, so that the bacteria have the opportunity to invade. It causes damage to the fruit and causes rotten fruit. Therefore, we must do a good job in the daily management of the garden in order to better reduce the probability of rotten fruit. Increase output and improve economic benefits.