
You can't show you these four kinds of flowers in summer and autumn. Move to the house.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, We all know that there are many kinds of flowers, and their characteristics are also very different. Many flowers like the sun very much, while many flowers do not like the sun very much. And when we are now at the turn of summer and autumn, sunshine.

We all know that there are many kinds of flowers, and their characteristics are also very different. Many flowers like the sun very much, while many flowers do not like the sun very much. And when we are now at the turn of summer and autumn, there is still plenty of sunshine, so we have to tell you that the following four kinds of flowers can not bask in the sun in summer and autumn, as long as they are yellow to show you, move to the house quickly!

Asparagus asparagus

Asparagus is a typical plant that cannot bask in the sun. Its leaves are very small and sensitive to sunlight. We can put them in places with bright light, but we must never come into direct contact with the sun, especially in summer. Maintain in a cool place, otherwise, its leaves are very prone to withered and yellow sunburn, and they are irreversible. They can only be cut off to let it grow again. This will seriously affect the growth process of asparagus. If we want asparagus to grow more luxuriantly, we must pay attention to shading it so that it does not come into direct contact with the sun.

Anthurium andraeanum

Anthurium andraeanum is now a very popular household plant, she likes the warm and humid semi-shaded environment very much, we only need bright light to maintain the place, must not accept the direct sunlight, its leaves look very thick, is very easy to burn, if we do not carry out shading treatment, Anthurium will be exposed to the sun, very easy to sunburn, yellow leaves, and then withered. Similarly, this kind of withering is irreversible. In many cases, we need to cut off the rotten leaves of Anthurium andraeanum. As a result, a lot of red palms that have been exposed to the sun have been cut bald.

Good luck

Good luck is a very popular gift-giving plant nowadays, especially when many stores are opened or new companies are founded, everyone will buy a pot of good luck and send it as a gift, because the flowers at the head of good luck are very bright and festive. It's a very suitable plant for gift-giving. But at the moment of good luck, we are very afraid of direct sunlight. We must keep it indoors. With a little more sunshine, we will be able to sunburn its leaves. First, there will be a large area of yellow leaves, then withered, scorched and blackened, and the flowers will also turn white and fade.

Bamboo taro

The leaves of bamboo taro are very beautiful, and most of them are colored, there are a lot of regular stripes and spots, but also some irregular lines, is a very good-looking colorful leaf plant, now many people like to raise. But this kind of plant is a very shady plant, especially afraid of direct sunlight. When we protect this plant, we only need to have a slightly brighter environment, and we must not expose it to the sun. Otherwise, it is easy to wither the yellow leaves, and it is difficult for them to recover. So raise this kind of flower, put it indoors to enjoy it, there is no need to take it outside for others to see.

These are four very shade-loving plants, and they must not be exposed to direct sunlight. We must pay attention to them when we are conserving. If these four kinds of flowers are still outside, then I will move them into the house as soon as possible.

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