
Must-see | Green Luo has a small machine that opens it and grows 1 meter in two months.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Green pineapple is almost a necessary flower in every family, and most flower friends can support it, but it grows slowly, and some people keep it for a year and a half. In fact, you did not notice the growing point of the green apple, as long as you found its "small mechanism."

Green pineapple is almost a necessary flower in every family, and most flower friends can support it, but it grows slowly, and some people keep it for a year and a half. In fact, you didn't notice the growing point of the green pineapple, as long as you found this "small organ" of it, it could not be stopped immediately!

Luluo's "little trap" is unexpectedly this!

The picture below shows Hua you's family drawing a 1-meter green apple in half a month. When you look at the flower, the branches are full of thick "little whiskers". These are not common, they are all the air roots of the green apple!

Impressive, flower friends. Huahua has never seen such a sturdy green radish root, which is usually 3-5 cm and can grow to more than ten centimeters long. no wonder it is crazy not to climb on the wall!

Green pineapple grows air root, which shows that the surrounding environment is very suitable for its growth. At this time, if you give it a little nutrition, it can grow crazily. If you don't worry about it, you will be able to develop a green radish wall. Don't just envy the flower friends. Let's also learn how to raise the air root.

Open the small machine, and the root of the green turnip is blowing.

1. Pour a little wine into the grape and grow into Spider-Man.

As a flower friend of wine this summer, the grape dregs left over from the wine can be soaked in a cool white bubble and put in a plastic bottle for 1-2 weeks to become acidic fertilizer. Water the green apple at 1:20, immediately burst the shed with nutrition, and exhale a long breath.

Flower friends who do not make wine, when eating grapes, the remaining grape skins can also be soaked cool and boiled, and put into sour and fat water in plastic bottles. After ripening for 2-3 weeks, green apple is watered at 1:20 with water, or leaves can be wiped with water as foliar fertilizer.

2. Astigmatism + water control, hold out air root

Although green pineapple is shady, it also likes a brighter environment, which is conducive to photosynthesis, so it is best to keep it on the windowsill of astigmatism. Plus proper water control, usually water once every 2-3 days, we water once every 3-5 days, the air root will pop out very quickly!

As we all know, green pineapple likes a humid environment. Watering the pot soil is easy to rot the root, and the air root is also very difficult to grow. While controlling the water, spray more water around the leaves to create a moist air environment, and the air root will emerge.

3. Find a "backer", and the gas root will be long.

Find the green apple has air root, quickly find it a "backing", the common palm bark column is the best, breathable and moisturizing, pouring on the column when watering, the air root of the green apple will stick to the post, climb along the pole, and soon become a green radish column ~

Flower friends who do not like the green radish column can also hang up the green radish branches with air roots, pull some cotton thread on the wall, or "stick" the green pineapple on the wall with tape, so that the green turnip can climb up along the wall.

The green turnip is angry. What else can he do but climb the wall?

Some flower friends think the air root is very ugly, if you don't want the green apple to climb the wall, you want to cut the air root. The air root of the green apple can be of great use!

1. Absorb more nutrients, and a piece of leaf will be big.

The nutrition of a pot of soil or a bottle of water is limited, green radish light depends on pot soil or water culture, must grow slowly, new leaves small, dim color. It is different if there is an air root on a branch, it can absorb nutrients in the air and ensure that every leaf can grow!

2. it is beneficial to cutting and gets twice the result with half the effort.

Casually cut off a section of green apple with air root, the survival rate of water insertion is 99%, and it takes root quickly, there is no need to worry about the problem of yellow leaves, the root system is strong and green apple grows naturally.

Green pineapple with air root can also be cultivated in soil. Remember that the air root is inserted down into the soil and poured through the water of the fixed root. After 3-5 days, the green pineapple will be in good spirits.

Have you learned after watching the flowers?

Quickly hide it.

Grow a beard root from the green turnip at home

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The name of the plant (eg a fortune tree)

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