
Change the pot for the magnolia in autumn and follow these five steps to slow down the seedlings will be in full bloom in winter

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Now is autumn, if is your gentleman orchid, has not changed the basin for a long time, then now, is to change the basin for it the good season, then, when changing the basin for the gentleman orchid, what problem should we pay attention to 1, the root system treatment, we.

It is autumn now. If your magnolia has not changed its basin for a long time, then now is a good season to change its basin. So, what problems should we pay attention to when changing pots for your orchid?

1. Treatment of root system

We take the magnolia from the original basin soil to clean the soil, and then check the root system to see if there are rotten roots, and if so, clean it up in time, otherwise, it is easy to rot after potting. Soak it with carbendazim solution or potassium permanganate solution for half an hour, disinfect and prevent bacterial infection. After soaking, put it in a ventilated place to dry for an hour or two, and then put it on the basin.

2. Soil selection.

The root system of Magnolia is very stout radish root, and its deep-rooted ability is not strong, so it is required that the soil of Magnolia should be loose and permeable. therefore, when we raise the soil of Magnolia, it is best to use rotten leaf soil or pine needle soil, or to prepare it by ourselves. as long as the soil is loose and breathable, the root system can stretch inside.

3. Base fertilizer

When changing the basin, we first put a layer of soil on the bottom of the basin, and those with bottom fertilizer can put a little base fertilizer, such as retting bone meal, etc., then cover a layer of soil gently, do not let the root system come into contact with fertilizer, fill it with soil in the middle of the root system of the orchid, and then put it in the flowerpot, gently fill it with soil, and then slowly compact it, be careful not to use force, so as not to hurt its root system.

You can also add some cooked sesame seeds or more oily fertilizers such as soybeans to the flowerpot. Now is the peak period for the growth of Magnolia. At this time, do not lack fertilization, you can make it grow strong, give it more nutrients and help it blossom.

4. Disinfection

After putting on the basin, pour it thoroughly with carbendazim solution to prevent germs in the soil, which can easily cause rotten roots.

5. Slow seedling

After putting it into the pot, put it in a ventilated and scattered light place, slow down the seedlings for a week or so, and then gradually receive the light.