
How to plant mulberry trees? Introduction to planting and Seedling-raising techniques of Mulberry

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Mulberry trees like light and bear shade a little when they are young. Like warm and humid climate, cold-resistant. It is resistant to drought and moisture. It has strong adaptability to soil, resistant to barren and light alkaline, and likes deep, moist and fertile soil. The root system is well developed and the wind resistance is strong. Strong sprouting ability, resistant to pruning. Have a strong ability to resist smoke and dust

Mulberry trees like light and bear shade a little when they are young. Like warm and humid climate, cold-resistant. It is resistant to drought and moisture. It has strong adaptability to soil, resistant to barren and light alkaline, and likes deep, moist and fertile soil. The root system is well developed and the wind resistance is strong. Strong sprouting ability, resistant to pruning. Has a strong ability to resist smoke and dust. There are three methods of mulberry planting: directly buying mulberry seedlings, propagating with mulberry branches and sowing and propagating. The specific planting methods are as follows:

Mulberry seedling planting method

The main results are as follows: 1. Flat ditch species and border planting in sloping and semi-arid paddy fields. Before planting, dig the planting ditch: draw the sample according to the predetermined plant spacing, and then dig the planting ditch deeply. The ditch is 30ml 50cm wide and 50cm deep. Dig 35 cm deep first, pile the topsoil and core soil separately, and then dig 15 cm deep in the ditch to loosen the subsoil and root mulberry deeply. The planting ditch should be connected with the drainage ditch around the mulberry garden so that it can be drained in time after rain.

2. Base fertilizer: apply base fertilizer when planting, and it is better to apply organic fertilizer, such as garbage, barnyard manure, miscellaneous manure, etc., 1500Mu 2000 kg per mu, and can be mixed with 50 kg superphosphate. After the base fertilizer is applied, mix well with the loose lower soil.

3. Trim the roots of mulberry seedlings: before planting mulberry seedlings, cut off the overlong and damaged mulberry roots, leaving the roots about 15 cm long. Get rid of disease and insect seedlings and plant large and small seedlings separately. Before planting, phosphate fertilizer was used to add yellow mud slurry root to improve the survival rate.

4. Planting: fill part of the topsoil in the planting ditch to cover the base fertilizer, which is about 7mur10cm thick. When planting, first pull the planting rope marked with row spacing, put the mulberry seedling into the planting ditch, stretch the seedling root, reach the extension of the seedling root, then fill the topsoil into the root, pinch the seedling stem, and gently lift it up, so that the soil particles fully fill the root gap, pour a spoonful of water, human and animal dung, and knock the whole core soil into the ditch. Generally, the planting depth is 5cm to 6cm. Then, according to the requirements of tree shape cultivation, the stem of the seedling is cut.

5. Watering and drainage: timely watering during post-planting drought, timely drainage after waterlogging, and timely replacement of missing seedlings.

6. Fertilizing and weeding: the first fertilizer is applied when the new shoots grow to 3mur4 inches, manure + urea 7-10 jin per mu, and the second fertilizer is 5-6 inches high combined with weeding, 500-1000 jin of farm manure + 40 jin of compound fertilizer + 20 jin of urea per mu, which is 3 inches away from mulberry seedlings, so as to avoid burning mulberry seedlings. After applying the second fertilizer, the dry land herbicides such as he Nestour can be sprayed once, and the mulberry seedlings can not be sprayed; after 20 days, the third fertilizer is applied, 100 jin of bio-organic fertilizer + 40 jin of urea per mu. After applying this fertilizer, spray dimethoate + dichlorvos once, the concentration is knapsack sprayer, add dimethoate 2 cover, dichlorvos 2 cover, do not spray other pesticides, in order to avoid silkworm poisoning.

Mulberry branch propagation method

1. Land selection and preparation: it is better to select dry paddy fields with fertile soil and no waterlogging, and plough and rake flat.

2. Branch selection and planting methods.

The mature branches about 1 meter near the root should be selected, and the planting time should be cut in winter in December, and the survival rate should be improved with cutting. The planting methods include vertical method and horizontal method.

① vertical method: cut the mulberry branches into about 5 inches (3-4 buds), after opening the ditch, put the branches vertically (buds up) and return to the soil to bury the branches or expose a bud, compacted with mud, drenched with water, kept moist for 20 days, covered with a full film, and removed the film after budding.

② horizontal strip burying method: this is a new technology, most suitable for seedless varieties, after leveling the land, open a ditch about 1.5 inches deep according to the specifications, and then cut into 2 branches about 2 feet long (2 to ensure the number of germination) return to the soil about 0.8 inches, gently press and pour water, cover the film to sprout and remove the film.

3. Post-planting management

After the bud grows 5 inches high, combined with weeding, 300-400 jin of farm manure and 15 jin of urea are applied thinly per mu. Apply it again after 20 days, apply 60 jin of compound fertilizer + 30 jin of urea per mu, and get rid of insects after fertilization.

Direct seeding interplanting gardening method

This is a new technology that can quickly build a garden and improve economic benefits. The specific methods are as follows:

1. Preparation before sowing: select good land with loose soil and easy to break. After ploughing and smashing, open the drainage ditch, draw a line according to the row width of 2.1-2.4 feet, apply rotten organic fertilizer along the line, turn it evenly with the soil, and level the ground.

2. Sowing method: the most suitable sowing method is from February to March. First, the soil with a width of 3 inches in the mulberry line is fully broken and fully watered, then the mulberry seeds are sown along the mulberry line, the sowing amount is 2-3 taels per mu, (3-6 seeds per 3 inch), cover the seeds with mud powder thinly, and finally cover the grass with water. Interplanting cash crops such as soybeans, peanuts and vegetables between rows (do not get too close to mulberry seedlings), interplanting crops can be carried out at the same time of sowing, or appropriately ahead of schedule, so as not to affect the growth of mulberry trees.

3. Management: pay attention to watering at the seedling stage after sowing, remove weeds and fertilizers in time, apply fertilizer in time after interplanting crops, and sericulture can be reared soon. In order to raise trees, the trees were not cut in summer and cut about 1.5ft above the ground in winter, leaving enough strong trees according to 6000-7000 trees per mu (row spacing 2.1ft-2.4ft, plant spacing 4-5in). Excess seedlings were dug up for sale or self-planted, and winter fertilizer was applied again.

How to plant mulberry seedlings _ explanation of mulberry seedling raising techniques

Content Abstract: Mulberry, recorded in Moraceae, originated in China, mostly distributed in the central and northern regions, belongs to deciduous small tree species. The next thing I would like to introduce to you in this article is, how to grow mulberry seedlings? Explain the techniques of raising mulberry seedlings.

[Mulberry seedling raising technique]

According to the propagation method, mulberry seedling can be divided into three methods: seed seedling, grafting seedling and striping seedling.

▍ seed seedling

Seed collection: in the fruit ripening period, the purple mulberry fruit can be harvested, the pulp on the surface can be peeled off directly, rubbed repeatedly, and then washed with water, and the small seeds can be completely separated from the pulp, which can be directly used for sowing.

Seed treatment: the best sowing time for mulberry is spring, soaking mulberry seeds with water before sowing, or directly storing mulberry seeds in sand until the shell of mulberry species falls off and the white inner species can be exposed.

Sowing: according to the 20 cm row spacing for trenching, and then sowing, or sowing, directly covering about 2 cm of soil, about a week, mulberry seeds will emerge.

Intermediate seedlings: when the mulberry seedlings grow to about 4 cm, you can start the first seedling and replenishment work, to get rid of the weak and stay strong, so that each mulberry seedling can be kept at a distance of 15 cm. After about two months, it can be transplanted.

▍ grafting seedling

For the grafting and propagation of mulberry seedlings, the bag grafting method is the main choice. before grafting, the robust mother plant can be selected, the cuttings of about 20 cm can be cut, and then the pruned mulberry trees of more than 5 years old are selected as drill wood, and their surface bark is peeled off, split into bags, and then directly inserted into ear strips, then wrapped with plastic film, or plastic bags, about a month later, the film on the surface needs to be lifted. After about two months, it will be able to plant seedlings.

▍ striping seedling raising

If you choose to press the seedlings, you can choose to choose a mulberry tree that has grown into more than 5 years old as the mother plant in early spring, and then bury a shoot of less than 3 years old as a cuttage, directly into the soil next to the mother plant, leaving the top about 5 cm, and then compacting it in the soil until it takes root before the branch can be separated from the mother plant.

▍ transplanting management

Mulberry is a fast-growing variety, the propagation of seedlings can be completed in only 3 months, and then seedling transplantation is needed.

The planting time is from February to April in spring and from August to October in autumn.

Soil preparation and ditching: the best way to transplant mulberry is to sow on demand. The row spacing of each mulberry should be kept at a distance of 2-0.4 meters. Before sowing, mature fertilizer can be added in the low position of the hole, and after laying a layer of thin soil of one centimeter, it can be planted and the soil can be watered after compaction.

Late management: Mulberry has a strong dense planting, but the row spacing of the plant can not be less than 1 meter. after transplanting, weeding, pruning, pest control and other work can be carried out properly, or manual pest control, fertilization, etc., avoid deep ploughing and weeding.

Summary: the above mainly introduces the seedling raising technology of mulberry seedlings for you, and makes a detailed introduction to the transplanting management methods of mulberry seedlings, hoping to be helpful to you.

What is the effect of mulberry? Planting techniques of Mulberry

[FAQ] what is the effect of mulberry? How should I plant it?

[expert answer] Mulberry is the mature fruit of mulberry deciduous shrub or small tree mulberry, mulberry can be used for food and wine, and mulberry leaves, fruit and root bark can be used as medicine, so it is favored by consumers and has good planting benefit. The efficacy and function of mulberry and the planting techniques of mulberry are introduced as follows:

Picture: Mulberry planting

1. The function of mulberry

1. Invigorating spleen and stomach to aid digestion: Mulberry contains nutrients such as tannic acid, fatty acid and malic acid, which can promote the digestion of fat, protein and starch, so it has the effect of invigorating spleen and stomach and aiding digestion, and can be used to treat diarrhea caused by indigestion.

two。 Black hair beauty: Mulberry not only contains a large number of nutrients needed by the human body, but also contains aconitine, which can make the hair black and shiny, so it can be used for beauty.

3. Prevention of vascular hardening: Mulberry contains tannic acid, malic acid, vitamin C and fatty acids. The main fatty acids are linoleic acid, oleic acid, palmitic acid, stearic acid, linolenic acid and so on. In addition, mulberry is rich in resveratrol. Resveratrol is an effective antioxidant, which can inhibit the lipid peroxidation of low density lipoprotein and prevent the cytotoxin produced by the oxidation of low density lipoprotein, thus protecting the lipid peroxidation of cells. Resveratrol can also reduce platelet aggregation, thereby preventing arteriosclerosis.

4. Anti-cancer and anti-cancer: Mulberry contains a lot of rutin, which can prevent the formation of colon cancer, cool blood and stop bleeding, clear liver and purge fire, and has anti-inflammatory and anti-viral effects. Therefore, eating mulberry often also helps to prevent and treat cerebral hemorrhage, hypertension, retinal hemorrhage, chronic bronchitis and so on.

5. Clear eyes and anti-aging: eating mulberry regularly can clear the eyes and relieve the symptoms of eye fatigue and dryness. it is also a good fruit and good medicine for health and beauty and anti-aging for the middle-aged and elderly.

Picture: Mulberry

Second, the planting technology of mulberry

1. Nursery land selection: the land with flat land, deep soil layer, loose texture, fertile, good drainage and irrigation and sufficient light should be selected as nursery land (not suitable for continuous cropping). Deep ploughing, seedling ploughing, per mu application of rotten organic fertilizer 3000kg / mu, calcium superphosphate 15kg / mu, carbofuran 2kg, then fully raked, raked evenly, set up the bed. The border bed is 1 to 1.2 meters wide, 15 centimeters high, and the furrow is 30 centimeters wide. Drainage ditches should be opened around the seedbed.

two。 Sowing method: sowing can be spring sowing or autumn sowing is mainly spring sowing, before and after the Qingming Festival is the most suitable time for sowing, autumn sowing is carried out in mid-early September. At present, the mulberry varieties popularized are Guisangyou 12 and Guisangyou 62 hybrid mulberry. Seeds with a germination rate of about 90% will be sown with 0.75 kg per mu. After seeding with fine soil and a small amount of chlordane powder (32 per mu), spread evenly on the seedbed, then cover a thin layer of fine soil, and then cover rice straw with enough water.

3. Seedling management: ensure sufficient water in the seedbed within 10 days after sowing. When two cotyledons grow on the 10th day, choose cloudy day or evening to uncover the grass. After 15-20 days, 4-5 true leaves will grow, which should be weeded and fertilized. Flush with 2 kilograms of urea per mu, once every 7 days. After 4-6 seedlings grow to more than 60 cm high, you can come out of the nursery according to your needs.

4. Mulberry land arrangement: Mulberry is a perennial plant with a high yield of more than 20 years. Mulberry has strong adaptability and low requirements for soil, but the fertilizer ridge of the land is closely related to the yield and quality of mulberry leaves, so we should select land with fertile soil, deep soil layer, flat ground, and can drain and irrigate, mulberry planting land must be fully ploughed, weeds must be removed, ditches should be opened according to row spacing of 80-90 cm (40 cm deep and 35 cm wide), and sufficient basic fertilizer should be applied (5000 kg of fully mature organic fertilizer per mu). Calcium magnesium phosphate fertilizer or calcium superphosphate 50kg), then go back to the soil to mix fertilizer, broken soil to fill, and then draw lines for planting. Planting should be concentrated, and there should be a certain distance from rice, fruit trees, sugarcane and other crops, so as to avoid silkworm poisoning caused by mulberry leaves when spraying pesticides.

5. Seedling selection: when digging mulberry seedlings, we should pay attention to protect the root system of mulberry seedlings, according to the seedling size classification, root neck diameter of more than 0.3 cm, up to more than 40 cm, the lower weak seedlings should not be used. The excessively long, withered, injured and diseased stems should be cut off before planting, and the excessively long roots should also be pruned near the bifurcations, and the roots can be planted after being soaked in mud.

6. Planting method: winter seed is the best, followed by spring seed. According to the plant spacing 18 cm 20 cm, row spacing 80 cm 100 cm, the shovel insertion method is used to plant along the line, the planting depth is 35 cm over the green stem, and step firmly with the foot, about 5000 plants per mu, after the seed, the root water is fixed, and the upper seedling stem is cut off 10 cm from the ground, and the seedlings should be watered in case of drought.

Picture: Mulberry planting

7. Application of winter fertilizer: winter fertilizer plays an important role in the growth of mulberry throughout the year and the yield and quality of mulberry leaves. It should be applied after winter cutting, that is, before and after the Winter Solstice combined with mulberry winter ploughing. Winter fertilizer should be mainly organic manure, such as compost, barnyard manure, soil manure, etc., 3000-5000 kg per mu, pond mud and ditch mud are applied to Yongsang between rows, and the effect is also very good.

8. Application of topdressing fertilizer: when the mulberry bud grows to 2 or 3 leaves, it is mainly applied with rapidly available nitrogen fertilizer such as rotten human feces and urine or urea or compound fertilizer. The dosage is 15 kg urea per mu and 25 kg compound fertilizer per mu.

9. To make mulberry to make fertilizer: that is to say, to apply fertilizer once to the leaves. Dosage: 50 piculs of dung water per mu or 25 kilograms of urea per mu, suitable for both water and fertilizer. Under the condition of ensuring mulberry and fertilizer production, one more organic fertilizer should be applied after summer felling. Fertilization methods are commonly used in ditches, ditching between rows, covering soil and protecting fertilizer after application, and fertilization should be combined with ploughing and weeding.

10. Mulberry leaf harvest: for the first time in spring and autumn, silkworms need to have more than 70 cm long in the new shoot before they can be harvested, and cut off the rest of the lower weak twigs, leaving 3 or 4 strong branches per shoot. Each time, 5-6 leaves should be left in the upper part of the branch, and all the lower leaves can be picked.

[editor's conclusion] Mulberry is a kind of food that people often eat, which is rich in nutrition and welcomed by the market, so it has high planting benefit. The above introduces the efficacy and function of mulberry and the planting technology of mulberry, hoping to be helpful to you!