
I live in the global village hand in hand with succulent plants.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Preface follow Encyclopedia meet Beautiful (WeChat account: duoroubaike) text begins: thank the author [Yun Shang] for his original contribution, sharing and editing: encyclopedia coordinates: Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa, that summer Sunday.


Follow encyclopedia to meet beauty (WeChat account: duoroubaike)

The text begins:

Thank the author [Yunshang] for his original contribution and sharing.

Editor: encyclopedia

Coordinates: Johannesburg, Gauteng Province, South Africa

That summer Sunday, I passed quietly, I looked up, unexpectedly saw you, neither early nor late. I'm here, and you happen to be here. Ten thousand years at a glance, that's what it feels like.

Your petite and smart body stands in a magnetic jar, accompanied by two more slender and graceful figures. I know you are waiting for me here, waiting for me to come from afar to make an appointment with you. No, I am naturally greedy. I do not meet this promise. I will take you back and stay with you day and night.

This is where you stood and what you look like now. At that time, the fairy girl turned around and became the head of the family today. May your family be harmonious, happy and healthy.

Your two girlfriends at that time worked together to build a bigger family, which is incredible, but the facts are solid.

The second you, I deliberately to find, a fresh and refined Guanyin lotus, a small lotus, crown width of only three centimeters, sitting in the small black square. I imagine you turning into a colorful lotus, with the corners of your mouth slightly raised. I never thought that you didn't do what I wanted, and you became the leader of Lotus.

Find the second you, check all kinds of materials and instructions, pay attention to the encyclopedia, just like reading the instructions for each new home appliance, know your name, place of origin, attributes, and preferences. Since I want you to live with me, it is my duty to take good care of you. Understand you clearly and clearly, this is the premise. Here, I suggest that everyone who intends to live with you had better know your habits in advance, at least know a thing or two, and then take you home. Don't be as hasty as a parent, without any study, training or examination. You can be a parent casually. I have always believed that parents are the most sacred positions in the world, but this most sacred position has been treated most poorly.

It's nice to live with you. We treat each other with all sincerity and share weal and woe. The essence of trust is that one person believes that another person will defend his own interests. In this materialistic world, almost everyone is pursuing the maximization of interests, who can selflessly safeguard the interests of others, and who can fully believe that others will safeguard their own interests and trust, thus becoming a luxury. But you and I trust each other and have no reservations. If you commit yourself to me, I will try my best to take care of you and make you the best you can be.

The weather and location give you and me the best living conditions. It is rainy in spring and summer, but fortunately, it is high above sea level and windy. The place where the rain and the wind pass shows your charm and lightness.

Cool and dry in autumn and winter, the daily sun dew in the morning, let you plump mature, blossom and seed. Be grateful for what God has given us.

You and I were born in the same world, with very different forms, but the souls are the same. It is my happiest moment to prune and pick up leaves and sprinkle water to get rid of insects for you every day. I have a lot on my mind, but you know it without saying a word, and you will show the best side to appease my restless heart.

How lucky I am to be with you. You wholeheartedly accept the gift of rain, dew and sunshine, after spring washing, summer extraction, autumn and winter show me the most special you. Yes, the most special. No matter how good a painter is, it is difficult to easily tune out these multi-level colors. Tell me how you do it.

That day, I asked you: do you have seven emotions and six desires? Do you know joys and sorrows? You are silent, but you show me the muscles and veins of your whole body, which is as clear as the distribution map of blood vessels and collaterals of the human body. I know, you are also flesh and blood.

"most of all, it is impossible to stay in the world. Zhu Yan said goodbye to the flowers and trees in the mirror." How helpless the world is, and how much the world sighs. But you are different, along the way, the face is calm and calm, with different makeup to adapt to the 04:00 scene, not anxious, not arrogant and impatient.

How on earth can I thank you for coming? Only love you sincerely, love you the way you need, and no longer treat you the way I think you are thirsty, hungry, hot and cold. Is this good? Let you grow up and be beautiful freely and happily. Let us hold hands, depend on each other, and live in the global village.

I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to the encyclopedia for providing the platform, draw the last full stop, breathe a long sigh of relief, and finally resort to the words I want to say.

I usually read the beautiful articles pushed by the encyclopedia, and I am very keen to look at the comparison pictures. Today, I have also found several comparison pictures to share with you.

The memory of the phone is limited, so there are no more comparison pictures. Here are the current photos of succulent plants.

The last two photos were taken by the roadside.

The encyclopedic monarch has a broken mind:

Thank you for sharing your contribution from [encyclopedia overseas and meat friends from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan] from Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa.

Appreciation statement

This article is pure sharing, the author did not open appreciation, do not forget to read the bottom right corner of the small likes to encourage the author oh!

This article has been exclusively authorized by the author Wechat official account: succulent Plant Encyclopedia (ID:duoroubaike), the content of the article does not represent the official account's point of view and position! Encyclopedia has signed a contract with a third-party Internet copyright protection company to open a network-wide protection of rights, unauthorized reprinting of other platforms is strictly prohibited! If the theft is found, the tort will be held responsible! Netizens are welcome to report!


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