
High-yield planting techniques and key points of cultivation and Management of Pleurotus ostreatus

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Pleurotus ostreatus is produced by Lentinus edodes stimulated by certain specific environmental conditions, and the natural incidence rate is 40.5%. The production process does not use pesticides, fertilizers and any hormones, does not suffer any pollution, and can meet organic food standards.

Flower mushroom is produced by Lentinus edodes stimulated by certain specific environmental conditions, with a natural incidence of 40.5%. The production process does not use pesticides, fertilizers and any hormones, is not subject to any pollution, and can meet organic food standards. it is deeply welcomed by people at home and abroad for its rich nutrition and disease prevention, fitness, anti-aging and other functions. Let's take a look at the high-yield planting techniques of flower mushrooms.

Mushroom shed construction

Choose sunny, ventilated, flat terrain, dry soil, convenient access to materials to build east-west mushroom shed. The mushroom shed is 6 meters long, 2.6 meters wide and 2.4 meters high. three walls are built at both ends and in the middle of the mushroom shed, with an arc at the end of the wall, with a door 2 meters high and 0.6 meters wide in the middle, and a square exhaust hole with a side length of 12 centimeters above each end door. Bamboo pole is used as a layer shelf, 8 in each layer, with a total distance of 33 cm, with a total of 6 layers, which can put 500 bacterial bags, and the shelf is covered with wide film.

Planting time

Pleurotus ostreatus is divided into spring planting, autumn planting and winter planting, generally planted in autumn, Lentinus edodes produced at this time are mostly Lentinus edodes, with good economic value. The daily average temperature of 26-28 ℃ can meet the temperature requirements of Lentinus edodes mycelium. After 60-70 days of growth, the mycelium can be full of bags, and then after 10-15 days, the color can be changed. General November mushroom, before the Spring Festival can produce 2 tide flower mushroom, after the Spring Festival out of 1 tide flower mushroom, 1 tide thick mushroom, 1 tide thin mushroom.

Nutrient preparation

Take oak and fruit wood sawdust as main materials, crop straw (soybean stalk, cotton firewood), wheat bran and quicklime as auxiliary materials, in which sawdust is not less than 70% and fresh wheat bran is not less than 20%. When mixing, first pour sawdust and other main materials into the mixing plant, pile into a cone, then sprinkle fresh wheat bran and gypsum around the heap from the top of the heap, dry mix them for 2 to 3 times, and mix them evenly, then dissolve soluble additives such as sugar and potassium dihydrogen phosphate in water, pour them into dry materials for mixing, and mix materials to achieve "two evenness and one full", that is, all kinds of dry materials are mixed evenly, dry and wet evenly, and the raw materials absorb enough water.

Bagging sterilization

Using large bag cultivation, cut the 25 cm wide low pressure polyethylene plastic tube film into 55 cm long segments, then fasten one end with cotton thread, and then burn it with candlelight to melt into a small ball. Put the culture material into the bag, the loading should be loose and tight properly, after loading, tie the mouth with cotton thread and put it on the floor covered with gunny bags. The prepared culture material is required to be finished within 6-8 hours. Put the material bag into the atmospheric pressure sterilization stove, at the same time, put the coat bag with a seal at one end (58 cm long and 26 cm wide) and skimmed cotton into the steamer, leaving a gap of 20 to 30 cm high in the pot and burning it with high fire, so that the temperature in the pot reaches 100 ℃ in 4 to 6 hours, keep the temperature for 36 hours, open the pot after cease fire, leave the pot when the material temperature drops to 70 ℃, and transport it to the inoculation room.

Strain inoculation

High quality commercial varieties were selected as strains, such as 087, CR-02, L867, Biyang 1, Biyang 3 and so on. The inoculation room should be disinfected beforehand. When the bag temperature drops to 50 ℃, put the bacteria and inoculation tools into the room, then gasify and disinfect each room with 0.5 1 kg formaldehyde for 8 hours, and inoculate when the bag temperature drops below 30 ℃. Put on the outer bag after inoculation, and the inoculation should be carried out in the evening or in the morning. Each bag should be inoculated with 3 rows, 3 holes in each row, and 1 bottle of bacteria followed by 7-10 bags.

Germ management

From 1 to 6 days after inoculation, 6 layers of each stack should be closed for bacteria, with room temperature not higher than 28 ℃ and relative humidity no more than 70%. Turn the heap on the 7th day, and from the 7th to 14th day, each stack has 5 floors, keeping room temperature 2427 ℃, and ventilating 2 times 3 times a day for 0.5 hours each time. On the 15th day, turn the pile and loosen the outer bag to increase oxygen. From the 16th to 19th day, keep room temperature 2325 ℃, ventilated 2-3 times a day, 1-2 hours each time. On the 20th day, take off the outer bag and use a toothpick to pierce 3-4 holes in the bag around the mycelium, with a depth of about 1 cm, so as not to touch the raw meal. On the 21st to 29th day, the mycelium between the holes can be connected. At this time, the room temperature should be kept between 22 and 24 ℃, the relative humidity should be below 70%, and the ventilation should be strengthened, the stack layer should be reduced, and the high temperature should be prevented from burning bags. On the 30th day, use a sweater needle to pierce 5 holes about 2 cm deep in the bag around the bacterial hole, and turn the pile in time to dissipate heat. On the 40th day, use chopsticks to pierce several holes. On the 50th ~ 60th day, when there is a tumor-like protuberance on the surface of the bag, the stagnant water in the bag must be discharged in time to make the surface of the bag change color gradually.

Budding management

Move the changed bacterial bag into the mushroom shed, cover the film to increase the temperature during the day, keep the temperature in the shed between 18 and 22 ℃, and the air humidity between 85 and 95%. Starting from 10:00 in the evening, the mushroom shed was opened for 40 minutes, and the temperature in the shed dropped below 10 ℃, resulting in a temperature difference of more than 10 ℃ day and night. After continuous treatment for 3-4 days, the hyphae could kink to form primordia. At this time, the temperature in the greenhouse was controlled within the range of 15 ±3 ℃, and soon the primordium was transformed into mushroom bud. When the mushroom bud is 0.5 cm in diameter and the bag is slightly pushed up, cut a "human" hole in the film with a blade in time to let the mushroom bud grow freely from the cut. When the mushroom bud grows to 2 cm in diameter, it begins to cultivate flower mushrooms.

Mushroom production management

1. When the mushroom buds grow to 3 minutes mature, lift the film in time and let the breeze blow the buds. When the mushroom buds grow to 4-5 minutes of maturity, when there is no flower mushroom, let the sunlight into the mushroom shed in time, and increase ventilation to promote the formation of flower mushroom. When the water content of the mushroom bag is insufficient, the mushroom bud is short of water, or the mushroom bud with large wind speed is easy to dehydrate and contract to form flower mushroom, it is necessary to cover the film in time to let its growth and development.

2. In the growth stage of mushroom production, the air relative humidity should be kept between 50% and 70%, so as to prevent the humidity from being too high to form flower mushrooms. Stop spraying water after the formation of flower mushrooms, cover the shade shed and film in time in case of overcast and rainy days, let the immature mushroom buds grow into ordinary shiitake mushrooms, and harvest and dry the nearly mature and mature flower mushrooms before the rain to prevent the cracks from healing.

3. In order to reproduce mushrooms in the bags after harvesting flower mushrooms, to replenish water in time, soaking or injection can generally be taken to raise the temperature in the shed to 24027 ℃, humidity 75% to 85%, and keep bacteria for 7 days. Replenish the water after raising the bacteria, so that the moisture content of the bacterial bag reaches 50% 55%. Starting from the third replenishment, mushroom nutrients need to be added each time.

The cultivation techniques of Polyporus umbellatus and Gastrodia elata Hello, Professor Gao; I would like to know the artificial cultivation techniques of Polyporus umbellatus? High-yield cultivation techniques of Gastrodia elata? Name: yuan Fangchun Unit: Fusong County, Jilin Province contact: 13000277 2008-12-13 expert answer Comrade Yuan Fangchun: Hello, the answer to the question is as follows: Polyporus umbellatus is a kind of perennial fungus medicine, showing irregular black block. With underground sclerotia as medicine, Polyporus umbellatus has three colors of black, gray and white during the growing period, and the growth process is from white to gray to black. Black and Huiling are not only commercial medicinal materials, but also can be used for asexual breeding. White Polyporus umbellatus is a young cocoon in the expansion period and has no economic value. Polyporus umbellatus, like other fungi, produces fruiting bodies and spores, which form lock-like hyphae, which decompose and absorb lignin and other nutrients, and the hyphae knot to form Xiaobai Ling, which turns gray when it stops growing. and gradually become black and detached from the original nutrient source. At this time, only after Armillaria mellea invaded, it began to grow again. Armillaria mellea did not invade Bailing, which grew in the same year, but only infected Huiling and black Ling and formed a co-operation relationship. Polyporus umbellatus production used to rely on wild resources. With the development of science and technology and people's continuous research on Polyporus umbellatus, pure bacteria were finally obtained by spore isolation method, and the artificial cultivation was successful. After trial planting, under suitable temperature conditions, pure Polyporus umbellatus sowing for 40 days can grow many large white corn grains, the sowing and cultivation period is not limited by the season, the growth cycle is shortened from 5 years to 2-3 years, and 5--10kg is produced in 2 years per square meter and 15--20kg in 3 years, which is not only suitable for planting in mountain forests, but also in plains, courtyards, greenhouses and indoors. The specific cultivation methods are as follows: 1. Living root (pile) planting method: select broad-leaved trees with thicker diameter and deep soil layer of the roots, dig up the topsoil at the roots, find two larger roots, dig wide 30cm along the root growth direction, plant pits about 1m long, expose the roots, cut off the fibrous roots and root tips, peel off the 3--5cm from the 20cm of the trunk, and lay the thick half-rotten leaves of 5--10cm at the bottom of the pit. Place pre-cultured sticks, or Armillaria species and appropriate small tree segments along the left and right side of the root 10cm. Spread Polyporus umbellatus in the leaves, fill it with humus soil and slightly above the ground, cover with appropriate amount of leaves or weeds. Allow it to grow for 2m / m-3 years and then harvest. 2. Pit planting: Wood is cultivated by punching holes or sowing directly, and it can also be planted in boxes with substitutes such as cottonseed shell and corncob. The miscellaneous trees above 5cm in diameter can be cut into 50--60cm and punched in the sun until 9% dry, then the bacteria are filled with holes and placed in parallel in the planting hole according to the spacing of 10cm. The thick wet leaves of 3cm are filled between the rods and rods, and appropriate amount of Armillaria mellea or old rods planted with Gastrodia elata are placed at both ends of the rods and in the middle of the leaves. Fill the hole with humus and above the ground. Sporadic planting digging holes according to 60--80cm, pastoral planting according to width 80cm, unlimited length digging strip planting belts, interval 40cm between planting belts. Branches below 5cm in diameter can be truncated into 15--20cm segments, or substitutes can be sown by digging holes according to the above methods, but two layers should be planted. Use 2 bottles of high-quality Polyporus umbellatus and Armillaria mellea per square meter, and use broad-leaved wood or old bacterial sticks and substitute materials to add up the 40--50kg. Whether the cultivation of Polyporus umbellatus is successful or not depends on the quality of Polyporus umbellatus strain. High-quality Polyporus umbellatus strain, the mycelium is white and sturdy, there is reticular mycorrhiza on the surface, and the sclerotia on the surface of the culture medium is different in size. It begins to be white at first, and changes from white to gray in 20 days. The texture is dense and smells like Polyporus umbellata. It is hard after drying. The mycelium germinated strongly and the survival rate was high. The hyphae were planted on demand above 15 ℃ for 3 days (days), the hyphae extended to the soil for 20 days, and the white globular young cocos began to form in the leaves and soil layer for 60 days. The strain of Polyporus umbellatus, which is fake or isolated by conventional method, or produced by repeated propagation, the hyphae are thin, gray, without reticular mycorrhiza, and there is no spherical sclerotia on the surface of the culture medium, or the sclerotia is very small, easy to aging, and the hyphae do not extend to the soil. The quality of the strain has a lot to do with the benefit. The introduction and cultivation households must clearly recognize the advantages and disadvantages of the strain and beware of counterfeiting. Gastrodia elata is a perennial herb of Orchidaceae, which is mainly used in tuber. it is a valuable traditional Chinese medicine listed in Chinese Pharmacopoeia and plays an extremely important role in the long-term best-selling varieties of traditional Chinese medicine in China. In addition to being used in the huge traditional Chinese medicine market, it has been widely used in pharmaceutical, health care, food, beverage, fermentation, aerospace and other industries in recent years. Gastrodia elata has been imported into Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, Southeast Asia, Western Europe and North America in large quantities at a price of US $200000 per tonne. After careful packaging, it is resold at a high price. After China's accession to the WTO, the demand for Gastrodia elata in the international traditional Chinese medicine market will increase greatly, and the price will rise year after year. According to the prediction of experts: for a long time in the future, the cultivated area and output of Gastrodia elata will not be as large as that of Pleurotus ostreatus, Lentinus edodes and Flammulina velutipes, and the price will not decrease in a long time. According to the figures released by the State Administration of Medicine, the annual output of Gastrodia elata is about 500000 kg, the annual demand is 750000 kg, and the sales trend is greater than the supply. The main points of high-yield cultivation techniques of Gastrodia elata are introduced as follows: first, to cultivate high-quality and robust bacterial materials, it is necessary to select high-quality and robust Armillaria mellea, which has the characteristics of "three high and three new". That is, high survival rate, high germination rate, high yield, new fungus material, new hemp seed, new method. Second, it is necessary to select and manufacture segments of cultured fungal wood. It is better to use green bar, sesame oak, cork oak, Chinese chestnut, cone oak and other tree species. The diameter should be 15 cm, and those larger than 10 cm should be split. At the same time, a small cut should be made every 4 mi 5 inches with a knife and axe. Third, we should pay attention to training methods. That is, the use of pile culture, pit culture and half-pit culture and other methods, the amount of inoculation should be more appropriate, at the same time, during the training period, we should often check, watering and pay attention to ventilation. When the culture temperature is kept at about 15 ℃ and the water content of the fungus is about 80%, it will mature in 4 months. Fourth, to select a good bacterial material, the characteristics of high-quality bacterial material are: ① wood is hard, not easy to rot; ② mycelium growth is exuberant, the tip has a white growth point, the mycelium distribution is uniform; ③ mycelium is fresh and not rotten. It should be noted that the fungus material blackened by bacteriocin cannot be used for cultivation. Second, the best choice of flax seed and site for cultivation is white flax, the individual should be complete, there is no damage, and it is appropriate to use 20murmur50g alone. Ma rice can also be used as seed, with less seed and faster breeding, but the harvest is relatively late. Gastrodia elata used for planting should be stored in the basement or in a cool place, and the ground temperature should not be higher than 15 ℃, otherwise it will germinate. Transportation should not only stop bruising, but also strictly prevent strong light exposure. The ideal site should be warm and humid, not cold and dry, usually a wasteland with gaps in the forest, a gentle slope of sandy soil, and sparse shade. Can also make full use of indoor, basement, cave, courtyard, front and back of the house, woody and lianas hidden under the empty space cultivation, each hole can be dug 6, each hole can be planted three layers, can produce dry products 17mur20kg. Small holes, short sticks and fine wood can also be used to artificially create new planting methods that can adapt to the climate and environment of any region. Third, to determine the suitable sowing date of Gastrodia elata cultivation technology is more difficult to master than the cultivation of Pleurotus ostreatus, Flammulina velutipes and Auricularia auricula, but compared with the planting of flower mushrooms, it is much easier in technology and technology, and can be learned with or without professional technology and education. After the cultivation and sowing of Gastrodia elata, it is only the management of humidity and temperature, and the labor intensity is low. General houses, air defense facilities, greenhouses, free ground and factories can all be used for cultivation, and the sand, branches, sticks and leaves needed are all easily available materials. There are a variety of ways of cultivation, including pots, boxes, baskets, bedframes and the ground. Asexual cultivation is from November to May every year, and sexual cultivation is 4-6 months a year, with a large climate temperature difference across the country, but it can be cultivated according to local conditions, and both men and women, old and young can fight. Asexual planting of 1 square meter of Gastrodia elata requires 15 kilograms of tree sticks, 20 kilograms of sand and sawdust, 3 bottles of Armillaria mellea, 0.3 kilograms of rice hemp and 0.75 kilograms of white flax. After 6 months, about 15 kilograms of finished hemp and flax per square meter are worth 400 yuan. Under sexual cultivation, there are 10 capsules per square meter, 3 bottles of Armillaria mellea, 2 bottles of germinating bacteria, 15 kg of tree sticks, 20 kg of sand sawdust (or cotton hull or corncob), and the value of zero-generation hemp is 500 yuan in 6 months. Asexual and sexually farmed flax seeds and fungus can be used as cultivation seeds for the second year, and hemp seeds can be no longer purchased, which alone can reduce expenses by 80%. Gastrodia elata is mainly sown in winter and can also be planted in spring. It is better to sow in winter when the temperature is 15 ℃. Too early will affect the yield of the current year, and too late (such as 10-November) will affect the yield of the next year. Spring planting usually takes place from March to April, and the seeds will be sown when the temperature is about 10 ℃. At this time, although the seed has not germinated, Armillaria mellea has grown slowly, with the rise of temperature, Gastrodia elata and Armillaria mellea quickly establish a symbiotic relationship and enter the peak growing season. It takes about 150 days from planting to harvest, and the sowing time is between September and the end of May next year. Fourth, to strengthen the cultivation and management of Gastrodia elata, it is better to be planted in cellar and ditch in a large area, while in a small area in the new area, it is better to adopt fungus bed cultivation; in places with high mountain height, high humidity and sticky soil, it is appropriate to use high box cultivation to increase the ground temperature and prevent excessive humidity; indoor cultivation is often sown in wooden boxes. The specific cultivation and management should be as follows: 1) keep the soil water content at about 50% on the site, water it in time during drought, and water it at night when the temperature is higher than 20 ℃ to prevent steaming Gastrodia elata; 2) control humidity: clear ditch and drain and remove silt in continuous overcast and rain; rake topsoil and increase evaporation when humidity is too high; cover soil in time when exposed fungus; 3) set up shed for shading to avoid high temperature and wasted flax. 4) Prevention and control of insect pests, rodent pests and miscellaneous bacteria, when the fungus is infected with a small amount of miscellaneous bacteria, it can be sterilized by exposure; the seriously damaged fungus can be removed; 5) grazing on Gastrodia elata site is prohibited to avoid trampling by livestock and wild animals. The above is for reference only. Is there market potential for planting Gastrodia elata? is there any market potential for planting Gastrodia elata now? Is Sichuan all right? Name: Chen Zhenggang unit: village belt table contact telephone number: 15900281 2009-06-23 expert answer Comrade Chen Zhenggang: Hello, Gastrodia elata is a perennial herb of Orchidaceae, which is mainly used as tuber and is a valuable traditional Chinese medicine listed in the Chinese Pharmacopoeia. It occupies an extremely important position in the long-term best-selling varieties in China's traditional Chinese medicine market. In addition to being used in the huge traditional Chinese medicine market, it has been widely used in pharmaceutical, health care, food, beverage, fermentation, aerospace and other industries in recent years. Gastrodia elata has been imported into Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, Southeast Asia, Western Europe and North America in large quantities at a price of US $200000 per tonne. After careful packaging, it is resold at a high price. After China's accession to the WTO, the demand for Gastrodia elata in the international traditional Chinese medicine market will increase greatly, and the price will rise year after year. According to the prediction of experts: for a long time in the future, the cultivated area and output of Gastrodia elata will not be as large as that of Pleurotus ostreatus, Lentinus edodes and Flammulina velutipes, and the price will not decrease in a long time. According to the figures released by the State Administration of Medicine, the annual output of Gastrodia elata is about 500000 kg, the annual demand is 750000 kg, and the sales trend is greater than the supply. The main points of high-yield cultivation techniques of Gastrodia elata are introduced as follows: first, to cultivate high-quality and robust bacterial materials, it is necessary to select high-quality and robust Armillaria mellea, which has the characteristics of "three high and three new". That is, high survival rate, high germination rate, high yield, new fungus material, new hemp seed, new method. Second, it is necessary to select and manufacture segments of cultured fungal wood. It is better to use green bar, sesame oak, cork oak, Chinese chestnut, cone oak and other tree species. The diameter should be 15 cm, and those larger than 10 cm should be split. At the same time, a small cut should be made every 4 mi 5 inches with a knife and axe. Third, we should pay attention to training methods. That is, the use of pile culture, pit culture and half-pit culture and other methods, the amount of inoculation should be more appropriate, at the same time, during the training period, we should often check, watering and pay attention to ventilation. When the culture temperature is kept at about 15 ℃ and the water content of the fungus is about 80%, it will mature in 4 months. Fourth, to select a good bacterial material, the characteristics of high-quality bacterial material are: ① wood is hard, not easy to rot; ② mycelium growth is exuberant, the tip has a white growth point, the mycelium distribution is uniform; ③ mycelium is fresh and not rotten. It should be noted that the fungus material blackened by bacteriocin cannot be used for cultivation. Second, the best choice of flax seed and site for cultivation is white flax, the individual should be complete, there is no damage, and it is appropriate to use 20murmur50g alone. Ma rice can also be used as seed, with less seed and faster breeding, but the harvest is relatively late. Gastrodia elata used for planting should be stored in the basement or in a cool place, and the ground temperature should not be higher than 15 ℃, otherwise it will germinate. Transportation should not only stop bruising, but also strictly prevent strong light exposure. The ideal site should be warm and humid, not cold and dry, usually a wasteland with gaps in the forest, a gentle slope of sandy soil, and sparse shade. Can also make full use of indoor, basement, cave, courtyard, front and back of the house, woody and lianas hidden under the empty space cultivation, each hole can be dug 6, each hole can be planted three layers, can produce dry products 17mur20kg. Small holes, short sticks and fine wood can also be used to artificially create new planting methods that can adapt to the climate and environment of any region. Third, to determine the suitable sowing date of Gastrodia elata cultivation technology is more difficult to master than the cultivation of Pleurotus ostreatus, Flammulina velutipes and Auricularia auricula, but compared with the planting of flower mushrooms, it is much easier in technology and technology, and can be learned with or without professional technology and education. After the cultivation and sowing of Gastrodia elata, it is only the management of humidity and temperature, and the labor intensity is low. General houses, air defense facilities, greenhouses, free ground and factories can all be used for cultivation, and the sand, branches, sticks and leaves needed are all easily available materials. There are a variety of ways of cultivation, including pots, boxes, baskets, bedframes and the ground. Asexual cultivation is from November to May every year, and sexual cultivation is 4-6 months a year, with a large climate temperature difference across the country, but it can be cultivated according to local conditions, and both men and women, old and young can fight. Asexual planting of 1 square meter of Gastrodia elata requires 15 kilograms of tree sticks, 20 kilograms of sand and sawdust, 3 bottles of Armillaria mellea, 0.3 kilograms of rice hemp and 0.75 kilograms of white flax. After 6 months, about 15 kilograms of finished hemp and flax per square meter are worth 400 yuan. Under sexual cultivation, there are 10 capsules per square meter, 3 bottles of Armillaria mellea, 2 bottles of germinating bacteria, 15 kg of tree sticks, 20 kg of sand sawdust (or cotton hull or corncob), and the value of zero-generation hemp is 500 yuan in 6 months. Asexual and sexually farmed flax seeds and fungus can be used as cultivation seeds for the second year, and hemp seeds can be no longer purchased, which alone can reduce expenses by 80%. Gastrodia elata is mainly sown in winter and can also be planted in spring. It is better to sow in winter when the temperature is 15 ℃. Too early will affect the yield of the current year, and too late (such as 10-November) will affect the yield of the next year. Spring planting usually takes place from March to April, and the seeds will be sown when the temperature is about 10 ℃. At this time, although the seed has not germinated, Armillaria mellea has grown slowly, with the rise of temperature, Gastrodia elata and Armillaria mellea quickly establish a symbiotic relationship and enter the peak growing season. It takes about 150 days from planting to harvest, and the sowing time is between September and the end of May next year. Fourth, to strengthen the cultivation and management of Gastrodia elata, it is better to be planted in cellar and ditch in a large area, while in a small area in the new area, it is better to adopt fungus bed cultivation; in places with high mountain height, high humidity and sticky soil, it is appropriate to use high box cultivation to increase the ground temperature and prevent excessive humidity; indoor cultivation is often sown in wooden boxes. The specific cultivation and management should be as follows: 1) keep the soil water content at about 50% on the site, water it in time during drought, and water it at night when the temperature is higher than 20 ℃ to prevent steaming Gastrodia elata; 2) control humidity: clear ditch and drain and remove silt in continuous overcast and rain; rake topsoil and increase evaporation when humidity is too high; cover soil in time when exposed fungus; 3) set up shed for shading to avoid high temperature and wasted flax. 4) Prevention and control of insect pests, rodent pests and miscellaneous bacteria, when the fungus is infected with a small amount of miscellaneous bacteria, it can be sterilized by exposure; the seriously damaged fungus can be removed; 5) grazing on Gastrodia elata site is prohibited to avoid trampling by livestock and wild animals. The above is for reference only.