
What are the planting prospects of Zanthoxylum bungeanum? Cost and Economic benefit of planting Zanthoxylum bungeanum

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Zanthoxylum bungeanum is a small deciduous tree of the genus Zanthoxylum bungeanum in Rutaceae. it is widely distributed in China, ranging from the south of northeast, south to the north slope of Wuling, southeast to the coastal areas of Jiangsu and Zhejiang, and southwest to the southeast of Xizang. Pericarp can be used as seasoning and extract aromatic oil, and can be used as medicine.

Zanthoxylum bungeanum is a small deciduous tree of the genus Zanthoxylum bungeanum in Rutaceae. it is widely distributed in China, ranging from the south of northeast, south to the north slope of Wuling, southeast to the coastal areas of Jiangsu and Zhejiang, southwest to the southeast of Xizang, and has high cultivation value. the pericarp can be used as seasoning and can be used as medicine, and the seeds can be edible or processed to make soap. let's take a look at the profit of one mu of Zanthoxylum bungeanum.

How much is the profit of Zanthoxylum bungeanum per mu?

Generally speaking, the profit per mu of Zanthoxylum bungeanum is four or five times the income of corn, and there is no problem that the income per mu is about 5000 yuan. About 70 plants of Chinese prickly ash are planted on one mu of land, and the fruit is hung after two years. After three years, each plant can pick more than 1 jin of dried pepper. Five years later, each plant can pick an average of 2 jin of dried pepper, and after 8 years, each plant can pick about 4 jin of dried pepper. According to the general market price, dried pepper is about 36 yuan per jin. The income per mu will be at least 2600 yuan after three years, 4000 yuan per mu after five years, and 5000,6000 yuan per mu after eight years.

What are the advantages of planting prickly ash trees?

1. Zanthoxylum bungeanum is particularly resistant to drought and can grow as long as the rainfall exceeds 400 mm.

2. Zanthoxylum bungeanum trees do not have high requirements for soil quality, and hills and mountains with poor soil conditions can grow.

3. Zanthoxylum bungeanum trees have fewer diseases and insect pests, so they do not need too careful management.

High-yield planting techniques of Zanthoxylum bungeanum

The main results are as follows: 1. Seed collection: the middle-aged trees with strong potential, no diseases and insect pests, high yield and no interannual fruit are selected as the mother trees, which are picked by scissors from August to September after the fruits are fully ripe. The seeds harvested should be naturally dried in a ventilated and dry place and should not be exposed to the sun so as not to affect the germination rate. After the pericarp is cracked and the grain comes out by itself, it is collected.

2. Raising seedlings: the seeds of Zanthoxylum bungeanum bungeanum are treated by sprouting before sowing, generally soaked in 1% washing powder for 2 days or soaked in concentrated sulfuric acid for a while, and then sowed with clean water. The breeding nursery is better with sand or loam with good drainage and leeward. Zanthoxylum bungeanum seeds can not be sown deeply, usually 2-3 cm. After sowing, it was covered with mature organic fertilizer and watered once every two days to preserve soil moisture, prevent hardening and improve the rate of seedling emergence.

3. Planting: it can be planted in both spring and autumn, and it is necessary to dig a hole for planting, and the size of the pit should be extended by the root system. The soil entering the pit had better be ripened by the wind and sun, and then mixed with fertilizer to fill the pit. Zanthoxylum bungeanum bungeanum should be sparse but not dense, and the adult density should be within the range of 100,120 plants per mu in dry and semi-arid areas, and about 60 plants per mu in areas with deep soil layer, good soil quality and moderate rainfall.

4. Fertilizer and water: Zanthoxylum bungeanum has developed root system and strong ability to conserve soil and water, so measures should be taken to preserve soil moisture in arid areas, supplemented with necessary base fertilizer and a small amount of foliar fertilizer to meet the fertilizer and water needs of Zanthoxylum bungeanum. Generally, after autumn and spring ploughing, organic manure such as circle compost and compost are applied once respectively. The amount of fertilizer application depends on the age of the tree and the amount of seed set, and the general plant is applied more than 20 kg. Extra-root topdressing starts from the flowering stage, about once a month, and sprayed in the morning or evening for a total of 2 or 3 times.

5. Pruning: Zanthoxylum bungeanum trees like light and branch quickly, and reasonable shaping and pruning can make the tree skeleton firm, branches strong, high yield and stable yield year after year. It is best to prune at the end of autumn, remove the excess branches at the base, leave 3 or 5 main branches, complete the shaping after 4 ~ 5 years, and finally remove the central branch and open the chamber. The middle-aged trees should remove the disease and insect branches, cross branches and long branches in the crown, and the big branches, weak branches and diseased branches should be removed when the 25-year-old trees are pruned.

6. Disease prevention

① brown spot: yellowish chlorotic spots appear on the leaf surface at the beginning of the disease, and then gradually expand into irregular brown spots. When the disease is serious, it can lead to leaf withering and falling off. Bordeaux solution and carbendazim can be sprayed at the initial stage of the disease.

② dry rot: strengthen fertilizer and water management, reasonable pruning to enhance the tree potential, can reduce the occurrence of the disease. After the disease, use a sterilization knife to cut the bark to the xylem, smear Bordeaux solution or methyl topiramate can effectively prevent the spread of the disease spot.

③ aphids: aphids often concentrate on twigs and leaves to suck sap for damage, affecting photosynthesis, making leaves yellow and curling. In serious cases, it can cause prickly ash to fall leaves ahead of time, and can be sprayed with phoxim and pyrethrin for control.

④ prickly ash butterfly: the larvae feed on buds, leaves and other young parts, and when serious, the whole leaves can be eaten up. Artificial removal of overwintering pupae in winter and spring can reduce the population density in the coming year. When harm occurs, trichlorfon and dichlorvos can be sprayed to control.

⑤ longicorn beetles: the adults of longicorn beetles have the habit of resting in the branches at noon, which can be killed by shock and killing, or can be used to kill larvae with wire hooks or aluminum phosphide (0.6g tablets of 1mm 8mm 1pm 4) into the wormhole and then pressed and sealed with slime, and can also be controlled by dichlorvos and trichlorfon spray.

How about growing pepper? What are the planting prospects of Zanthoxylum bungeanum?

Zanthoxylum bungeanum is a good economic tree species, which is suitable for planting in most parts of our country. Now the price of Zanthoxylum bungeanum in the market is relatively stable, the market situation is also good, it is an optional project.

First of all, Zanthoxylum bungeanum is particularly resistant to drought and can grow as long as the rainfall exceeds 400 mm.

Secondly, it does not have high requirements for soil quality, and hills and mountains with poor soil conditions can grow.

Third, Zanthoxylum bungeanum has fewer diseases and insect pests, so it does not need too careful management.

In addition to the above advantages of Zanthoxylum bungeanum, the main economic benefits of Zanthoxylum bungeanum are as follows:

1. China has a huge market and a large population, coupled with the improvement of people's living standards, pepper as a seasoning, the price of pepper will rise.

2. Zanthoxylum bungeanum can also be processed deeply to make prickly ash oil, which is still in great demand in this market.

3. Zanthoxylum bungeanum is still a good industrial raw material and can be used as soap. on the one hand, as long as we use it, its prospect is still considerable.

4. Zanthoxylum bungeanum has high medicinal value. It has an insecticidal effect. It can also be used for maintenance. It can be said that pepper is covered with treasures.

5. From abroad, there is also a large export market for products. Chinese prickly ash is mainly exported to Japan, Singapore and Malaysia, because it is unique to China. Therefore, from the international market, the potential is great, so the variety selection of pepper is also very important.

6. Deep processing of Zanthoxylum bungeanum can further develop various uses of Zanthoxylum bungeanum, such as making essential oil of Zanthoxylum bungeanum.

A brief introduction to the planting Technology of condiment Zanthoxylum bungeanum

A brief introduction to the planting Technology of condiment Zanthoxylum bungeanum

[FAQ] what are the technical requirements for planting prickly ash?

[expert answers]

Zanthoxylum bungeanum grows fast and bears early, annual seedlings can be as high as 1 meter, blossom and hang fruit 2 years after planting, a large number of fruits are produced in 3 years, delayed 15-20 years, life span is 30-40 years, and can sprout and renew after aging.

I. site selection conditions and planting requirements

Pepper woodland should choose the lower part of the hillside sunny slope or semi-sunny slope, the soil to loose, well-drained sandy loam is the best, can also be planted sporadically. In the hilltop or low-lying places prone to waterlogging and heavy clay should not be planted, careful soil preparation should be carried out before afforestation, and the hillside should be prepared in a strip with a bandwidth of 1 meter, with a belt spacing of 2 meters, and a cut-off Weir should be built every 5 meters to prevent erosion.

It is better to plant pepper seedlings in winter and spring, and it is better to plant in winter before and after "the Beginning of Winter". Spring planting should be filled with wet soil in the hole when the bud sprouts, and should be watered when there are conditions. Pepper requires a flat bottom when transplanting, deep digging and shallow planting, re-application of base fertilizer, fertile soil to fill the nest, do not beat. Pepper afforestation row spacing of 2 meters, plant spacing of 1.5 meters, nest depth, length and width of 0.5 meters, 222 plants per mu. In addition, hedgerows planted with prickly ash around nurseries, orchards, institutions, schools and parks can prevent livestock damage, beautify the environment and gain benefits.

Weeding and loosening the soil should be done twice in the year of afforestation, and irrigation should be carried out in time in case of drought. Can also be interplanted beans, green manure crops, combined with interplanting crops to nurture young forests, pepper fruiting, every year to loosen soil, weeding, fertilization, to prevent diseases and insect pests.

II. Shaping and pruning

Shaping is one of the main techniques to obtain high yield and high quality of Zanthoxylum bungeanum. Reasonable shaping and pruning can make the skeleton firm, hierarchical, strong branches, reasonable coordination, sufficient light and good ventilation, which can not only increase the yield, but also prolong the tree age. Zanthoxylum bungeanum is mainly characterized by light, strong branches, good fruit setting, due to many branches, nutrients are too scattered, fruit branch growth is weak, fruiting ability is weakened, and the ear becomes small and light. There are too many branches, dense crowns and poor light in the inner chamber, resulting in the death of the twigs. Only through pruning to solve the contradiction between growth and development and nutritional conditions, to achieve the goal of high yield year after year.

1. Pruning time: from harvest to the beginning of spring sprouting in the second year, the season of picking pepper is the best.

2. Tree shape: generally adopt three kinds of natural happy shape, cluster shape and round head shape. Natural happy shape culture method: leave a side branch at 30 cm after planting, complete plastic surgery in 4-5 years, and finally remove the central branch and cut it open. The cluster culture method is to cut off the trunk after planting, and extract more branches from the root neck or 2rel branches planted in a hole, all of which grow naturally after survival. The round head shape has an obvious trunk, and there are more main branches and dense tree-shaped branchlets on the trunk.

3. Pruning method: Zanthoxylum bungeanum has a good response to pruning, and the corresponding pruning method is adopted according to different growth stages.

Young trees grasp the principle of equal emphasis on shaping and fruiting. In the first year after planting, they are required to be highly cut off from the ground. In the second year, before germination, the branches at the base of the trunk are removed, and 7 branches of the main branch are evenly retained for short cutting, while the rest of the branches are not truncated. Remove dense squeezed branches, competitive branches, weak branches, disease and insect branches, and long strong branches.

Results the tree thinned the extra big branches, the branches in the crown were mainly sparse, and the disease and insect branches, cross branches, overlapping branches, dense branches and overgrown branches were removed, which created good conditions for ventilation and light transmission in the crown.

The old branches are mainly thinning, drawing big branches, removing weak branches, leaving big buds, timely updating and rejuvenating fruiting branches group, going old and raising small, sparse and weak to stay strong, and selecting strong branches and strong buds to restore tree momentum.

The editor concluded: Zanthoxylum bungeanum is our common spice type, so Zanthoxylum bungeanum has great economic benefits and planting prospects. Today, the editor mainly tells you about the big planting technology of Zanthoxylum bungeanum. I hope it will be helpful to you.