
Planting techniques and key points of cultivation and management of green stem pine cauliflower

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Cauliflower cruciferous cabbage is a type of cauliflower, also known as cauliflower, green cauliflower, organic cauliflower, white noodle scattered cauliflower, organic cauliflower, etc., because of its longer bud branches, thin flower layer and loose shape when the flower bulb is fully dilated, so it is named for its loose shape relative to common cauliflower.

Songhua cabbage Cruciferae cabbage is a type of cauliflower, also known as loose cauliflower, broccoli, organic cauliflower, white face loose cauliflower, organic cauliflower, etc., because of its long bud branches, thin flower layer, flower bulb fully expanded when the shape is not tight, relative to ordinary cauliflower was loose so named, let's take a look at broccoli planting technology!

Cultural characteristics

Songhua vegetables have two significant characteristics, one is good cooking resistance, delicious taste, Songhua vegetables vitamin C, soluble sugar content is significantly higher than the tight flower ball cauliflower, very popular with consumers. Second, early-middle maturing varieties have strong heat resistance and wider adaptability. They can be cultivated in the suburbs of cities in "late spring" and "early autumn", and cultivated in high mountains can be put into production in summer and autumn, which widens the time of cauliflower production and marketing.

field selection

1, Songhua vegetable field selection to loose fertile soil, good soil stability, water conservation, water supply and oxygen supply capacity. There are perfect water conservancy facilities in the field, which can drain and irrigate. Alpine cultivation should not choose low-lying land, sticky land planting cauliflower, otherwise, poor plant growth, easy to black root disease. Plain early spring planting due to lower temperatures, less rain, can be appropriately selected, but should be made wide furrow high ridge, and covered with plastic film cultivation to moisture.

2. Disease and pest control and microelement fertilizer should be strengthened in continuous cropping land. Sweet potato field and other slope dry land, poor water retention capacity, easy to drought, alpine cultivation in the first half of the fashion can be used, the second half of the planting if no watering conditions, general years can not be selected. Alpine cultivation should be selected between 600~1200 meters above sea level. Alpine cauliflower should be planted in areas below 800 meters above sea level, avoiding high temperature seasons, or selecting more heat-resistant varieties, such as "Qingnong 70-day broccoli" and so on.

culture season

1. Cultivation in low mountain area below 350 meters above sea level: sowing in spring from late December to early January, greenhouse covering small arch shed for heat preservation, covering plastic film and planting in small arch shed from late February to early March. Such as sowing in late February to early March, greenhouse or small arch shed insulation seedlings. It can be planted in late March to early April. April or mid-May to early June can be harvested on the market. Autumn planting from mid-June to July sowing, shade seedlings, early July to August planting, can be harvested in late August to early November market.

2. Cultivation in mountainous areas with an altitude of 800~1200 meters: sowing from mid-February to mid-March, seedling age of about 30 days, planting from mid-March to mid-April, harvesting from mid-May to June. Qingnong 65 days Sowing from late March to July, seedling age 20~35 days, planting from late April to mid-August, harvesting from late May to early November. Alpine seedlings are protected by facilities (mostly small arches), which can keep warm and cold in spring and prevent rain and moisture in summer and autumn.


1. The seedling stage of Songhua vegetable is mainly nitrogen fertilizer, so as to apply thin fertilizer frequently and promote the development of lotus leaves. Before and after budding, mainly phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, heavy bud fertilizer, general fertilizer mixed with water irrigation, can prolong the bud expansion period, promote flower bulb development and expansion. Under the condition of high temperature and drought, the lack of soil moisture often hinders the absorption of nutrients by plants, so fertilization must be organically combined with water supply.

2, Songhua vegetables in the growth process should also be added boron, molybdenum, magnesium, sulfur and other trace fertilizers, correct plant deficiency. Boron had a significant effect on the yield and quality of flower bulb, so it was necessary to apply 2~3 times on leaf surface, especially in the period of flower bulb expansion. In the middle and late topdressing process, we should refuse to use ammonium bicarbonate or ammonium bicarbonate fertilizer, so as not to produce hairy flowers.

3. The fertilizer application of Songhua vegetables is mainly decomposed feces and urine, combined with the application of quick-acting chemical fertilizer, balanced fertilization, and the amount and frequency of fertilization are confirmed according to the plant growth and target yield. Generally, after planting, at the early stage of rosette leaf formation, at the late stage of rosette leaf formation and at bud emergence, topdressing is applied once, totally 3 ~4 times, and at the same time, magnesium, boron, molybdenum and other medium trace element fertilizers are applied in combination. No fertilizer should be applied for 20 days before harvest.


1. The root system of Songhua cabbage originates from the main stem and has hierarchy. In the growth process, the deep root system is aging continuously, and the new root is continuously generated near the ground stem. The overall distribution is shallow, and the fibrous root is mainly distributed near the main stem. It was found that the roots distributed deeply in cold season and shallowly in warm season, which may be related to the tropism of root growth to ground temperature. On the other hand, most of the basal fertilizer and topdressing were applied shallowly during farming operation, which also promoted the root growth to the ground. Therefore, cauliflower production generally needs soil cultivation, through soil cultivation, promote adventitious roots, stabilize the soil environment for root growth, and enhance plant growth and lodging resistance.

2. In the case of rainy root rot and high temperature and drought, the effect of soil cultivation is particularly obvious, enhancing stress resistance and increasing yield. The growth process should generally be combined with weeding, loosening soil, fertilizing, cultivating soil for 1~3 times. The cauliflower without cultivating soil should be planted deeply at least. If it is not cultivated and planted shallowly in production, the growth and yield of cauliflower are not good. The method of cultivating soil is to cultivate the furrow soil and the soil piled in the middle of the furrow in the planting holes and between the plants, and finally form a turtle-back uniform furrow surface. It is wrong to form two small ridges on one ridge after some cultivation, and this situation is often formed when the field performance is too shallow.

moisture management

1. Songhua leaves are many and thin, up to 17~23 in the middle and late stages of growth, 6~8 more than ordinary cauliflower varieties, and the amount of steamed vines is large. The phenomenon of wilting often occurs in the field, especially in the case of sudden clearing after continuous rain, and after storm water, or under high temperature, drought and strong light conditions. Wilting phenomenon is especially obvious. Therefore, the vegetable soil planted with pine cauliflower should not be too wet to cause root rot, nor too dry to cause water shortage.

2. In general production, measures such as ditch drainage, timely watering, soil cultivation and root cultivation, mowing and mulching, etc. are adopted to adjust soil moisture status in time, strive for water supply balance, and keep soil moist and loose. Irrigation and watering are prohibited during drought, and flood irrigation is prohibited. Drain water in time after rain and prohibit ponding in the field. Before planting live trees in summer, watering should be done once a day in the evening in case of drought. It is best to shade when it is high temperature and strong light.

Bundle leaf protection flower

1, Songhua cabbage whether in spring or summer flower bulbs will be yellow by sunlight, in summer and autumn under strong light conditions will be deeper, this change not only affects the appearance of goods, but also affects the fresh quality of flower bulbs, so flower bulb care is an important part of the production process of alpine pine cauliflower. Different from the common cauliflower bulb care, the method of leaf bundle protection is often used instead of leaf folding cover, especially in the production process of sparse planting cultivation of large bulbs, because of its fluffy and large flower bulbs, poor folding of inner leaves, and the characteristics of flower bulb development and leaf emergence simultaneously, leaf folding cover flowers are often expanded by flower bulbs and inner leaf growth, shading effect is not good.

2. When the flower bulb grows to the size of a fist, 4~5 alternate large leaves near the flower bulb are pulled and overlapped without breaking, and then 1~2 small bamboo sticks, grass stems or small firewood stems with a thickness of 2~3 mm and a length of 7~10 cm are used as fixed connectors to pierce the tips of the overlapping leaves and fix them in the main vein. The fixed leaves are bundled in a lantern shape to cover the whole flower bulb, so that the flower bulb is protected from direct sunlight in the subsequent growth process. And leave enough room for expansion.

3. The more strict the shade protection of Songhua vegetables, the better. The strict bundle of leaves and flowers can completely avoid sunlight from shining on the flower balls. Even in the midsummer environment, the whole flower balls can still be kept white and fresh. Compared with the common method of folding leaf cover flowers, the method of bundling leaf cover flowers is completed at one time, the trouble of folding leaf cover flowers for many times is avoided, the labor and time are saved, and the effect is better.

bingchong prevention

The pests of Songhua cabbage mainly include aphid, diamondback moth, leaf miner, green insect, cabbage caterpillar, Spodoptera litura, beet moth, mole cricket, yellow striped jumping beetle, whitefly and so on. Prevention and control should implement the plant protection policy of "prevention first, comprehensive prevention and control", give priority to agricultural control, physical control, biological control, scientific and coordinated use of chemical control, strictly control the frequency of application, observe the safety interval period, control diseases and insect pests below the allowable economic threshold, and control pesticide residues within the green food standards stipulated by the state to achieve safety, high quality and harmlessness.

Key points of replanting vegetables after disaster

[Common problems] Since the beginning of summer, several consecutive heavy rains in China have caused certain impacts on the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. Flood disasters caused by heavy rainfall have caused most vegetable growers to lose their money. The following small series takes you to see the key points of replanting vegetables after disasters:

Picture: Vegetable replanting

[Expert Answer]

● Timely repair of recoverable melons and vegetables

After rainstorm, the temperature often rises rapidly, even if the vegetable field is not submerged, the environment of high temperature and humidity is very unfavorable to the vegetable field and the disease is aggravated due to long-term ponding. For the fields that are not seriously affected, attention should be paid to the following problems: timely clearing ditches to remove accumulated water in the fields and sheds, organizing electric pump drainage in low-lying areas with high water level in inland rivers, speeding up drainage speed and reducing groundwater level.

Timely rush to disaster-stricken melons and vegetables, increase the amount listed to stabilize vegetable prices. The vegetable fields with heavy waterlogging should speed up the harvest of the varieties that have not been completely drowned to make up for the losses caused by the disaster.

Timely righting, cultivating soil to strengthen roots, pressing vines, binding stable plants, if necessary, should be watered along the roots. Timely pruning off broken, damaged branches, vines, rotten fruit, rotten leaves, to avoid the spread of disease.

After the rain, the soil is hardened. When the soil is a little dry, tilling and loosening shall be carried out in time to improve the soil structure and improve the root activity. When the rainstorm is over, artificial spraying shall be carried out in time to wash the leaves.

After rainstorm, it suddenly clears up. When the temperature rises suddenly, shade and cool the protected vegetables in time to prevent the acute wilting of the plants caused by the intensification of leaf transpiration and insufficient water supply of damaged roots.

After rainstorm, the field temperature is high, humidity is high, plant resistance is weak, easy to cause root rot, blight, downy mildew and other diseases and insect pests, should timely remove the diseased plants, take them out of the field and bury them deeply; after the rain is fine, pesticide control: root rot and blight can be controlled by pouring 700 times solution of thiophanate-methyl; downy mildew and epidemic disease can be controlled by spraying 800 times solution of downy mildew or 500 times solution of chlorpyrifos; Anthracnose and powdery mildew can be controlled by spraying with 1500 times solution of difenoconazole or 700 times solution of thiophanate-methyl or 1500 times solution of kresoxystrobin; Bemisia tabaci can be controlled by spraying with 2000 times solution of 4% acitamidine or bifenthrin or 1000-1500 times solution of 0.3 matrine; bean borer, diamondback moth, beet moth and litura can be controlled by spraying with 1500 times solution of spinosad or 1500 times solution of chlorfluazuron or 2500 times solution of 1% emamectin chloride.

● Replanting severely affected fields

For the more seriously affected fields, Yan Congsheng said that farmers should pull out seedlings early and clear sheds after water withdrawal for direct seeding or autumn seedling raising.

According to the drainage time of accumulated water, replanting and replanting shall be arranged as soon as possible. At present, we should seize the time to adopt direct seeding mode, sow some fast-growing vegetables and early-maturing fresh food varieties. Such as shelf-free cowpea, green bean, chicken feather vegetable, cabbage, amaranth, wood ear vegetable, Chinese cabbage, pakchoi, radish, carrot, spinach, coriander, snow vegetable, chrysanthemum, wood ear vegetable, shepherd's purse, Chinese cabbage, Chinese cabbage, spicy vegetable, red cabbage, fresh corn, etc.

For low-lying fields that cannot be drained in time, watercress and cress can be arranged for production, which can be planted before the end of September. Each watercress has a hole, 3~4 roots of oenanthe are a cluster, the row spacing of plants is 20×25cm, the water layer of the bed surface is kept 2~ 3 cm before living plants, and the water layer can be gradually deepened with the growth of plants, but the watercress should not exceed 6 cm, and the oenanthe should not exceed 30cm. Watercress is harvested in November and cress in late February of the following year.

According to the water withdrawal time, the corresponding autumn facility vegetable seeding and seedling raising work shall be carried out in time. In early July, the autumn sowing and seedling stage of melons and vegetables enters. At this time, the melons and vegetables suitable for sowing include tomato, pepper, eggplant, watermelon, melon, cucumber, cabbage, Chinese cabbage, broccoli, pine cauliflower, etc. After sowing, it is necessary to cover the sunshade net and other shelters in a timely manner by means of floating surface, small arch shed and greenhouse cover, so as to cool down and keep moisture, so as to avoid damage caused by heavy rain washing. In early August, the suitable vegetable types are pepper, tomato, eggplant, melon, cucumber, kidney bean, celery, autumn Chinese cabbage, autumn radish, etc.; before the end of August, the water can be replanted in greenhouse vegetables, such as broccoli, pine cabbage, cucumber, zucchini, lettuce, celery, garlic seedlings, etc. Those who have the conditions should try their best to adopt net and film covered facilities for rain shelter cultivation. Available varieties are: Tomato: Wanfen No. 5, Wanza No. 20, Wanhong No. 7, Wanza No. 21, Zhongza No. 105; pepper: Xinwanjiao No. 1, Wanjiao No. 4, Ziyan No. 1, Wanjiao No. 18, Dingdingda pepper, Sujiao No. 5, Zhongjiao No. 106; eggplant: Yuanza No. 16, Baiqi No. 2, Wanqi No. 2; cucumber: Jinbi Chunqiu, Jinyou No. 4, Zhongnong No. 16; cabbage: Zhonggan No. 9, Zhonggan No. 11, Zhonggan No. 19, Zhonggan No. 22; cowpea: Wan No. 1, Bawang, specially selected non-frame, specially selected 28-2; vegetable edamame: big seed early; Chinese cabbage: heat-resistant cabbage; radish: bent green, short leaf thirteen, new white jade spring, Korean big root, Jingyan autumn white, Jinghong No. 3, Zhengyan big green radish; carrot: new black field five-inch ginseng; fresh corn: Hu Yu Nuo No. 1, Xiangzi Nuo, Big stick Yu Nuo, etc.


Flood disaster has a great impact on vegetable growers, but after flood disaster, we can adopt the method of replanting vegetables and planting some fast-growing vegetables with short growth period, which is beneficial to recover part of the losses of growers.

The first agricultural economics editor reminds growers that three points need to be paid attention to: one is to sow early, the earlier the better, where the water is retreated, where to replant; the second is to increase the density to make up for the late; the third is to fully consider the market demand when selecting varieties.

The above is the "Key Points for Replanting Vegetables after Disaster" introduced by the First Agricultural Economics Xiaobian. I hope it will help you.