
How to plant prickly ash seeds? Sowing methods of Zanthoxylum bungeanum Seeds and key points of Seedling Management

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Zanthoxylum bungeanum, also known as Zanthoxylum bungeanum, etc., are deciduous shrubs or small trees of the genus Zanthoxylum bungeanum in Rutaceae, widely distributed in China, from the south of northeast, south to the north slope of Wuling, southeast to the coastal areas of Jiangsu and Zhejiang, southwest to the southeast of Xizang, and not produced in Taiwan, Hainan and Guangdong.

Zanthoxylum bungeanum, also known as Zanthoxylum bungeanum, etc., are deciduous shrubs or small trees of the genus Zanthoxylum bungeanum in Rutaceae, which are widely distributed in China. They are from the south of northeast, south to the north slope of Wuling, southeast to Jiangsu and Zhejiang coastal areas, southwest to the southeast of Xizang, and are not produced in Taiwan, Hainan and Guangdong. Let's take a look at how to plant pepper seeds.

Zanthoxylum bungeanum seed harvest

The harvest season of Zanthoxylum bungeanum is generally from August to September, and it is also a good time to raise seedlings and collect seeds of Zanthoxylum bungeanum. At present, the main varieties to be popularized are Dahongpao (Lion's head), Xiaohongbao, Golden Pepper, Oil Pepper, and so on. Middle-aged trees with strong tree potential, fruiting and good quality should be selected. When harvesting, pepper with full maturity, purple-red fruit skin, blue-black seed appearance, full, disease-free and insect-free pepper is used as seed.

Zanthoxylum bungeanum seed treatment

The newly collected seeds of Zanthoxylum bungeanum were first selected with clean water to remove the blighted seeds, then soaked in 1% alkali water or 1% washing powder solution with warm water for 2 days (it is appropriate to submerge the seeds with water), and the oil on the seed coat was scrubbed repeatedly until the seed surface was grayish white. After being removed, rinse the lye on the seed coat with clean water, mix it with plant ash and sow the seeds.

Selection of Zanthoxylum bungeanum seedling bed

Zanthoxylum bungeanum requires sufficient sunshine from the seedlings, and the seedling bed should choose sandy soil that is leeward, sunny, deep, fertile and well drained. Fine soil preparation before sowing, break the clods, so that the upper virtual and the lower solid. Combined with deep ploughing and soil preparation, 4000kg of rotten organic fertilizer, 8kg of urea, 30kg of superphosphate, 50kg of charcoal or 10kg of potassium sulfate were applied per mu. The border is made on the basis of fine soil preparation, with a width of 1 to 1.2 meters and a length of 6 to 10 meters.

Zanthoxylum bungeanum seed sowing

In the prepared seedling bed, the furrow spacing is 20 cm 25 cm, the depth is 4 cm 5 cm, the width of the ditch is 8 cm 9 cm, the bottom of the ditch is flat, the seeds are evenly scattered into the ditch, and the soil is cultivated on the ditch. After the beginning of spring the next year, check the germination. When a small number of seeds break the soil, scrape off the upper cover soil, leaving the soil cover 3 cm. When the seeds break more than 80%, scrape the soil again, leaving 1 cm 2 cm, and the sowing amount per mu is 5 kg. The sowing date should be before the soil is frozen, usually from mid-October to early November, and prickly ash producing areas can sow seeds immediately after seed collection from mid-late August to early September.

Management of Zanthoxylum bungeanum at seedling stage

The seedling seeds of Zanthoxylum bungeanum bungeanum were unearthed for a long time in autumn, which was earlier than that of spring sowing, so in arid areas or where the soil of the seedling bed was heavy, plastic film or wheat straw could be used after sowing, and water could be sprayed during drought, but it could not be flooded, and the soil of the seedling bed was often kept moist. When the seedlings grow to 3 ~ 4 cm high and have 3 ~ 4 true leaves, the seedlings are fixed when the seedling height reaches 10 cm, and the seedling spacing is about 5 cm, leaving 20 ~ 30 000 seedlings per mu. At the same time, timely irrigation and topdressing, ploughing and loosening soil, improving soil permeability, removing seedbed weeds, controlling diseases and insect pests, and ensuring the healthy growth of Zanthoxylum bungeanum seedlings.

How to plant prickly ash seeds? Planting methods of Zanthoxylum bungeanum Seeds

Zanthoxylum bungeanum, also known as Shu pepper, Qin pepper, big pepper and so on, belongs to the genus Zanthoxylum bungeanum of Rutaceae. Zanthoxylum bungeanum is a common seasoning crop in daily life, its pericarp is the raw material of flavor and spice, and the seed is an excellent woody oil with high planting value. So, how to plant prickly ash seeds? The planting method of Zanthoxylum bungeanum seed is introduced as follows.

Picture: prickly ash seed

I. seed harvesting of Zanthoxylum bungeanum

The harvest season of Zanthoxylum bungeanum is generally from August to September, and it is also a good time to raise seedlings and collect seeds of Zanthoxylum bungeanum. At present, the main varieties to be popularized are Dahongpao (Lion's head), Xiaohong hug, Golden Pepper, Oil Pepper, and so on. Middle-aged trees with strong tree potential, fruiting and good quality should be selected. When harvesting, pepper with full maturity, purple-red fruit skin, blue-black seed appearance, full seed appearance and no diseases and insect pests should be selected for planting.

2. Seed treatment of Zanthoxylum bungeanum

The newly collected seeds of Zanthoxylum bungeanum were first selected with clean water to remove the blighted seeds, then soaked in 1% alkali water or 1% washing powder solution with warm water for 2 days (it is appropriate to submerge the seeds with water), and the oil on the seed coat was scrubbed repeatedly until the seed surface was grayish white. After being removed, rinse the lye on the seed coat with clean water, mix it with plant ash and sow the seeds.

Picture: Chinese prickly ash planting

Third, the choice of prickly ash seedling bed.

Zanthoxylum bungeanum requires sufficient sunshine from the seedlings, and the seedling bed should choose sandy soil that is leeward, sunny, deep, fertile and well drained. Fine soil preparation before sowing, break the clods, so that the upper virtual and the lower solid. Combined with deep ploughing and soil preparation, 4000 kilograms of rotten organic fertilizer, 8-10 kilograms of urea, 30-40 kilograms of calcium superphosphate, 50 kilograms of vegetation charcoal or 10-15 kilograms of potassium sulfate were applied per mu. Make the border on the basis of fine soil preparation, the width of the border is 1-1.2 meters, and the length of the border is 6-10 meters.

Fourth, Zanthoxylum bungeanum seed sowing

In the prepared seedling bed, the furrow spacing is 20-25 cm, the depth is 4-5 cm, the ditch width is 8-9 cm, the bottom of the ditch is flat, the seeds are evenly scattered into the ditch, and the soil is cultivated on the ditch. After the beginning of spring the next year, check the germination. When a small number of seeds break the soil, scrape off the upper cover soil, leaving the soil cover 3-4 cm. When the seeds break more than 80%, scrape the soil again, leaving 1-2 cm, and the sowing amount per mu is 5-6 kg. The sowing date should be before the soil is frozen, usually from mid-October to early November, and prickly ash producing areas can sow seeds immediately after seed collection from mid-late August to early September.

Picture: Chinese prickly ash planting

5. Management of Zanthoxylum bungeanum seedlings

The seedling seeds of Zanthoxylum bungeanum bungeanum were unearthed for a long time in autumn, which was earlier than that of spring sowing, so in arid areas or where the soil of the seedling bed was heavy, plastic film or wheat straw could be used after sowing, and water could be sprayed during drought, but it could not be flooded, and the soil of the seedling bed was often kept moist. When the seedlings grow to 3-4 cm high and have 3-4 true leaves, the seedlings are fixed when the seedling height reaches 10 cm, and the seedling spacing is about 5 cm, leaving 20-30 thousand seedlings per mu. At the same time, timely irrigation and topdressing, ploughing and loosening soil, improving soil permeability, removing seedbed weeds, controlling diseases and insect pests, and ensuring the healthy growth of Zanthoxylum bungeanum seedlings.

[editor's conclusion] to do a good job in planting prickly ash seeds is the basis of successful planting of prickly ash, which should be paid attention to. The above introduces the planting method of prickly ash seeds. I hope it can help you!

What kind of pepper tree is the best? When will Zanthoxylum bungeanum seeds be sown?

Zanthoxylum bungeanum, also known as big pepper, Qin pepper, Shu pepper and so on, is a small deciduous tree of Zanthoxylum bungeanum in Rutaceae. Zanthoxylum bungeanum has a wide range of uses, and its pericarp is the raw material of flavor and spice, and the seed is not only an excellent natural oil, but also a tree species for soil and water conservation. In the process of planting Zanthoxylum bungeanum trees, in order to ensure the yield, it is the key to choose suitable varieties for planting. At the same time, Chinese prickly ash trees are often planted by sowing and propagation. So, what kind of pepper tree is the best? When will Zanthoxylum bungeanum seeds be sown? The following is to introduce the varieties and sowing methods of Zanthoxylum bungeanum tree. Let's get to know it.

Picture: prickly ash

First, the variety of prickly ash tree?

1. Dahongpao: Dahongpao, also known as Lion head, Big Red Pepper, pimple Pepper, Qin Pepper, Wind Pepper and so on, is an excellent variety of Zanthoxylum bungeanum with wide distribution and the largest cultivation area in China. Now the cultivation is concentrated and has formed a scale in Wudu District, Longnan, Gansu Province.

two。 Big red pepper: big red pepper also known as oil pepper, Erhongpao, bisexual, etc., the tree is medium-strong, tree posture is open, it is cultivated in northwest and North China, but the cultivation is most concentrated in Hanyuan, Luding, Xichang and other places in Sichuan.

Picture: prickly ash

3. Small red pepper: small red pepper also known as small red hug, rice pepper, small pepper, ponytail pepper and so on, the tree is moderate, the tree posture is open, the branch angle is large, the crown is flat, the pericarp is red and bright, the hemp flavor is rich, especially the fragrance is strong, and the quality is excellent.

4. White sand pepper: White sand pepper, also known as white pepper, white sand, etc., the tree potential is moderate, the tree posture is more open, the high yield and stability are strong, but the skin color is poor, the market sales is not very good, not suitable for large-scale cultivation, cultivation is more common in Shandong, Hebei, Henan and Shanxi.

Picture: prickly ash

Second, the sowing method of Zanthoxylum bungeanum

1. Seed harvest: Zanthoxylum bungeanum should choose middle-aged trees with strong, fruiting and good quality. when harvesting, we should choose Chinese prickly ash with full maturity, purple-red fruit skin and blue-black seed appearance, full, disease-free and insect-free.

two。 Seed treatment: the seeds of Zanthoxylum bungeanum were selected with clear water to remove the blighted seeds, then soaked in 1% alkaline solution prepared with warm water for 2 days, and the oil on the seed coat was repeatedly scrubbed until the seed surface was grayish white. After being removed, rinse with clean water and mix with plant ash to sow seeds.

3. Nursery bed selection: pepper seedling bed with leeward to the sun, fertile soil layer, good drainage of sandy soil, combined with land preparation, the application of rotten organic fertilizer 4000kg / mu, urea 8kg 10kg, calcium superphosphate 30kg 40kg, peat 50kg, and then make the border.

Picture: prickly ash

4. Sowing time: the sowing time of Zanthoxylum bungeanum should be before the soil is frozen, generally from mid-October to early November. In the producing areas of Zanthoxylum bungeanum, the seeds can be sown immediately after seed collection from mid-late August to early September.

5. Sowing method: when sowing Zanthoxylum bungeanum bungeanum, open a ditch in the seedling border, step flat at the bottom of the ditch, spread the seeds evenly into the ditch, cultivate soil on the ditch, scrape off the upper part of the soil when a small number of seeds break the soil after spring, and scrape the soil again when the seeds break more than 80%. The sowing amount is 5kg / mu.

6. Seedling management: Zanthoxylum bungeanum can be covered with plastic film or wheat straw after sowing, and can be sprayed with water during drought, but it can not be flooded, and the soil of the seedling bed can be kept moist. When the seedlings grow to 3 cm 4 cm high and have 3% 4 true leaves, the seedlings are fixed when the seedling height reaches 10 cm.

The varieties of Zanthoxylum bungeanum trees include Dahongpao, Dahongpao, Little Red Pepper and White Pepper, among which Dahongpao has the best yield and quality. The varieties and sowing methods of Zanthoxylum bungeanum tree are introduced above. I hope it can be helpful to you!