
Watering flowers is still using rice washing water and vegetable washing water. It is the universal water that can grow any kind of flowers.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Flower lovers should all know that growing flowers depends on fertilizer for one third and water for seven percent. Water is very important for the growth of flowers, but many flowers are watered too much, too often, too little, and not watered thoroughly, resulting in plants.

Flower friends should all know that flower cultivation depends on fertilizer and water. Water is very important for the growth of flowers, but many flowers are watered too much, watered too frequently, watered too little, and watered without watering thoroughly, resulting in rotten roots, yellow leaves, no flowering and even death of plants.

In the process of flower cultivation at ordinary times, flower friends like to irrigate flowers with rice washing water or vegetable washing water, but in addition to these kinds of watering water, there is also a kind of watering flowers, which is the fruit skin enzyme commonly used by flower friends. After eating the remaining apple peel, orange peel, watermelon peel and other fruits, liquid is produced after fermentation, containing a variety of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium trace elements, rich in nutrients, especially suitable for flower cultivation and watering, but also can kill microorganisms in the soil, can loosen the soil, and adjust the pH of the soil.

How to make fruit peel enzymes

Collect all kinds of fruit peel, brown sugar, water, according to the ratio of 3:1:10 mixed, and then put into the mineral water bucket, sealed and placed in a cool place for about three months, so as to speed up the fermentation speed, and then sealed the first week, remember to open the bottle cap every day to deflate, 15 days after three days to release gas, until no gas release, stand for 4-5 months can be used.

Fruit peel enzyme watering flowers

When in use, the liquid can be filtered out, and it needs to be diluted when watering flowers. The ratio of water enzyme is about 10:1.

When watering flowers, you can water flowers according to the growth habits of flowers. Clivia can be watered once a week in summer. You can add a little enzyme. Fruit enzyme is suitable for all flowers and is very helpful for the growth of plant roots. However, flower friends should pay attention not to water flowers at noon in hot weather, but water flowers in the evening.

Fruit skin enzyme watering knowledge is shared here, flower friends now have a certain understanding of the production of fruit skin enzyme, usually eat the peel do not throw away, can be put in a bottle for fermentation, and then diluted to water flowers, flowers can grow better.