
I never thought there were hidden rules in succulent circles? After watching the lying gun for a minute...

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, In fact, the ubiquitous laws in our lives also exist in the meatcircle! Today, let's pick up the 15 laws in the succulent circle to see if you and your succulent plant have been hit. 1. The law of attraction when your mind is focused on a certain area.

In fact, the ubiquitous laws in our lives also exist in the meatcircle!

Today, let's pick up the 15 laws in the succulent circle to see if you and your succulent plant have been hit.

1. Law of attraction

When your mind is focused on a certain field, the people, things and things related to that field will attract your attention.

I think that as soon as I entered the meat pit, I was full of interest in all things related to succulent flesh. I watched delicious meat as soon as I was free, learned the experience of raising meat, and shared their stories of raising meat with my friends. And enjoy it.

two。 Watch law

When a person has only one watch, he has only one standard of time, and when he has two watches at the same time, his standard of time will be disturbed, or even unable to determine the time.

When Huichang first entered the pit, he didn't know how to water the meat and asked the veteran for advice. as a result, some people said that it was watered every three or four days, and some people said that it was watered every half a month. In the end, I still didn't know how to water the succulent meat.

Later, I finally learned that because the succulent situation is different, watering is affected by flowerpots, soil, temperature and so on. If someone clearly tells you that watering for a few days is irresponsible.

3. Diderot effect

Dennis, a French philosopher in the 18 th century. Diderot, a friend gave him a high-end nightgown one day, and he liked it very much. But when he put it on, he began to feel that all the furniture and decorations in the house looked crude and vulgar.

So she had to update the old things one by one, but in the end she was still not happy, because he finally found that "he was coerced by a nightgown."

Because "people go to higher places", when they reach a stage, all aspects require a rise in supporting facilities. After Huichang first entered the meat pit, then he went into the pit again. My meat is so beautiful and greasy that I must match it with a beautiful flowerpot.

So began to fall into a crazy hand-chopping link, this meat is good-looking, buy buy, this basin really match it, buy! An infinite cycle...

4. Herding effect

Where the first sheep goes, the sheep behind follow them. Herding effect is the earliest term in stock investment, which mainly refers to the phenomenon that investors learn and imitate in the process of trading, "follow suit" and blindly imitate others.

This phenomenon also exists in the succulent world, meat raising is a process of continuous learning, especially in the novice stage, I have no experience, so I have to closely follow in the footsteps of the great gods. God's watering, learn! The great god's every move, learn!

5. MIG-25 effect

Many parts of the MIG-25 jet fighter developed by the former Soviet Union lagged behind those of the United States, but because the designer considered the overall performance, it became world-class in terms of lift, speed, emergency response and so on. The so-called best whole is the best combination of individuals.

Buy the most expensive pot, the most expensive soil and the most expensive medicine for meat, not as good as the most suitable one. If it conforms to the growth characteristics of meat, it is beneficial for us to raise meat in good condition.

6. Crocodile rule

The original intention is to assume that a crocodile bites your foot. If you try to break free of your foot with your hand, the crocodile will bite your foot and hand at the same time. The more you struggle, the more you get bitten. So, in case a crocodile bites your foot, the only thing you can do is to sacrifice one foot.

This is like when succulent flesh appears to melt water, and there is a tendency to spread, do not hesitate to cut it off directly, quickly and ruthlessly, the more hesitant it is, it will easily lead to the death of the whole plant.

7. Labeling effect

When a person is labeled by a word name, he will make self-impression management so that his behavior is consistent with the content of the label.

According to psychology, the reason for the emergence of the "label effect" is mainly because the "label" has a qualitative guiding role, whether it is "good" or "bad". It has a strong effect on a person's "self-identity of personality consciousness".

Meat is affixed with the label of "general goods" and "expensive goods", which makes a grade distinction between meat and meat. In fact, everyone is meat, so there is no distinction between high and low.

8. Barrel law

How much water a bucket can hold depends on the shortest board in the bucket, not the longest one.

Inferiority determines strength, inferiority determines life and death, which is not only the cruel law of market competition, but also exists when raising meat, just like planting a succulent platter, if one meat is different from other meat, it can easily lead to problems with a whole basin of meat.

9. Halo effect

Halo effect, also known as "halo effect", belongs to the category of psychology, which means that when a cognitive person forms a good or bad impression of a certain characteristic of a person, he also tends to infer other characteristics of that person.

From a cognitive point of view, the halo effect only grasps and bases on the individual characteristics of things, but it is very one-sided to draw conclusions about the nature or all the characteristics of things.

Imported succulent soil used to be popular, but black and white cats can catch mice is a good cat, imported soil, domestic soil, as long as it is suitable for their own meat growth soil is the best, isn't it?

10. Effect of alcohol and sewage

The law of wine and sewage means that if you pour a spoonful of wine into a bucket of sewage, you get a bucket of sewage; if you pour a spoonful of sewage into a bucket of wine, you still get a bucket of sewage.

Planted a pile of meat, one plant appeared bituminous coal disease, did not deal with it in time, as a result, affected all the meat.

11. Kimchi effect

After the same vegetables are soaked in different water for a period of time, they are cooked separately and the taste is different.

According to this principle, people in different environments, due to long-term osmosis, there will be obvious differences in character, temperament, quality and way of thinking. The kimchi effect reveals that the environment plays a very important role in human growth.

The same kind of meat is extremely beautiful in the open hanging area, but when it comes to the reverse hanging area, it only makes people want to cry without tears.

twelve。 Butterfly Effect

A faint airstream caused by the occasional flapping of a butterfly's wings somewhere in the southern hemisphere can turn into a tornado sweeping somewhere in the northern hemisphere in a few weeks. They call this phenomenon, which develops into extremely huge and complex consequences by a minimal cause over a certain period of time, with the participation of other factors, as the "butterfly effect".

Once a shell bug flew by, I didn't notice it, and then my flesh was black rotten.

13. Broken window effect

If the window of a car on the side of the road is broken and not repaired in time, the car will be more and more damaged and even disassembled.

In the succulent circle, if you cripple the succulent plant and throw it outside, it will become more and more beautiful. Stolen.

14. Authority effect

Don't be too superstitious about what authority figures say. You should dare to stick to your own views and express your own views.

After entering the meat pit, sharing their meat raising experience with meat friends has also become one of their hobbies, and occasionally some people come out to criticize that this is wrong and that is wrong, but what is suitable for their own flesh is right, and we rely on our appearance to speak.

15.。 Murphy's law

Nothing is as simple as it seems; everything will take longer than you expect; what will go wrong will always go wrong; if you are worried about something happening, it is more likely to happen.

Every time I change the season, I am afraid that the meat will die, but the more nervous I am, the easier it is to have problems.

After reading it, I just want to say: what a mess your circle is! Ha ~

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