
It is smelly and dirty, but it is the savior of asparagus yellow leaves, raising flowers and not fertilizing for a year.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, More and more people like to raise some green plants for their families. On the one hand, in order to beautify the room and purify the air. On the other hand, it is also to pass the leisure time. And raise some green plants for the home or office, which can relieve the spirit.

More and more people like to raise some green plants for their families. On the one hand, in order to beautify the room and purify the air. On the other hand, it is also to pass the leisure time. And raise some green plants for the home or office, which can relieve mental fatigue and eye fatigue.

Like many flower friends like asparagus, raised at home or in the office, with elegant bookish atmosphere, very stylish. However, it is easy to have yellow leaves in cultured asparagus, which gives many flower friends a headache. Once there are yellow leaves in asparagus potted plants, the ornamental value will be very low, or even a pot of yellow grass, so today I would like to share with you a rescue method for yellow leaves of asparagus, that is, when raising asparagus, add some sheep dung to the pot. Generally, yellow leaves will not appear. The theme shared today:

It is smelly and dirty, but it is the "savior" of asparagus yellow leaves. It grows flowers and does not apply fertilizer for a year.

Sheep dung is very common in rural areas, that is, sheep droppings, but now it is rare in cities, and even many people have not seen sheep dung. Many people think it is smelly and dirty and don't want to see it, let alone grow flowers and use it. But sheep dung is indeed a good fertilizer for breeding asparagus, and it is a very good organic fertilizer.

It is autumn now, and the yellow leaves of asparagus are usually caused by poor soil. When raising asparagus in autumn, it must be supplemented with fertilizer in time. Burying sheep dung in flowerpots can provide rich nutrients for the growth of asparagus, but it must not be excessive. In autumn, without changing the pot for asparagus, 1-15 sheep dung can be buried evenly at the edge of the flowerpot. If excessive fertilization is applied, fertilizer damage will occur, resulting in root death. Remember to apply thin fertilizer frequently.

Of course, when changing pots for asparagus every spring, sheep dung can be used as base fertilizer and placed at the bottom of the flowerpot. Sheep dung will continue to ferment at the bottom of the pot to provide continuous nutrients for the growth of asparagus, and there is no need to fertilize asparagus for a year.

Of course, asparagus has yellow leaves, except because the soil is poor. There are also plant root rot, poor ventilation and other reasons, the following specific analysis for everyone:

Control watering to prevent decay

Asparagus likes to grow in permeable and breathable soil, so it must be watered thoroughly every time it is watered. Do not let water accumulate in the basin. If there is stagnant water for a long time, there will be stuffy roots, which can easily cause the root system of asparagus to rot and lead to the death of yellow leaves of the plant. Before each watering, be sure to check the dryness and wetness of the soil, and wait until the soil is completely dry and thoroughly watered again. This shows that the dry and wet watering method can make the root system of asparagus grow stronger.

Good ventilation and daylighting

Although asparagus is a shade-tolerant family plant, if it is to grow healthily, it must be placed in a well-ventilated position with scattered light, so that the plant can quickly carry out photosynthesis and speed up its metabolism. grow more new buds and green leaves. If asparagus is allowed to grow in a shady and dark environment for a long time, yellow leaves and plant decay will certainly occur.

With regard to the tips on the cultivation of asparagus, I would like to remind you again that it is autumn, and it is a good time to fertilize and fertilize asparagus. Burying some sheep dung in the basin of asparagus can quickly replenish fertilizer and make asparagus grow healthily.

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