
Flowering cactus-- the most beautiful miracle in the desert

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Rather Be & nbsp;PTX, Vol. III Pentatonix ...

Rather Be




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In this hot summer, many meat friends have thrown themselves into the pit of the cactus, why, because it is easy to raise.

Belongs to the cactus family, in order to adapt to the native dry and hot environment, chose to store water in the stems and leaves (succulent characteristics), while the leaves degenerated into thorns, all in order to survive.

According to statistics, there are more than 2000 species of cactus, this family is very large.


Desert wild rose

All are flowers with thorns, roses are beautiful, in fact, we cactus flowers are also very beautiful, known as desert hero flowers, no matter how difficult the environment, we have to bloom and continue future generations.

Schick's delayed photography of colourful grass flowering

The time of flowering varies, some are closed at day and night (such as Dragon King and Hibiscus jade), and some balls take decades to blossom. For example, the well-known golden amber fairy ball may have kept it for more than ten years without any movement.

Dragon King

In fact, it only blossoms in 60 years or so in its hometown, and it may blossom in more than 20 years if it is raised well.


Cactus ball is very popular now: grass ball, colorful grass, star pocket, XX pill, Xianhua jade, peony jade, jade Weng. Among them, the color grass series has the most cactus and the most abundant colors.

* colorful grass *

For the purpose of viewing flowers, a series of hybrid grass balls are usually hybridized with hairy style, beautiful flower and golden button to obtain richer flower patterns and colors.

The flowers of colored grass are extremely moving, with a satin-like gloss that cannot be shown in the photos, or a dreamy complex color that does not require Meitu, and some may have exquisite lace.

According to the different breeders, colored grass has been artificially divided into many different strains, and Schick is a strain of colored grass.

Schick's colored grass

Schick is a hybrid colored grass strain selected and bred by American Bob Schick (Bob Schick), which is named after his surname. It is a series of varieties developed in the Paramount series, with a total of 128 varieties.

Schick's series is more classic and famous, and it is one of the foundations of modern German varieties. Therefore, Schick's historical position can not be ignored.





Mountain skyline


As more and more enthusiasts join the team of colored grass, for beginners, the mat hybrid between Schick and other colored grass is also a good choice. It is not necessary to raise it to get beautiful colored grass flowers.

Unknown coloured grass

In addition to colorful grass, there are many wonderful cactus balls:

* Wujiao Qingxiang Fengyu *

Planetary genus

* Peony jade *

Naked calyx ball genus

* Yuweng *

Mastoid ball genus

* Orange Baoshan (part two) *

How to raise the ball well

1. Take root

Online shopping balls, some are cut off the lateral buds without roots, at this time you need to take root, wait for the ball wound to dry, put on dry soil to wait for roots, 20 ℃ is not easy to take root, spring and autumn is the golden season to buy balls.

two。 Normal maintenance

1. Soil: as long as it is loose and breathable, succulent soil can be used under conditions, and garden soil without conditions will do.

2. Basins: at will, plastic pots and earthen pots are all right, do not pick.

3. Watering: see dry and wet, do not water when the soil is still wet, it will rot the ball. Winter dormancy period do not water (especially cold), will be frozen to death, cactus did not die of thirst, but basically are waterlogged to death, small balls do not show, old balls can be exposed, more watering if there is enough sunshine.

4, sunshine: more sunshine will grow well-flood, big sun, big fat, the ball grows fast; if the sunshine is not good, the flowers will not blossom well, but the ball can not be directly exposed in summer.

5. Fertilizer: use phosphate fertilizer in spring to promote flowering (flower fertilizer is good); use potash fertilizer in autumn to accumulate nutrients to blossom next year.

6, temperature: cactus, some can withstand the low temperature below 0 ℃, but it is best not to take out the risk, in case of frostbite, the ball will rot, it is recommended that-5 ℃ of the weather into the indoor winter.

The unique demeanor of the cactus in the wild:

So does everyone jump in this pit? Come on, pull up your little buddy, you want to dance together.

(recommended Taobao search: grass balls, colored grass can be)


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