
When will lavender be planted? Planting time and method of lavender

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Lavender planting time lavender is suitable for planting from April to June. Lavender planting small knowledge lavender is mainly based on cutting propagation, it can maintain the good quality of the female parent. The adaptability of cutting is strong, and it can be carried out in spring and autumn.

Lavender planting time

Lavender is normally suitable for planting from April to June.

Little knowledge of lavender planting

Lavender is mainly propagated by cuttings, which can maintain the good quality of the female parent. The adaptability of cutting is strong, and it can be carried out in spring and autumn. Generally choose disease-free and pest-free plant terminal buds (about 5cm) or tender branches without Lignification. When cutting, remove the leaves of the bottom 2 sections, and then soak them with "Root Sun" rooting agent 100 times. After treatment, the cuttings will take root in the soil for about 2 to 3 weeks. The cutting medium can be evenly mixed with river sand and elliptical bran in the proportion of 2 ∶ 1, and put into a 5 × 10 hole plate for cutting. After cutting, put the seedlings in a cool and ventilated environment, keep the soil moist in the first 3 days, and then depend on the weather to ensure that the branches do not wrinkle leaves, dry up, and improve the survival rate. The management of cutting seedlings is more convenient, there is no need to apply fertilizer in the whole seedling stage, and it is widely used in production.

How to plant lavender and the planting method of lavender seed

Lavender has a unique fragrance and a good appearance. Lavender is generally planted outdoors, but in recent years, many flower friends plant lavender indoors and plant it indoors, which undoubtedly adds a certain color to the interior. I hope the following lavender planting method is helpful to flower friends.

Lavender seed planting method 1. Seed planting selection container

Lavender seed sowing, when choosing containers, you can use relatively small flowerpots, or you can use other containers instead. For example, the yogurt box, now I am drinking yogurt storage container! There are already more than a dozen! Pierce several small holes with an awl at the bottom of the box. Disposable plastic cups are also available, but because they are transparent, it is best to paste them with black paper or cover them with a paper cup (the roots of plants can affect growth if exposed to sunlight, and the soil tends to grow green moss).

2. Preparation of seed planting basin soil.

Lavender seeds are relatively small, and the budding rate is low, so the general sowing soil needs to be loose, breathable, high water holding capacity, and fully sterilized. Can use vermiculite, peat, water moss, perlite, serpent sawdust and other mixed soil. You can configure it yourself if you have the conditions.

3. Soak lavender seeds in warm water

The seeds of lavender should be soaked in 40 degrees warm water. Soak for 24 hours after the water is cool. It's easy to sprout. I have also read a lot of friends' posts, which are sprouted with paper towels. I haven't tried it yet, so I won't talk about it here.

4. Seed sowing method of lavender.

Generally speaking, if the seeds are slightly larger, you can order 2-3 seeds per container. Leave a stronger one after germination depending on the growth of the seedlings. The small seeds can be sown. Touch some seeds with your hands and sprinkle them gently on the soil. The seedlings sprouted after germination. Leave 1-3 seedlings as appropriate.

5. Cover the seeds with soil

The thickness of seed cover depends on the size of the seed. It is generally 2-3 times the diameter of the seed. The soil of small seeds should be thinner, and lavender seeds can be thicker.

6. Pay attention to moisturizing

Lavender seeds should be watered thoroughly after sowing. Use a fine spray can for watering, preferably with water spray. Do not try too hard to avoid washing away lavender seeds. I usually use the sitting basin method, that is, I use a large basin to hold two or three basins of water and sit the container in the basin. Let the water seep in through the bottom hole of the container. The water level in the large basin should not exceed the height of the soil in the container.) After sowing, the container should be covered with plastic film, and there are several small holes in the plastic film to breathe. Put the container in the sun and keep the temperature about 20 degrees. Most seeds can germinate after a week.

Post-germination management of lavender seeds

After the lavender seeds germinate, you can take off the cling film. If the seed is small, you can take it off until the seedling is a little stronger.

Pot lavender

After the lavender seeds germinate, the seedlings grow 4 or 6 true leaves and can be put on the pot. You need to use a small basin at the beginning. Wait for the seedling to grow up, and then replace the big basin as appropriate. When changing the basin, wait until the soil is dry (because it should be watered after changing the basin, if the soil is wet, the wet time is too long, and the seedlings are easy to grow poorly). First, add more than half of the fertile soil to the small basin. In order not to destroy the root system, there is no need to shake off the soil near the root when transplanting. Move it directly into a small basin and fill the soil with the roots. Be sure to water thoroughly and shade for a few days after transplantation. And then you can put it in the sun for maintenance.

When does lavender bloom [lavender florescence] when does lavender blossom

The famous southern French town of Provence is the place where lavender is civilized in the world. Very romantic lavender not only has high ornamental function, but also has high medicinal value. As a result, more and more Chinese people grow lavender. that. In China, what is the flowering time and flowering time of lavender? let's find out together.

1. There are 28 native species of lavender in the world, and the common lavender is mainly divided into three categories: 1. Native lavender: also known as English lavender, with finer leaves, shorter spikes and the best quality, it is often used to make high-grade perfumes and spices. two。 Long-spike lavender: also known as peppermint lavender, with wide leaves and long stems and spikes. 3. Mixed lavender: it is a mixture of the above two kinds, which is widely cultivated, and now most of the lavender in the flower field is this kind.

Second, the flowering time of lavender

The flowering time of lavender is usually June. There are no flowers in summer and winter or a small number of flowers in summer, which region they grow in. Such as cool places in summer, the amount of flowers will be very good. The flowering period of potted or protective cultivation is longer and the flowering period is uncertain.

Third, the florescence of lavender

The flowering period of lavender is usually from June to August. Because lavender likes sunshine, heat resistance, drought resistance, extreme cold resistance, barren resistance, saline-alkali resistance, the cultivation site needs sufficient sunshine and good ventilation. The time from sowing to flowering (or harvest) is 18-20 weeks. Lavender is semi-heat-resistant, cool, warm in winter and cool in summer. The suitable temperature for growth is 15: 25 ℃. It can grow at 5: 30 ℃.

[conclusion] "Lavender represents True Love" is the most representative lyric poem in Elizabeth's era. Therefore, it was popular for lovers at that time to give lavender to each other to express their love. To master the flowering period of lavender is to master the blooming of true love, thus becoming a favorite plant for many girls! More information: | marigold planting | Happiness tree conservation method | Flower picture and name | the function of green radish flower | how to raise gardenia | | potted flower picture | Jiuli fragrant bonsai | Crab claw orchid culture method | June snow bonsai | potted fruit tree | plain sailing |