
When will peanuts be sown? Planting time and method of peanut

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The normal planting time of peanut is suitable for planting from the end of April to the first ten days of May. Peanut planting small knowledge ridge cultivation, 1, clear squatting seedlings: when the seedlings are basically complete. First pull out the weeds around the seedlings, and then remove the soil so that the cotyledons are exposed to the ground. Be careful not to hurt the roots. After clearing the tree, it takes about half a month to fill the nest.

Peanut planting time

Under normal conditions, peanuts are suitable for planting from the end of April to the first ten days of May.

Little knowledge of peanut planting

First, ridge cultivation

1. Qinggu squatting seedlings: when the seedlings are basically out. First pull out the weeds around the seedlings, and then remove the soil so that the cotyledons are exposed to the ground. Be careful not to hurt the roots. After clearing the tree, it will take about half a month to fill the nest.

2. Intermediate tillage weeding: three times of intermediate ploughing and weeding were carried out at seedling stage, cluster stage and flowering stage. Grasp the principle of "shallow, deep and shallow", pay attention to prevent the seedling from being ploughed in the seedling stage, and prevent the fruit needle from being damaged by ploughing in the flowering stage.

3. Cultivate the soil: cultivate the soil half a month after flowering, it should not be too thick, 3cm should be suitable.

2. Film mulching cultivation

During the period from film mulching to seedling emergence, if you find that the film is broken or the coverage is not strict, re-embed and block it in time. When the seedlings break the membrane and arch the soil and begin to expose the real leaves, remove the soil from the film and make the cotyledons exposed to the surface. If you find a hole missing, immediately replant it with seeds that promote sprouting. Once ploughing and weeding was carried out in the border ditch before flowering. During the period from flowering to pod filling, according to the growth of peanuts, 500 times Xianke topdressing essence can be sprayed on the leaves instead of root topdressing, or 0.2%-0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate 500 times solution 2 times 3 times, or, and spraying Diguo Zhuangtiling to increase the amount of nutrition transport, promote fruit development and increase the yield of peanuts. During this period, in case of drought, irrigation should be made in time.

When will peanuts be planted? Introduction to planting time and methods of Peanut

Peanut planting time

Under normal conditions, peanuts should be planted from the end of April to the first ten days of May.

Little knowledge of peanut planting

1. Leveling the land

Peanuts are cash crops that blossom on the ground, form fruit needles and drill into the ground to bear fruit. Suitable for planting on loose sandy soil and oil sandy soil. The plots for growing peanuts should be deeply turned over, combined with 30-40 tons of high-quality farm manure per hectare, and suppressed 1-2 times after turning. Where there are conditions, water can be irrigated first, and then agricultural fertilizer and chemical fertilizer can be mixed into ridges and furrows, ridging and suppression, so as to prepare for sowing at the right time. Note that peanuts like stubble, should not be repeated and welcome stubble. The better previous crops are corn, millet and sorghum.

two。 Cultivated variety

Improved varieties are the basis for high yield of peanuts. The peanut varieties suitable for planting in this area mainly include Fuhua series varieties and Jifu series varieties (commonly known as Sijiehong). The growth period is about 120 days. Choose pods that are big and full, neatly shaped and unbroken as seeds. The seeds should be dried for 1-3 days before shelling, and the seeds with pure color and neat shape should be selected as seeds after peeling.

3. Scientific fertilization

Peanuts are relatively resistant to barren, fertilization should be based on base fertilizer, 30 tons of farm manure per hectare, chemical fertilizer should be based on phosphate fertilizer, 300-400 Jack diammonium phosphate per hectare. Grow peanuts in barren land and apply 200-300 jin more urea per hectare.

Stratified fertilization: the fertilizer applied before sowing should be divided into two layers: base fertilizer and seed fertilizer.

Step-by-step fertilization: it mainly refers to the step-by-step fertilization technology of the combination of base fertilizer, seed fertilizer and topdressing fertilizer for available nitrogen fertilizer. The available nitrogen fertilizer should be based on base fertilizer and seed fertilizer, and a certain amount of urea or other fertilizer should be applied in time if the phenomenon of de-fertilization occurs in the process of growth.

Deep fertilization: the basic fertilizer should be applied to the planting of 8 mures 10 cm, the seed fertilizer should be applied to the planting of 3 murals of 5 centimeters, and the topdressing depth should reach more than 10 centimeters.

4. Timely sowing and reasonable close planting

The suitable sowing time for peanuts in this area is the first and middle of May, and the specific sowing time depends on the weather conditions. The principle is that as long as the surface temperature of 5 cm stably passes through 12 ℃, the peanuts can be sown with 3-4 grains per grain and 3-5 cm thickness of soil cover, and the second is to sow seeds on demand. If the soil moisture is insufficient, it must be planted by sitting on water. When using sitting water seeds, we must wait for the water to seep completely before fertilizing, sowing, covering soil and other links.

Before sowing, peanuts should be soaked in warm water (two cool to one open) for 3-4 hours, moisturized, put in a place of 20-25 ℃ to sprout, sprout after one day and night, and sow the seeds on wet soil when sowing to prevent the buds from drying. Germinating seeds should be sowed at any time and should not be sown overnight, lest the buds grow too long and damage the germ. Generally speaking, the fertile land should be sparse and the thin land should be dense, and the suitable sowing density in this area is 15-200000 plants per hectare, and the suitable sowing density of each piece of land should be determined according to the soil fertility and the density tolerance of varieties.

When is the best time to plant peanuts? Planting time and method of Peanut

Peanut, also known as peanut, ground bean, evergreen fruit and so on, is an annual herb of the genus Peanut of Leguminosae. Peanut is an important oil crop in China, the pressed peanut oil has a natural strong flavor, in line with the needs of Chinese people for green quality, deeply welcomed by the market, high planting value. So, when is the best time to plant peanuts? How do you plant it? The planting time and methods of peanuts are introduced as follows.

I. planting time of peanuts

The suitable sowing time for spring and autumn double cropping peanut areas in South China is from February to mid-March, the suitable sowing time for spring and summer peanut intercropping areas in the Yangtze River Basin is from March to late April, and the suitable sowing time for large peanut areas and peanut producing areas in the north is from late April to early May. When peanuts are sown, the soil temperature 10 cm deep can be sown when the soil temperature is stable above 15 degrees for 5 days. Remember that do not sow when the temperature is below 11 degrees, so as to prevent the phenomenon of rotten seeds and dead seedlings. Even if peanuts can be unearthed, peanut seedlings are not strong enough to affect yield. Summer peanut planting areas can choose interplanting, sowing in advance to increase yield.

Picture: peanut planting

II. Planting methods of peanuts

1. Leveling the land: peanuts are cash crops that blossom on the ground, form fruit needles and drill into the ground to bear fruit. Suitable for planting on loose sandy soil and oil sandy soil. The plots for growing peanuts should be deeply turned over, combined with 30-40 tons of high-quality farm manure per hectare, and suppressed 1-2 times after turning. Where there are conditions, water can be irrigated first, and then agricultural fertilizer and chemical fertilizer can be mixed into ridges and furrows, ridging and suppression, so as to prepare for sowing at the right time.

two。 Cultivated varieties: peanuts should have high yield, and improved varieties are the foundation. Peanut varieties suitable for planting mainly include Fuhua series varieties and Jifu series varieties (commonly known as Sijiehong). The growth period is about 110-120 days. Choose pods with large and full fruit, neat shape and no broken pods as seeds. The seeds should be dried for 1-3 days before shelling, and the seeds with pure color and neat shape should be selected as seeds after peeling.

3. Scientific fertilization: peanuts are relatively resistant to barren, fertilization should be based on base fertilizer, 30 tons of farm manure per hectare, chemical fertilizer should be based on phosphate fertilizer, 300-400 jin diammonium phosphate per hectare. Grow peanuts in barren land and apply 200-300 jin more urea per hectare.

4. Seedling replenishment: peanut seedlings should be investigated as soon as possible from late May to early June, and seedlings should be replenished as early as possible in fields that are obviously short of seedlings. The method of sprouting and water planting can be used to complete the work of interseedling and seedling fixing.

Picture: peanut planting

5. Qinggu squatting seedlings: when the peanuts come out, dig a circle of soil around the seedlings 2 cm away with a small hand pick hoe, and then gently pick the two cotyledons out of the ground. Qinggu squatting seedlings are usually carried out three days after the first shovel.

6. Shovel in time: shovel the peanut seedlings after they are unearthed, do it three days after the shovel, shovel twice after 15-20 days, pay attention to the cultivation of the soil, do not press the seedlings, shovel three times at the end of the blooming period, make a trip to the square ridges when sealing the ridges, and insert them into the soil with fruit needles. at the same time, we should pay attention to pulling weeds.

7. Reasonable topdressing: during the podding and satiety period, peanuts can be foliar sprayed with fertilizers such as potassium dihydrogen phosphate (0.3%) and plant growth regulators such as Lvfeng 95 to promote grain formation.

8. Suitable harvest: when peanut leaves turn yellow and some stems and leaves wither, they can be harvested, usually in mid-September. After harvest, it is necessary to dry and rain, promote post-ripening and improve seed maturity. Peanuts should be harvested and dried before frost.

[conclusion] Peanut is suitable for sandy soil with warm climate, long growing season and moderate rainfall, and special attention should be paid to planting. The above introduces the planting time and methods of peanuts, hoping to help you!