
When will cucumbers be sown? Planting time and method of cucumber

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Cucumber planting time is from January to March in early spring and from June to August in summer and autumn. Cucumber planting knowledge 1, seed selection and cultivation mu: for cucumber planting in winter and spring, excellent varieties with cold resistance, strong disease resistance, high yield and market prospect should be selected. Before sowing, ① sets up a seedbed (dry terrain, good ventilation and good drainage should be selected.

Cucumber planting time

Early spring from January to March, summer and autumn planting from June to August.

Little knowledge of cucumber planting

First, seed selection and breeding mu: excellent varieties with cold resistance, strong disease resistance, high yield and market prospect should be selected for cucumber planting in winter and spring. Before sowing, ① set up a seedbed (a plot with dry terrain, good ventilation and good drainage, and no melons and eggplant vegetables were planted in the previous crop), arranged nutritious soil (seedbed soil: mature organic fertilizer: compound fertilizer = 7 / 15 / 3 / 0.01, evenly mixed), and watered enough bottom water. ② seed treatment, remove the shrunken seeds, put the seeds into 50 ℃ 60 ℃ hot water (three to one cold) and keep stirring until about 30 ℃, then set still and soak for 6 hours, remove and dry, spray the new high fat membrane 800x solution and mix well. ③ sowing: sow the treated seeds evenly in the seedbed, sow appropriate amount, cover soil with 1.5cm thick after sowing, and spray new high-fat film to keep moisture and increase fertilizer to promote seedling emergence.

2. Transplanting and planting: ① soil preparation for border, base fertilizer is applied half a month before planting, to ensure a reasonable match of all kinds of elements (NPK ratio is 1RV 0.25V1). Pour enough water on the bottom. Plan the border, lay out the row spacing, and plant it in a reasonable and timely manner. ② covering film heat preservation: the temperature is low in winter, two sheds and three films should be used to cover the ground and plants with new high-fat film to preserve soil moisture and prevent diseases and pests. According to the change of air temperature, it is appropriate to transmit light and cool down every day, and the temperature in the greenhouse should be kept at about 25 ℃. ③ fertilizer and water management: after planting, according to the change of air temperature and growth picking situation, reasonable control of water and fertilizer to ensure adequate nutrition balance.

Third, promoting flower and strong fruit: after the plant ends and the slow seedling returns to normal development, it is necessary to spray Huawang No. 3 in time, which can effectively inhibit the wild growth of main shoot and lateral bud, promote flower bud differentiation, blossom more and set more fruit. Zhuangguatiling should be sprayed in the flower bud stage, young fruit stage and fruit expansion stage to thicken the fruit pedicel, increase the rate of cyclic fruit setting, promote fruit development, have no deformity and fruit drop, improve the rate of high-quality commodities, and increase production and income.

Fourth, pest control: the main diseases of cucumber in winter greenhouse are: downy mildew, anthracnose, powdery mildew, Fusarium wilt, vine blight, scab, angular spot, mosaic disease, it is necessary to select highly targeted agents (such as DT50%, chlorothalonil wettable powder, agricultural streptomycin, etc.).

When will cucumbers be planted? Introduction to planting time and methods of Cucumber

Cucumber planting time

The normal condition of cucumber is suitable for sowing from January to March in early spring and from June to August in summer and autumn.

Little knowledge of cucumber planting

1. Soil selection and soil preparation, choose the clayey sandy soil with pH between 6.0 and 7.5, rich in organic matter, good drainage and irrigation, water and fertilizer conservation, avoid continuous cropping with melons, and the previous crop should be paddy field. The land preparation adopts deep trench high border, the width of the border is 1.8 m-2.0 m (even ditch), the height of the border is 30 cm, the north-south direction, double row planting, the plant spacing is 30 cm.

2. Timely sowing, seedling raising and planting in spring sowing seedlings after seed soaking and accelerating germination or direct seeding with plastic film mulching, direct seeding with soaking seeds or direct seeding with dry seeds in summer and autumn. Seed soaking and sprouting is widely used in cucumber sowing. Blanch seeds with 50-55 ℃ warm water for 10 minutes and stir constantly to prevent scalding. Then soak in warm water for about 30 ℃ for 4-6 hours, scrub clean, drain, moisturize and germinate in a 28-30 ℃ incubator or warm place, and begin to germinate for 20 hours. In the early spring, the seedlings were raised in a small arch shed and planted in a seedling cup or seedling bed. The seedlings were planted at the age of 15-20 days (2 true leaves) and carried out in the evening on a sunny day. Pay attention to protect the root system, drench the seedlings with water before raising the seedlings, and plant them with soil in order to prevent root injury.

3. Fertilizer and water management and soil cultivation and application of sufficient base fertilizer is one of the keys to stable and high yield. Cucumber responded well to base fertilizer. During soil preparation, deep tillage increased the application of rotten organic fertilizer, 2000 kg-3000 kg per mu, 50 kg of wool fertilizer and 30 kg of superphosphate as base fertilizer. When the plant has 2-3 true leaves, it begins to fertilize. Cucumber root has weak absorptivity and is sensitive to high concentration fertilizer. Topdressing is based on the principle of "frequent and thin application", once every 6-8 days, and urea 5kg-6kg per mu.

When will the cucumber be planted? Planting time and method of Cucumber

Cucumber, also known as cantaloupe, thorn melon, king melon, cucumber, etc., is an annual trailing or climbing herb of cucurbitaceae. Cucumber is a kind of vegetable widely cultivated in our country, which is favored by consumers and has good planting value. So, when will the cucumber be planted? How do you plant it? The planting time and methods of cucumber are introduced as follows.

Picture: cucumber planting

I. planting time of cucumbers

1. The planting time of spring cucumber: the sowing time of spring cucumber is determined according to the planting date, the suitable calendar seedling age is 40-50 days, and the physiological seedling age is four leaves. If the seedling age is calculated according to the calendar, the seeds will be sown 40-50 days before planting. The age of physiological seedlings is related to the method of raising seedlings. It takes 50-55 days to raise seedlings in sunny beds or solar greenhouse, 45-50 days in heating greenhouse and 45 days in electric hotline greenhouse. Therefore, the sowing time is also different with different seedling raising methods. Practice has proved that rapid seedling raising not only saves time, but also emerges quickly and thrives, and the early yield is high. The planting time of spring yellow claw is after the local late frost, and the ten-day average temperature is more than 18t. Beijing, Tianjin and Shijiazhuang are generally planted after late April. In order to slow down the seedlings quickly, choose sunny days to plant seedlings, do not plant in cloudy or windy days. The planting density is mainly determined by the characteristics of the variety.

Picture: cucumber planting

two。 The planting time of autumn cucumber: the planting of autumn cucumber refers to the cultivation at the end of harvest only in the frost-free area, while in the frost-free area it is the cucumber listed in summer cucumber seedling pulling in autumn. The growth period of autumn cucumber is only 80-90 days, which can be cultivated directly, seedlings can also be planted, and can be produced in open field or greenhouse. Autumn cucumber is generally sown about 70 days before Frosts Descent, and seedling transplanting can be carried out 7-10 days in advance. Because the seedling stage and early growth stage are in the high temperature and rainy season, the diseases and insect pests of autumn cucumber are serious and the yield is low.

Second, the planting method of cucumber

1. Variety selection: the varieties with high yield, strong disease resistance and good marketability should be selected, which are suitable for spring open field cultivation, such as Jinchun 4, Zhongnongda 11, Zhongnongda 12, Bomei 4, Derit 902, Zhongnong 12, etc. the varieties suitable for autumn open field cultivation are Jinyou 3, Jinyan 2, Tangshan autumn melon and so on.

two。 Seedling: seedling age about 35 days, strong seedling standard: cotyledons intact, 3-5 true leaves, short internodes, 45 degrees angle between petiole and main vine, dark green leaves, thick leaves, sturdy stems, well-developed roots, no diseases and insect pests.

Picture: cucumber planting

3. Fertilization to make beds: soil preparation, fertilization mature organic fertilizer 5 cubic meters, calcium superphosphate 25-30 kg or diammonium phosphate 10-15 kg. Plough the border before planting, 1.2 meters wide, more than 15 centimeters high, and covered with plastic film.

4. Colonization: it is planted as soon as possible on the premise of ensuring that it will not be frozen after colonization. Chengde area is generally planted at the end of April and the beginning of May. Temperature index requirements: the lowest night temperature is higher than 5 ℃, and the soil temperature at 0-10 cm is higher than 12 ℃. Cucumbers in autumn open field are direct seeded. 4000Mel 4500 plants / mu, small row spacing 40 cm, large row spacing 80 cm, plant spacing 25-30 cm, planted by dark water method.

5. Pruning and pinching: the main vine should remove all the side branches, the side vine should leave one or two leaves pinching after the melon, and knock off all tendrils. When the stem exceeds the shelf head, it should be pinched in time to promote the growth of the lower melon, and the method of twisting the tip can also be taken to restrain the growth of the upper part.

Picture: cucumber planting

6. Fertilizer and water management: timely watering and ploughing, the amount of water and times depend on the weather and growth period. Slow seedling water was irrigated 5-7 days after planting, water was controlled before setting, middle tillage and squatting seedlings, root melon was watered when 10~12cm was growing, and watering was done every 5-7 days in fruiting period. The principle of topdressing is light in front and heavy after a small amount of fertilizer is applied after root melon sitting, and full melon fertilizer is carried out after root melon harvest. Promote the use of organic fertilizer topdressing.

7. Harvest: cucumber is suitable for early harvest, single melon weight 100-150 grams in the early stage, 150-250 grams in the middle and later stage, especially root melons must be picked early to make the upper melons and vines grow at the same time. Early continuous cloudy days should be picked in time to prevent premature senility or disease.

[conclusion] Cucumber likes warm environment, is not resistant to cold, and has a large demand for water, so special attention should be paid to it in the process of planting. Above for you to introduce the planting time and methods of cucumber, I hope to be able to help you!