
When will the lilies be planted? Planting time and method of lily

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The planting time of lilies is suitable for planting lilies from August to September. Lily planting small knowledge of planting lilies, the north should choose sunny shelter, the south can be planted in a slightly shaded place. One month before planting, apply enough base fertilizer and turn the soil deeply. Compost and plant ash can be used as base fertilizer.

Planting time of lilies

Under normal conditions, lilies are suitable to be planted from August to September.

Little knowledge of lily planting

To plant lilies, it is appropriate to choose sunny shelter in the north and slightly shaded places in the south. Apply enough base fertilizer one month before planting and turn the soil deeply. Compost and plant ash can be used as base fertilizer.

Planting should be deeper (generally the depth is 3-4 times the diameter of the bulb), in order to facilitate the rhizome to absorb nutrients. If planted too shallowly in the north, it is vulnerable to freezing damage in winter, and will affect the growth of roots and bulbs. Weeding during the growth period should not be ploughed in order to avoid damage to the rhizome. If possible, you can sprinkle some sawdust on the planting ground to cover the soil.

Lily does not have a high demand for fertilizer, which is usually applied at the beginning of spring growth and the early stage of flowering. Some foreign growers believe that lilies need more nitrogen and potassium fertilizer and should be applied every 10-15 days during the growing period, while the supply of phosphate fertilizer should be limited, because too much phosphate fertilizer will cause withered and yellow leaves. Phosphate fertilizer can be increased by 1-2 days at flowering stage. In order to enrich the bulb, the residual flowers should be cut off in time after flowering to reduce nutrient consumption. Watering only needs to keep the pot soil moist, but it should be watered properly during the peak growing season and dry weather, and often sprinkle water around the flowerpot to improve air humidity.

When will lilies be planted? Planting time and method of Lily

Lily planting time

The normal condition of lily is suitable for planting from August to September.

Little knowledge of lily planting

Lily was originally a short-day plant growing in mountain forests and grasses in southwest and northwest China, so most varieties prefer a cool, humid semi-shady environment and are more resistant to cold. Among them, Lingyuan City, Liaoning Province is the best, and was awarded the title of "the first county of lilies in China" by the Ministry of Agriculture. It grows luxuriantly in fertile sandy soil rich in humus and well-drained soil, with well-developed bulbs and colorful flowers. On the other hand, the lily prefers warm and dry climatic conditions and is more resistant to sunlight. Lily is suitable for nitrogen fertilizer, and bean cake, vegetable cake, farm compost and nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer are the best. In the growing period of lilies, it is necessary to loosen the soil, weed, combined with watering and fertilization for mid-ploughing. Generally, diluted liquid fertilizer is applied for 3 times during the growing period to promote the growth and development of the seedlings. When the bud is about to blossom, apply phosphorus and potassium fertilizer twice to ensure that the seedlings have sufficient nutrition in the bud and flowering stage, which can not only make the flowers large and bright, but also promote the development of bulbs. Large area planting, should pay attention to ventilation and proper shade, if a small area of planting or potted, ornamental varieties with many flowers and slender branches should be set up to prevent flower branches from breaking. Although lilies have fewer diseases and insect pests, they should also pay attention to prevention and control.

How to plant lily bulb the planting method of lily bulb

Many people in life like beautiful lilies and want to grow some lilies at home, but after buying fresh lily bulbs, they don't know how to plant them. Today, the editor introduces some professional knowledge to make it easy for everyone to understand the correct method of planting lily bulbs.

Planting method of lily bulb

1. Lily bulbs must be selected before planting. There are teeth above and roots below. Some lily bulbs have no roots when they are purchased. After such bulbs are planted, the survival rate is not high.

2. When planting lily bulbs, you should also choose a deeper flowerpot. The diameter of the flowerpot should be about 20 centimeters, and two or three bulbs can be planted in each flowerpot, so that he will look better when he grows up.

3. When planting lily bulbs, you must choose sandy soil with fertile, good water retention and drainage. If there is no suitable soil, you can make it with peat, sand, perlite and other materials, and never use clayey soil.

4. The lily seed balls must be disinfected before planting. They can be soaked with a thousand times carbendazim solution. The soaking time should be about half an hour. After soaking, they should be taken out, washed with clean water, and then dried. You can plant them directly in the flowerpot.

5. To plant lily bulbs, if you plant 2 or 3 bulbs in a flowerpot, you should put all the heads of the bulbs toward the edge of the flowerpot, so that the plants will be evenly distributed after it germinates, and the ornamental value will not be high until it blossoms. After planting the ball, cover it with about five centimeters of soil, then pour through the water, put it in a cool environment, and it will sprout after a week.