
The 15th Qi Culture Festival and Shandong Bonsai Association Federation boutique invitation exhibition will be held soon.

Published: 2024-07-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/07/20, The 15th Qi Cultural Festival and Shandong Bonsai Association Federation boutique (Linzi) invitation exhibition will be held on September 12-16, 2018 at Taigong Lake Botanical Garden, Linzi District, Zibo City, Shandong Province. The 15th Qi Cultural Festival and Shandong Bonsai Association Federation.

The 15th Qi Cultural Festival and Shandong Bonsai Association Federation boutique (Linzi) invitation exhibition will be held on September 12-16, 2018 at Taigong Lake Botanical Garden, Linzi District, Zibo City, Shandong Province.

The 15th Qi Cultural Festival and Shandong Bonsai Association Union Fine works (Linzi) invitation Exhibition

Time: September 12-16, 2018

Venue: Taigong Lake Botanical Garden, Linzi District, Zibo City, Shandong Province.

Organizer: Linzi District leading Group of the 15th Qi Culture Festival, Shandong Bonsai Association Union.

Organizer: Linzi District Garden and Forestry Bureau, Linzi District Bonsai Stone Flower Association.

Co-organizers: exhibitors, newspapers and magazines, news media, network units.

Scale: thirteen well-known associations in Shandong Province.

Li Kewen, Zhao Qingquan, Shi Peiyuan, Jia Xiangyun, Yin Zhiyong, Liang Yuqing, Fan Yicheng, Li Yunlong, Shi Jingtao and other masters were invited to attend.

Review of previous sessions:

Lu Yixue, director of Linzi District Garden Bureau, presided over.

Wang Liming, deputy mayor of Linzi district, delivered a speech

Wonderful playback:

Welcome to Chinese bonsai!

Bonsai exhibition hall that can be enjoyed at any time

Carry forward bonsai culture and exchange bonsai skills!

Enjoy bonsai art and share a happy life!