
When will strawberries be planted? Planting time and method of strawberry

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Strawberry planting time strawberry planting is suitable for January or September-December. Strawberry planting knowledge pre-winter management, 1. Frequent application of thin fertilizer: nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium compound fertilizer or urea 5kg / mu in mid-October to promote root growth, increase the number of flowers in the top inflorescence and enhance the overwintering ability of the plant.

Strawberry planting time

Strawberry planting is suitable for January or September-December.

Little knowledge of strawberry planting

I. pre-winter management

1. Frequent application of thin fertilizer: nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium compound fertilizer or urea 5kg / mu was applied in the middle of October to promote root growth, increase the number of flowers in the top inflorescence and enhance the overwintering ability of the plant. The second time is from mid-November to early December, the amount of fertilizer application should be small, each time nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium compound fertilizer or urea 7 kg per mu.

two。 Keep moist: buckle film insulation from late September to early October. In addition to the double covering of greenhouse and small arch shed, leaf cover and other heat preservation measures can also be adopted.

3. Weeding and loosening the soil to pick old and diseased leaves.

II. Management before and after flowering

The flowering and fruit setting period of strawberry is mainly controlled at 20 ℃ ~ 28 ℃. Special attention should be paid to prevent frost injury at flowering stage and no low temperature below 5 ℃. Spray "new high fat membrane" emulsion 800 times, every 10 days or so, a total of 2 times. Anti-freezing, anti-cold, protect flowers and fruits.

Before flowering, young fruit stage and fruit expansion stage, "vegetable fruit Zhuangtiling" 0.3% Mel 0.5% urea plus 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution was sprayed, and 0.1-0.2 kg of urea was applied to the plant to supplement the nutrients needed for fruit growth and improve the filling quality.

Strawberry fruit is tender and has a long flowering period, so special emphasis should be placed on the use of integrated pest control measures. There is no chemical control in flowering and fruit setting period and fruit development period. Prevention and treatment of Botrytis cinerea and bud blight are mainly used before flowering, such as Sukeling, methyl topiramate or Ruiduromyces, etc.

III. Overwintering management

Strawberry is a perennial plant, and the key period of its high yield management is in winter. The key to winter management is to do a good job of "three defenses", that is, cold prevention, drought prevention and early flowering prevention.

Before the cold winter comes, water should be poured thoroughly to protect against the cold.

When will strawberries be planted? Planting time and method of Strawberry

Strawberry is a perennial herb of Rosaceae, which is one of the favorite fruits. Strawberry, with its unique flavor and rich nutrition, is known as "fruit queen". It is deeply welcomed by the market and has high planting value. So, when will strawberries be planted? The planting time and methods of strawberries are introduced as follows.

Picture: strawberry planting

1. Planting time of strawberries

Strawberry, native to South America, is a perennial herb of Rosaceae. Seeds can germinate without obvious dormancy period or sowing at regular intervals. Generally, strawberries are planted in spring or autumn, but strawberries can be planted in all seasons.

2. Planting methods of strawberries

1. Land selection and land preparation: strawberry orchards should have sufficient light, slightly higher terrain, flat ground, convenient irrigation and drainage, fertile and loose soil, legumes or onion and garlic vegetable fields for the previous crops, and weeds and underground pests should be eliminated first in the garden. It can be sprayed with 1000 times of phoxim EC (5-6 cm wet soil layer) to control grubs, mole crickets and ground tigers. One week later, 5000 kg of high-quality rotten farm manure, 100kg of superphosphate and 50kg of potassium chloride were applied per mu. Combined with deep turning over the garden, fine ground preparation is made into a border surface with a height of 20 cm and a width of 50 cm, and the furrow is 30 cm wide. The length of the greenhouse is limited to 20 meters and there are 4 beds in it.

Picture: strawberry

two。 Transplanting technology: in order to get strawberries on the market from the end of January to the beginning of February, the time for strawberry seedlings in breeding nursery to transplant on the border of greenhouse should be in early September. To follow the seedlings, with transplanting, each row planting 2 rows, row spacing 27 cm, hole spacing 20 cm, 12000 plants per mu. When planting, the inflorescence of the same row of plants is in the same direction, so that the back of the strawberry seedling bow faces the predetermined growth direction of the inflorescence, the seedling center is exposed, the root system is flat and buried in the loose soil layer, the planting water is irrigated in time, and the exposed root is buried in the soil layer.

3. Intermediate ploughing and fertilization: ploughing loosens the soil, which is conducive to the decomposition of organic matter. Shallow ploughing should be done 3 times from November to December. Topdressing once at the early flowering stage and at the early fruit setting stage. Apply urea 10 kg per mu, phosphate fertilizer 20 kg, potassium chloride 10 kg, or ternary compound fertilizer 35 kg.

4. Management in the early stage of flower bud differentiation: strawberry seedlings transplanted in early September should be covered with shading net in addition to replenishing water in time. The net is 1.2 meters above the ground, which is convenient for personnel to operate. It is necessary to remove withered leaves, old leaves, axillary buds and stolons in time, and keep 5-6 leaves. Flower bud differentiation needs lower temperature and short sunshine, which can be covered with grass curtains on the sunshade net. Through the operation process of uncovering and covering the grass, the conditions of short sunshine and lower temperature were artificially created to promote the differentiation of apical inflorescence and axillary inflorescence for more than a month.

Picture: strawberry

5. Irrigation and drainage method: at the initial stage of flowering and berry growth, irrigate once respectively. It is appropriate to use furrow irrigation, so that the water irrigation to the ditch height of 2 prime 3 is better, let the water gradually seep into the border soil, and the remaining water in the ditch is discharged. If there is a drought, it should be irrigated once every 5-7 days. A section of metal pipe is put on the front end of the rubber tube for hole irrigation, which not only saves water, but also keeps the border soil loose. When it is rainy in autumn, it should be drained in time. Drainage ditches should be made early around the strawberry orchard so that the furrow water in the shed can be drained.

6. Cover with plastic film: from October to early November, it is the end of strawberry inflorescence differentiation, and the sunshade net can be removed. In Jiangzhun area, "the Beginning of Winter" is covered with plastic film behind, and the plastic film in front of "heavy snow" is covered with plastic film to keep the temperature in the shed at 28-30 ℃. In the "warm winter" year, the plastic film in the middle shed was added in the "the Winter Solstice" season. The "cold winter" year should be covered with large and medium shed plastic film at the same time. In short, during the season from "Lesser Cold" to "Greater Cold", the temperature in the shed should be kept above 25 ℃, or at least 23 ℃. Only by meeting the above temperature can strawberries grow normally.

7. Ventilation operation: the soil moisture for the growth of strawberry seedlings should be 70% and 80%. The humidity of the air in the shed should be 60%, 70%, and 70%. Therefore, when the temperature in the shed exceeds 30 ℃, it should be ventilated. The plastic film at both ends of the greenhouse and the middle greenhouse should be opened for ventilation from 10:00 to 3 pm from November to December. When the humidity in the shed exceeds 70%, it should also be ventilated to reduce the humidity of the air in the shed. Keeping bees in the flowering shed, nylon wire mesh can be made at both ends of the large and medium shed to facilitate smooth ventilation. Another function of greenhouse ventilation is to control strawberry powdery mildew.

Picture: strawberry planting

8. Harvest: strawberry seedlings blossom, set fruit to berry coloring, soften, release unique fragrance, about 30 days. Strawberries should be harvested and listed in batches after they are ripe. The average yield of strawberries is 1500 kg per mu.

[conclusion] Strawberries like warm and cool climate, shallow root distribution, large transpiration, strict requirements for water, avoid waterlogging, need to pay special attention in the process of planting. The above introduces the planting time and methods of strawberries. I hope it can be helpful to you!

When to plant strawberries best

Strawberries are loved by many people because of their sweet and sour taste and lovely appearance. We know that strawberries will be bought at the beginning of winter and towards spring. Do you know when strawberries were planted?

When to plant strawberries best

It is usually planted in autumn, begins to blossom in winter in the greenhouse, and can be picked before the Spring Festival until the end of May.

The sowing method of strawberry

1. Before low temperature stimulation sowing, the seeds can be wrapped in gauze, soaked in water for one day, and then stored in the refrigerator for about 15 days, so as to break the seed dormancy.

2. Soil selection and treatment strawberries like fertile, loose and breathable slightly acidic soil. Before sowing strawberry seeds, the soil should be crushed and exposed to the sun for three days, and then mixed with the right amount of organic fertilizer. Friends who have the conditions can directly disinfect with soil disinfectant and soil mixing.

3. Sow the prepared soil into a basin and water it once. After the soil absorbs fertilizer for 1 hour, the strawberry seeds can be sowed. Try to spread it evenly because the strawberry seeds are very small and sowing in a pile will reduce the germination rate of the seeds.

4. Sprinkle strawberry seeds with water and sprinkle with a little fine soil. The soil is not too thick, 2-3 mm, and can cover strawberry seeds. After sprinkling fine soil, spray the seeds with a spray can and try not to water them to prevent strawberry seeds from being washed away.

Management of strawberry after planting

1. Watering generally does not need to be watered too frequently after sowing. If it is not dry or watered, it is good to water thoroughly. If it is hot and dry in summer, the frequency of watering can be increased. After the emergence of the seedlings to moisturize the seedlings, can not let the seedlings too dry, moisturizing time do not use too much water, otherwise the seedlings will be directly flushed to the ground. Also do not put the seedlings in the strong sun environment, to avoid dying the seedlings.

2. When the transplanted seedlings have 3-5 leaves, they can be transplanted. The seedlings can be transplanted into flowerpots to make potted strawberries, or they can be transplanted to the ground for cultivation. When transplanting, you can transplant with root soil, which can increase the survival rate.

3. Fertilizing strawberries need not be fertilized before transplanting. After transplanting, you can't fertilize immediately until the strawberry seedlings adapt to the current environment before applying some light fertilizer. Generally speaking, the nutrition in the soil makes enough strawberries blossom and bear fruit, but it is necessary to apply some light fertilizer in order to blossom and bear more fruit.

4. Light the growth and development of most plants are inseparable from light, especially those that can bear fruit. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that strawberries have enough light time every day, so that strawberries can bear fruit.

5. Management of flowering period artificial pollination can be carried out when strawberries bloom. The specific way is to touch the buds of female flowers. If there are a lot of flowers on a strawberry, you can properly pick off some of the more flowers, which can improve the fruit rate.

6. Fruit management when strawberries bear small fruit, it is necessary to take measures to protect the fruit. Fruit protection is mainly to find a way to prevent strawberries from falling directly on the soil, otherwise strawberries will be rotted by some microbes or small animals in the soil. When strawberries are fully ripe, pick them as soon as possible to prevent them from being eaten by some insects and birds.

Pest control methods of strawberry

1. Powdery mildew. Prevention and control measures: clean the garden in winter and spring, burn rotten branches and leaves, appropriately increase the row spacing of plants, remove the old leaves affixed to the ground in time, make the garden well ventilated, pay attention to drainage after rain, control the application of nitrogen fertilizer, spray 1000 times methyl topiramate or 800 times bacilli.

2. Grey mold. Control measures: increase the application of organic fertilizer, apply nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium properly, control the application amount of nitrogen fertilizer to prevent overgrowth, do not plant too densely, control the density within 8000 plants / 667m2, facilitate ventilation and light, carry out plastic film mulching to prevent fruit from contact with soil, strengthen garden cleaning, timely remove old branches, leaves and fruits, susceptible inflorescences and diseased fruits, spray control, and pay attention to early prevention. From the beginning of budding, spray once every 7 mures every 10 days, three times in a row, and spray with 50% chlorpromazine 800 times or 65% Dyson zinc 500 times.

3. Yellow wilt. Prevention and control measures: the main measure is soil disinfection. After the strawberry fruit is harvested, all the plants in the field are dug up, then the soil is ploughed and the beds or ridges are quickly formed. After the rainy season, in the hot and hot season, irrigate the border, then cover it with plastic sheeting for about a month. Depending on the sun, the high temperature under the plastic sheet can reach about 50 ℃, which can play the role of soil disinfection.

Originally planted in autumn, strawberries taste best when they are ripe. Strawberry is a very delicate fruit, when planting, it also needs to pay attention to a lot of things, pay more painstaking efforts. So we should be more careful when picking. Don't waste the breeders' painstaking efforts.