
When will cotton be planted? Little knowledge of cotton planting

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Cotton planting time the normal situation of cotton is suitable for planting around April-May. Cotton planting knowledge (1) Land selection: cotton is a temperature-loving and light-loving crop. Liaoning belongs to the extra-precocious cotton area, which is the province with the highest latitude in the cotton area of the country, and it is not suitable to plant cotton in the cold areas of the north. Cotton roots are well developed.

Cotton planting time

Under normal conditions, cotton is suitable to be planted around April to May.

Little knowledge of cotton planting

(1) plot selection: cotton is a temperature-loving and light-loving crop. Liaoning belongs to the extra-precocious cotton area, which is the province with the highest latitude in the cotton area of the country, and it is not suitable to plant cotton in the cold areas of the north. The root system of cotton is well developed, and the root depth is more than 2 meters. Therefore, the cotton field should choose flat land or sunny sloping land with deep soil layer and medium fertility. Sticky soil, back sun, waterlogged cold pulp land is not suitable to grow cotton, the agricultural proverb said: "Cotton seedlings are like fire, sandy land is the best."

(2) ridging: the ability of cottonseed top soil is strong, and two leaves should be unearthed, which has great resistance. Moreover, the yield increase of cotton in Liaoning mainly depends on the monarch, and a certain density must be guaranteed. Sowing and protecting the whole seedling is the basis for increasing cotton production. Therefore, cotton field preparation must be meticulous, cottonseed emergence and water absorption is slow, cottonseed itself is rich in fat and protein, slow material transformation, long seedling emergence time, large water absorption (equivalent to seed weight), cotton field should maintain sufficient water. It is required that cotton field preparation should be ridged as early as possible, the best ridging in autumn, and ridging in spring should also be completed before the end of March, no later than April 5 (before Qingming Festival). The soil preparation is fine and bumpy, the upper part is empty and the bottom is solid, and the soil water content is not less than 18%. Ridging and fertilization should not be less than 3000 kg of agricultural fertilizer.

When will the cotton be planted? Planting time and method of cotton

Cotton is an annual herb of cotton genus of Malvaceae, and it is one of the most important crops in the world. Cotton has the characteristics of high yield and low production cost. it is not only a fiber crop, but also an important oil crop. So, when will the cotton be planted? How should I plant it? Now the planting time and methods of cotton are introduced as follows.

Picture: cotton planting

I. planting time of cotton

Due to the different weather and climate in different regions, the cotton planting time is also different, generally speaking, the cotton planting time is about April of each year. In fact, since spring and March, farmers began to buy cottonseed to grow cotton, but since cotton is not planted directly like beans, cotton seedlings are all being cultivated at this time, so the real planting time for cotton should be the end of March and the beginning of April.

Picture: cotton planting

II. Planting methods of cotton

1. Preparation before sowing: the purchase of improved cotton varieties is recommended to change seeds every year, do not be cheap, use the second or third generation of cotton seeds, because the output of self-retained seeds is reduced by about 10% every year. Use about 1.5 kilograms of seeds per mu, dry the seeds before sowing, the cumulative drying time is not less than 30 hours, and constantly turn over. Be careful not to spread it directly on the cement floor, brick floor or metal plate. Before sowing, the soil moisture must be made and preserved in time, so that the soil moisture can be planted.

two。 Fertilization and sowing: generally apply 3-4 square of high quality farm manure, 10 kg of urea, 20 kg of diammonium, 20 kg of potassium sulfate compound fertilizer and 2 kg of boron, zinc, manganese, iron and other micro-fertilizers. Sowing prematurely will result in incomplete emergence of seedlings, aggravation of diseases in seedling stage and premature senescence in later stage due to low temperature. Too late is easy to cause overgrowth, sitting peach on the upper side, missing the best boll period, which is not conducive to high yield. The best sowing date is about April 20, and the sowing depth is about 3 centimeters. According to the soil moisture, the soil moisture is slightly shallower than the clay soil, and the soil moisture is slightly deeper than the sandy soil.

3. Reasonable close planting: sand, poor fertility of the appropriate close planting, clayey soil, good fertility of the appropriate sparse planting, the recommended practice is to plant large and small rows of about 1 meter, small rows of 55 centimeters, plant spacing of about 40 centimeters. When planting with tractor plastic film mulching, there are now a considerable number of cotton farmers who leave too many seedlings at seedling stage, early closure of cotton lines, poor ventilation and light transmission, resulting in reduced photosynthesis, serious shedding of buds and bolls, aggravation of cotton diseases and insect pests, and increase of ineffective branches, which is not conducive to field operation. the yield and quality of cotton are reduced, affecting income.

Picture: cotton planting

4. Topdressing watering: generally without watering at the seedling stage, 20 kg of urea per mu at the flower and boll stage, and about 15 days of drought at the early flowering stage. At noon, the leaves should be watered in time when they wilt slightly, even if it rains and is not permeable. Finally, after cotton bolls are opened, they should also be watered once in case of drought, which can improve root vitality, delay cotton senescence, increase boll weight, and increase yield by about 10%.

5. Chemical control and topping: the scientific use of Jiaoan and Zhuangzhu is the key measure to build a high-yield shelf to achieve high yield. Chemical control begins at the budding stage, 0.5 grams per mu for 6-8 leaves, 1.5 grams per mu for early flowering, and 3 grams per mu after topping. Master the principle of "light in front and heavy in back, a small number of times". To hit the top, you should master "time to wait for branches, branches to see the growth", the general cotton field will be completed on July 15-20.

6. Pest control: Tian Da 2116 plus carbendazim plus imidacloprid can be used in the seedling stage, and carbendazim is added to sterilize every time. Phoxim, malathion, cypermethrin, avermectin and other pesticides are used alternately to control cotton bollworm, blind Toona sinensis, red spider, etc., and potassium dihydrogen phosphate, urea and micro-fertilizer are added alternately at the same time of spraying.

[conclusion] Cotton is a light-loving crop, which is suitable to grow under sufficient light conditions, and special attention should be paid to the planting process. Above for you to introduce the planting time and methods of cotton, hope to help you!

The efficacy and function of kapok, kapok pictures, kapok flower language, how to eat kapok, when kapok opens kapok (kapok) is a southern specialty, is the city flower of Guangzhou, Kaohsiung and Panzhihua. Five petals with strong curves, surrounded by a dense bunch of yellow stamens, are tied up in a tight receptacle, each as big as a rice bowl, spreading downward from the top of the tree in the face of spring. The efficacy and function of kapok

The efficacy of kapok

Kapok is the dry flower of kapok, which is also known as Zhishu, Hero Tree and Panzhihua. Kapok has the effect of clearing heat and dampness, detoxification and hemostasis, and kapok has the effect of treating diarrhea, dysentery, blood avalanche and sores. The bark of kapok is used as a medicine in Guangdong, which is called Guangdong paulownia bark, bitter in taste, flat in nature, and has the effect of spreading rheumatism.

The function of kapok

1. Kapok treats dysentery, the white one is better. Essentials of Herbal Medicinal Materials

2. Kapok to treat arthralgia: 30 grams of kapok root, fried in water.

3. Kapok can remove red dysentery, white people treat white dysentery, and Wuyi tea is fried and often drunk. "Materia Medica seeks the original"

4. Bleeding after treatment of kapok: 30 grams of kapok bark, 90 grams of red pork, boiled soup.

5. Kapok can relieve summer heat.

Kapok pictures

Kapok (kapok) is a southern specialty and the city flower of Guangzhou, Kaohsiung and Panzhihua. Five petals with strong curves, surrounded by a dense bunch of yellow stamens, are tied up in a tight receptacle, each as big as a rice bowl, spreading downward from the top of the tree in the face of spring. Kapok, also known as Hero Flower, even its fall is extraordinarily arrogant. When it falls from the tree, it still keeps its original state in the air, rotates all the way down, and then falls to the ground with a bang. The trees are full of trees, the flowers do not fade, do not fade away, and bid farewell to the world heroically. Why is kapok called "Hero Flower"? Because it is red but not vulgar, its sturdy torso is strong, its upright posture, heroic grandeur, the color of the flower is as red as the character of a strong man, and the color is like the blood of a hero on the treetops.

The flowery language of kapok

The symbolic meaning of kapok: hero, man, love is prosperous; it symbolizes vigor and vitality.

The flower language of kapok: 1. Cherish the people around you! Cherish the happiness at hand

It is said that the eleventh day of April is the day when kapok blossoms.

Kapok is large, orange-red and extremely beautiful for appreciation. Kapok trees were widely planted in ancient Guangzhou, among which more than ten trees in front of the Nanhai Temple are the oldest. In February of the lunar calendar every year, kapok is in full bloom, and thousands of visitors come every day. The scene is lively and Qingqu University celebrates it with "the song of kapok in the temple of the South China Sea". At present, there are still two ancient kapok trees in the Nanhai Temple, which are still tall and straight after weather and frost.

How to eat kapok

Kapok and tangerine peel porridge

Raw materials: 30 grams of fresh kapok, 10 grams of tangerine peel, 100 grams of japonica rice, appropriate amount of honey.

Production: wash kapok and tangerine peel, add water frying juice, remove dregs and set aside; wash japonica rice, add water and kapok orange peel juice to cook porridge; when the porridge is almost ready, add the right amount of honey and cook a little.

Efficacy: invigorate the spleen and remove dampness, cool blood and stop bleeding, moisturize the lungs and relieve cough.

Kapok has the effect of clearing heat and dampness, detoxification and hemostasis, tangerine peel and honey can moisten the lung and relieve cough, and japonica rice can strengthen the spleen and stomach. The combination of the three can increase the function of invigorating the spleen and relieving dampness and moistening the lungs and relieving cough, especially for the elderly with deficiency of qi.

Second, kapok Sanhua drink

Raw materials: 15 grams of dried cotton petals, 10 grams of honeysuckle, 10 grams of white chrysanthemum.

Production: wash kapok petals, honeysuckle and white chrysanthemum; boil with water for tea.

Efficacy: clearing heat and detoxification, cooling blood and stopping dysentery.

Kapok, honeysuckle and white chrysanthemum all have the effect of clearing heat and cooling blood, honeysuckle clearing heat and detoxification, white chrysanthemum clearing liver and eyesight, the combination of the three can increase the effect of clearing heat and cooling blood and relieving dysentery. In summer days, often drink this drink, but also has the effect of relieving summer heat.

When will kapok open?

The Gregorian calendar is about April. There is a folk saying that April 11 is the opening day of kapok, the flower language of kapok is: cherish the people around you and happiness. So friends will send text messages that day, and couples will also send text messages.

Kapok tree is a tropical tree species, like high temperature and high humidity climate environment, low cold tolerance, in case of long-term low temperature of 5: 8 ℃, branches suffer cold injury, avoid frost, Guangzhou, Nanning and other places in southern China, normal years can be safe to winter in the open field, cold years have frost damage, northern South China and even the vast areas of North China, can only be potted, winter into the greenhouse or indoor, room temperature should not be less than 10 ℃, like sunshine, not resistant to shade Resistant to scorching sun and high temperature, should be planted in places with sufficient sunshine, the requirements for soil are not very harsh, sandy soil or clayey soil are suitable, like acidic soil, more drought-resistant, but also slightly resistant to water and moisture, the requirement for fertility is not very high, generally medium fertility, high phosphorus and potassium fertilizer soil, flowering luxuriant, bright color, sufficient water, high nitrogen fertilizer soil luxuriant branches and leaves, flowering is more, but the color is not bright. When planting, it is appropriate to apply rotten cake fertilizer or garbage as base fertilizer, and to apply phosphorus and potassium fertilizer before flowering and in full flowering period. although the shape of the tree is not very beautiful, it is sprouting. Truncation or pruning and shaping can be used in management to promote the fullness of the tree crown, or 3 or 5 trees can be planted in one place to improve the ornamental effect.

The use of kapok

Medicinal value of kapok

The root and stem extracts of kapok can be used as astringents and analgesics, its juice can be used to treat dysentery, and its root bark, stem bark and thorns can be ground into ointment to treat acne. It is said that whenever kapok blooms, there are many old people and children in the village who pick up flowers when they fall and then dry them in the sun, which can be used to make tea, make soup and use medicine.

Kapok is light, astringent and flat. Clearing heat, promoting dampness and detoxification. For diarrhea, dysentery, blood avalanche, sore poison. The usual dosage is 5 to 10 grams.

Sun-dried kapok has medicinal value, detoxification, heat, cold and dampness, using dried kapok to cook porridge or soup.

Functional indications of kapok

Kapok is the dry flower of kapok, which is also known as Zhishu, Hero Tree and Panzhihua. Kapok has the effect of clearing heat and dampness, detoxification and hemostasis, and kapok has the effect of treating diarrhea, dysentery, blood avalanche and sores. The bark of kapok is used as a medicine in Guangdong, which is called Guangdong paulownia bark, bitter in taste, flat in nature, and has the effect of spreading rheumatism.

There are several colors of kapok

Kapok, also known as "Panzhihua", "Hero Tree", kapok family. Large deciduous trees, 30-40 m high. There are flat round prickles on the stem. Palmately compound, alternate, leaflets 5-7, long oval, all green. Early spring early leaf flowering, solitary, large, red, five petals, stamens numerous, connected into five bundles, seeds numerous, smooth. Produced in Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Yunnan and Sichuan Jinsha River Basin.

In general, there are only red and orange. I haven't seen a blue one so far.

The price of kapok

Kapok, the market price of kapok rose to an all-time high of 15 yuan last year. Since this year, with the continuous recharge of goods, the market has been declining. Now the general market price is about 6 yuan, and the sales volume of this product is small. The market change in the future still depends on the size of the market supply.

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