
The maintenance of Douban Green pay attention to these points: the leaves are thick, round, shiny and no longer thin, soft and black.

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Douban Green, also known as Jasper, the leaves are green, round and thick, and the plant type is petite and cute, which is very suitable for indoor breeding and viewing. While it is pleasing to the eye, it can also purify the indoor air, especially the newly decorated house.

Douban Green, also known as Jasper, the leaves are green, round and thick, and the plant type is petite and cute, which is very suitable for indoor breeding and viewing. At the same time, it can also purify the indoor air, especially the newly decorated house. The maintenance of Douban green is also relatively simple, want its leaves to be thick and shiny, pay more attention to the following aspects of maintenance.

1. Soil. Douban green likes loose, breathable and well-drained soil. Mature rotten leaf soil or pine needle soil can meet its growth needs by adding a small amount of garden soil and river sand. If long-term watering causes soil consolidation, you can use a small tool to loosen the soil regularly in the basin without damaging the root system, which is more conducive to root respiration.

two。 Temperature. Under the environment of 20 ℃ ~ 30 ℃, the green branches and leaves of Douban grow vigorously and grow fast. Douban green grew slowly or stopped growing when it was higher than 35 ℃, and plants were susceptible to freezing injury when it was less than 10 ℃. Therefore, during the high temperature period in summer, we should often spray water to the leaves to cool down. When the temperature is too low in winter, corresponding measures must be taken to keep Douban green warm to prevent the black rot of stems and leaves caused by frostbite.

3. Light. Douban Green's primitive living environment is on wet stones or dead trees, so it doesn't like strong light. In summer, it should be placed in the ventilation place with scattered light near the indoor windowsill, and when the light is not very strong in other seasons, it can be maintained in a position with sufficient light to promote photosynthesis and make the leaves more green and bright. Long-term shade will cause the green stem of Douban to grow and the leaves to be dark and dull.

4. Water it. Douban green likes water and grows luxuriantly in a humid environment. Usually, you can scrub the leaves with a clean wet cloth and spray water to keep them moisturized under the condition of good ventilation. If the water supply is insufficient, the root system can not normally provide water to the leaves, which can easily cause the leaves to become thinner and softer. Watering also does not need stagnant water in the basin. Under the environment of loose and ventilated soil, it can be quickly absorbed by soil and root system after watering. The main cause of black rot of green leaves and stems of Douban is that the soil in the basin is moist for a long time. The temperature is low in winter, watering must wait for the soil to dry before watering to prevent frostbite of the root system.

5. Fertilize. Douban green is an ornamental plant, which rarely blossoms, and its thick leaves need an adequate supply of fertilizer. In winter and summer, Douban green will grow slowly due to temperature discomfort, so you can apply less thin fertilizer or no fertilizer; spring and autumn are the peak growth period of Douban green, and you want thick and shiny leaves, strong stems, long branches, in addition to adequate nitrogen fertilizer supplement, in addition to promoting leaf photosynthesis, but also regularly supplement phosphorus and potassium fertilizer. Usually fertilization can be based on nitrogen fertilizer or nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium all-element compound fertilizer, combined with frequent spraying of potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution, can make the plant growth more robust and enhance the ability of disease resistance and cold resistance.