
This is the reason for the continuous shedding of the buds that have just grown in the peak blooming season in autumn.

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, With the advent of autumn, triangular plum has entered another peak flowering season. after a series of management, most varieties of triangular plum may blossom in autumn. The triangulated plum of the diligent flower variety is already quietly gestating buds. But there is.

With the advent of autumn, triangular plum has entered another peak flowering season. after a series of management, most varieties of triangular plum may blossom in autumn. The triangulated plum of the diligent flower variety is already quietly gestating buds. However, some flower friends are delighted to find that the small bud that is just about to bloom has suddenly fallen off. I think there are the following reasons.

1. Watering too often. As we all know, if you want triangular plums to blossom, most varieties have to go through water control treatment. Water control is about one and a half months in the early bud stage of triangulated plum, each time waiting for the soil to dry, branches and leaves drooping, wilting and then irrigating a small amount of water. During the period with spraying phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, repeat this for about a month, and then return to normal watering for about 20 days, so that the triangular plum will have a bud. Some flower friends feel that there is a large shortage of water during the water control period, so they will replenish a lot of water to the plum in the flower bud stage, watering too frequently, the basin soil will not dry for a long time, the root system can not breathe freely and can not transfer nutrients to the bud normally, which will cause the bud to fall off.

two。 Too little fertilizer. If you want triangular plum to blossom more, there must be plenty of fertilizer. Among the three main fertilizers of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, nitrogen fertilizer promotes leaves, phosphorus fertilizer promotes flowers, and potassium fertilizer promotes stems, so phosphorus and potassium fertilizer is two indispensable fertilizers for flowering plants at flowering stage. Some flower friends only care about water control, do not give timely supply of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, or fertilization is unreasonable, partial application of nitrogen fertilizer, will cause insufficient fertilizer supply in the flower bud stage and cause the bud to fall off.

3. Moving back and forth, the light is unreasonable. Triangular plum is a light-loving plant, which needs to be cultured outdoors most of the time, and gives strong light before it can bud and blossom. Some flower friends see triangular plum pregnant buds, happy to move to indoor or lack of light to appreciate, a sudden lack of light, or a sudden change in the environment, will inevitably lead to falling buds.

Therefore, the autumn flower bud stage of the plum, the maintenance of more attention, watering dry and wet; continue to maintain adequate light; continuous supply of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer. Only in this way can the triangular plum blossom for a long time and effectively avoid falling flowers and buds.