
Control methods of common diseases and insect pests in black bean

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Control methods of common diseases and insect pests in black bean

Black beans will also be disturbed by diseases and insect pests when they are planted. Black beans have stronger disease resistance than other beans, and there are relatively few diseases, mainly insect pests. In recent years, with the increasing planting area, the frequency of diseases and insect pests is also getting higher and higher, affecting the growth and yield of black beans, so what are the common diseases and insect pests of black beans? Let's take a look at the prevention and control methods of the pro-agricultural network.

1. Mosaic virus disease

Mosaic virus disease is one of the few diseases of black bean, it is a viral disease, after the virus infects the plant, it mainly harms the leaf pod and bean grain, makes the plant grow and deform, the bean grain has no luster, the leaf has yellowish disease spot, and the plant curls and dies when the disease is serious.

Control methods: select disease-free planting, select seeds with full grains, no brown spots on the epidermis and strong disease resistance, strengthen fertilizer and water management, increase the application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, improve plant disease resistance and cultivate robust seedlings. The disease was prevented and treated with 1000 times of 1.5% Zhanling EC, or 400 times of 5% Shiduqing.

2. Liriomyza huidobrensis

Liriomyza huidobrensis is a widely distributed insect pest, mainly harmful to larvae. Adults lay eggs on plants around the soil, plants or fields. After the larvae lay eggs, they invade the stem from the young parts of the veins and petioles, feed on the pith and xylem of the stem, hinder the absorption of nutrients and water, and grow poorly, while the root system is swollen and dwarfed due to the accumulation of nutrients and water. Drop flowers and pods, resulting in reduced production or no harvest.

Control methods: select early-maturing, high-yield and pest-resistant varieties, try not to miss the best sowing time, in the adult outbreak period, brown sugar water mixed with vinegar, wine and insecticides can be used to reduce insect pests, in larvae and eggs, can be sprayed to control.

3. Aphids

Aphids are also harmful to larvae, it mainly harms leaves and flowers and pods, harms leaves in the early stage of plant growth, gnaws on leaves, makes them incomplete, reduces photosynthesis, weakens nutrient synthesis, sets pods in an account, drills into flowers or pods, and gnaws them, resulting in reduced yield or no harvest.

Control methods: when planting, all the weeds near the field can be eradicated to reduce the source of insects, and the above brown sugar water and wine vinegar can also be used to trap and kill, or the use of natural enemies is also a feasible method. If these two kinds are not good, in the outbreak period of aphids can be sprayed with aldicarb EC and aldicarb wettable powder and other agents, should pay attention to the use of concentration and dose, but also alternate use, so as not to produce drug resistance.

4. Heart-eating insects

The heart borer mainly harms the leaves and pods. In the early stage of the pest, it often lives on the leaves. It forms curly leaves and gnaws on the rolled leaves. In the later stage, it harms the pods, drills into the pods, and gnaws the beans clean.

Control methods: after harvest, the dead plants and fallen leaves in the field will be concentrated and burned to reduce the source of insects and overwintering eggs. At the initial stage, manual hunting can be carried out, the rolled leaves can be removed, and the heart borer can be pinched to death. It can also be sprayed with 4000 times of 15% Anda suspension or 1500 times of Yitaibao EC.

The above are the common black bean pest control methods brought by the pro-agricultural network. I hope it can help you. If you want to know more, please pay attention to the pro-agricultural network.