
The purchase and sale of rice in Northeast China has obvious characteristics of high quality and high price.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Supported by New Year's Day and the approaching peak of demand during the Spring Festival, the buying and selling atmosphere of the northeast rice market has warmed up this week. Driven by the group's active entry into the market, black dragon Changjianxiang, Liaoning Liaoxing rice and Jilin super rice showed a rising market. But it is strictly affected by the acquisition and deduction of water, round particles.

Supported by New Year's Day and the approaching peak of demand during the Spring Festival, the buying and selling atmosphere of the northeast rice market has warmed up this week. Driven by the group's active entry into the market, black dragon Changjianxiang, Liaoning Liaoxing rice and Jilin super rice showed a rising market.

However, due to the strict influence of the acquisition and deduction of water, the price of round-grain rice remains stable. The low operation of Jiangsu rice and southern late indica rice also limits the transportation speed of round grain rice in Northeast China.

The listing of southern new rice is more than a month late, and at this time it is still in the period of concentrated listing of new rice, coupled with the renewed decline in Thailand and Vietnam to hit the sales area market. to a certain extent, it will offset the positive impact brought about by the approaching peak demand season, and "excellent", "strong" and "universal" weak will still be the main tone of the rice market in the near future.

Group enterprises actively enter the market

With the dual support of COFCO, Yihai, China Resources and other group enterprises and farmers, high-quality varieties such as rice flower fragrance, long grain fragrance and Liao Xing rice in Northeast China have increased by about 60-80 yuan per ton compared with the beginning of the month. Among them, the grass-roots purchase price of long-grain fragrant rice in Heilongjiang has risen from 3200 yuan / ton in the middle of this month to 3300-3400 yuan / ton. Rice enterprises are optimistic that before the festival, prices of high-quality rice have been raised one after another, and rice prices are strengthening at the same time.

According to the statistics of relevant institutions, as of December 21. Wuchang County, Harbin City, abandoned long-grain fragrant rice factory 5100-5200 yuan / ton, a cumulative increase of 100 yuan / ton. Shangzhi City color selection does not throw long-grain hairy rice factory 4780 yuan / ton, a week-on-week increase of 160 yuan / ton. Fangzheng County discarded long-grain fragrant rice factory quotation of 5000 yuan / ton, a weekly increase of 40-60 yuan / ton. The purchase price of long-grain rice in Anshan Township, Yanshou County, where the rice yield is 67%, is 3400 yuan / ton. The factory price of long-grain fragrant rice in Hailun County, Suihua City is 4900 yuan / ton, an increase of 100 yuan / ton on a weekly basis. The factory price of long-grain new rice with a rice yield of 66-67% in Taobei District, Baicheng City, Jilin Province, with a moisture content of less than 14.5%, is 3400 yuan / ton, and the ex-factory price of medium-and long-grain rice selected by polishing color is 4800-4820 yuan / ton, an increase of 100 yuan / ton on a weekly basis. Shenyang City, Liaoning Province in 2015 pure Liaoxing rice ex-factory price of 4480-4500 yuan / ton, color selection does not throw wool rice ex-factory price of 4420 yuan / ton, rice production rate of about 69% Liaoxing rice purchase price of 3180-3200 yuan / ton, a weekly increase of 40-60 yuan / ton.

Guard against the risk of post-holiday callback

Due to the low rice yield and high seed price of long-grain varieties such as Suijing 4 and Kendao 12, the planting cost is higher than that of common rice.

However, because of the policy backing, especially under the background of better rice quality last year, less moisture and impurity deduction in grain depots, there is no significant difference in planting income between the two.

Therefore, the phenomenon of changing long-grain rice to common rice in Sanjiang, Mishan, Hulin, Fuyuan and other places in 2015 is more prominent. In addition, during the critical growth period this year, low temperature, overcast and rain are frequent, the rice yield of local rice is 2-3% lower, and the supply of high-quality rice is probably lower than that of last year.

Considering the traditional peak season of rice sales before the Spring Festival, the pulling effect on the demand for high-quality rice is more obvious. It is expected that the price of long-grain rice with high rice rate before the festival can be as high as 3500 yuan / ton.

However, it should be noted that the progress of grain sales in northeast China this year is slower than that of last year, and the proportion of surplus grain at the grass-roots level is more than 40%. In particular, the moisture content of rice in Heilongjiang, a major grain-producing province, is about 17%. Before the festival, there will be a peak period of "selling grain for the Spring Festival" and repaying loans.

Especially affected by restrictions on welfare distribution by institutions in marketing areas such as Beijing and Shanghai, it is difficult for long-grain rice to achieve an increase in the same period last year before the Spring Festival. As most of the raw grain is hoarded in the hands of traders and has not been fully consumed in the terminal market, high-quality rice is bound to fall after the Spring Festival.

Policy grain purchase is dominant.

Round-grain rice transactions are still dominated by policy acquisitions. According to the statistics of China Grain Reserve, from December 11 to 15, storage sites in Heilongjiang, Jilin, Jiangsu and other major producing provinces purchased a total of 1.0361 million tons of japonica rice in 2015, an increase of 225000 tons or 27.74% over the previous period (6-10). Since the launch of the market support policy, 14.8344 million tons have been acquired, which is higher than the level of the same period last year.

Among them, Heilongjiang occupies the main share of the national policy purchase volume. As of December 31 alone, 426 storage sites in the province had purchased 12.862 million tons of japonica rice in 2015, an increase of 4.384 million tons or 51.71 percent over the same period last year, accounting for more than 85 percent of the national policy-related japonica rice purchases in the current period. Due to the early start time of policy grain acquisition in Heilongjiang Province this year, and the peak purchase peak, with the sharp reduction of surplus grain in producing areas, it is expected that the progress of purchase will gradually slow down in the future, while grain depots implement strict deduction standards for moisture and impurities. In previous years, the phenomenon that a small number of traders bought high moisture rice at low prices in villages and then sent them to grain depots in accordance with the third-class grain standards no longer exists. The narrowing of trade profit margins makes traders lack the incentive to raise prices and buy.

The price of round rice is weak and stable.

At this time, the delivery of round-grain rice is still difficult. At present, the prices of round-grain rice in the main producing areas such as Jian Sanjiang, Jiamusi, Jixi and Shuangyashan are concentrated between 4180 and 4300 yuan per ton, and the purchase price of round-grain rice with a moisture content of about 17% is between 2880 and 2900 yuan per ton, which is the same as at the beginning of the month.

Due to the lack of processing profits, most enterprises in the production areas have stopped to wait and see, only some large rice enterprises rely on financial subsidies to start up reluctantly, and the local outage rate is still as high as more than 90%. Take the Hulin area in Jixi as an example, the factory price of round-grain rice selected by local medium-sized processing enterprises is 4180 yuan / ton, and the factory price of round-grain rice is 3020 yuan / ton (the average rice yield is 68%). According to the color selection grain factory 2800 yuan / ton, rice husk 220yuan / ton, broken rice 2500 yuan / ton, oil bran 1200 yuan / ton calculation, the by-product income is about 244.2 yuan / ton. The processing fee, packing fee and loan interest are about 131.25 yuan / ton, and the theoretical processing profit is about-33 yuan / ton, which is still in a state of loss. At the same time, at present, the price of round rice in Northeast China is mostly concentrated in 4160-4300 yuan / ton, while the bid price of white japonica rice in Nantong, Taizhou, Yangzhou and other places is only 3840-3900 yuan / ton. The price difference between the two is greater than a reasonable range, which still restricts goods in the market. It is expected that the rise of round-grain rice and rice before the festival is weak, and it is still dominated by a steady trend.