
It turns out that the effect of growing flowers with aspirin is so good. Florists hurry to learn.

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Pay attention to the flower growing site and get more flower growing skills! Since watching life tips and other programs, I always feel that the kitchen necessities such as baking soda, edible vinegar and sugar have innumerable uses waiting for me to dig. It turned out later that...

Flower growing station

Pay attention and get more flower-growing skills!

Since watching life tips and other programs, I always feel that the kitchen necessities such as baking soda, edible vinegar and sugar have innumerable uses waiting for me to dig. Later found that the original medicine also has a lot of unexpected effects. For example, aspirin has many benefits for growing flowers, but do you know what kind of aspirin should be used to grow flowers?

Benefits of aspirin growing flowers:

1. Increase the growth rate of plants.

A florist once tried to mix 20 liters of water with four crushed aspirin tablets, mix them well, and then spray the plants with these solutions every three weeks.

Compared with non-sprayed vegetables, it was found that the vegetables sprayed with solution grew faster and had a big difference. Aspirin mixed with clear water had vitamin C content, which promoted plant growth.

2. Aspirin can improve the germination rate of flowers and the survival rate of cuttings.

Aspirin can promote root germination, so if it is a newly planted seed or a newly cut branch waiting to germinate, you can use aspirin to water the flowers so that these seeds and cutting branches can take root better and faster.

3. Aspirin can prevent diseases and insect pests

The solution of aspirin with water is itself a kind of disinfectant, and its disinfectant can prevent the growth of all kinds of fungi, so watering flowers with aspirin solution can also prevent diseases and insect pests.

What kind of aspirin should I use to grow flowers?

1. Aspirin tablets are mostly sold on the market, and their specifications and contents are generally 10mg, 25mg, 30mg and 50mg. The use of these tablets is easy to cause dose errors, so it is suggested that it is best to buy pure aspirin powder from local pharmaceutical companies under certain conditions.

2. Aspirin is insoluble in water, so it is necessary to dissolve it with a small amount of 75% medical alcohol before mixing it with water.

The aqueous solution of aspirin is acidic or weakly acidic, and the ingredient beneficial to the growth of flowers such as orchids is salicylic acid. So we can only use aspirin solution to raise flowers that like acidic or slightly acidic soil, but not those that like alkaline soil. Such as rhododendron, gardenia, jasmine, green pineapple, rich tree, happiness tree, banyan tree, asparagus, rich bamboo and so on, can use aspirin solution.

Pay attention to the flower growing station and the editor will teach you to grow good flowers.

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