
The price of soybean and corn has been improved, the planting efficiency has been improved, and the market prospect is promising.

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Abstract: the price of soybean and corn has increased, and the market prospect this year is promising. This year's soybean market is much better than in previous years, mainly due to the rise in soybean prices this year, soybean imports are blocked, soybean imports are expected to be this year.

Abstract: the price of soybean and corn has increased, and the market prospect this year is promising.

This year's soybean market is much better than in previous years, mainly due to the rising soybean prices this year, soybean imports are blocked, soybean imports are expected to shrink by 10 million tons this year. Although the planting area of domestic soybeans has increased this year, according to the report of the Grain and Oil Information Center, the increase of domestic soybeans this year is only more than 1.3 million tons, that is to say, under the premise that the total consumption of soybeans remains unchanged, there will be a shortage of 8.7 million tons in China. As for corn, due to the huge increase in demand this year, the price of corn this year will also benefit, but the income from corn planting will not increase.


In 2017, some institutions counted the income of soybean planting in China at 350 yuan per mu (net income), but the income will increase this year. Last year, the unit price of soybeans was 1.5 yuan per catty, while this year it is basically 1.8 yuan per catty. The price has increased significantly. And I'm afraid this price is not the final price. According to the report on the supply and demand of China's agricultural products released by the vice president of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, due to the market shortage price rising by more than 5% this year, there is still good room to rise. Although the cost of agricultural materials will also increase this year, the price of soybean will increase significantly this year, and the income is worth looking forward to. And due to the relative tightening of soybean supply this year, it is believed that there will be a good room for soybean prices to rise in the later period of this year.


We are also optimistic about the scientific development of corn prices this year. Although the intention of temporary storage and inventory removal is strong, and the weekly temporary storage auction of 8 million tons has never been interrupted, from the point of view of supply and demand, the market demand has increased significantly this year, while the corresponding production capacity has not increased, that is to say, the overall demand side of the corn market tends to be tight this year.

With the rise of China's corn deep processing industry, the production capacity is also gradually increasing. However, according to the data of the grain and oil information center, corn output has increased by only 0.3% this year, which is negligible compared to this year's demand. Scientific Development of Agriculture estimates that the demand for corn this year will be about 250 million tons, with a production capacity of 220 million tons at most, and there is still a demand for 30 million tons in the market. Therefore, for this year's price and market prospects are still promising.

However, although corn prices are bullish this year, for many corn farmers this year, there is no real increase in income. Affected by the weather factors of natural disasters this year, there has been a decline in per unit yield, coupled with the increase in the cost of planting agricultural materials. there may be a situation of rising prices without raising money.

Generally speaking, the grain price this year is still promising, but now the cost of agricultural materials is also on the rise. Compared with the rising rate of grain prices, the price of agricultural materials has increased even more. It is becoming more and more difficult for farmers to get higher economic benefits from planting.

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