
After pruning, it is more fleshy, so it is easier to take root quickly and survive in the pot.

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Today we give the pot soil on the pot of meat, we need to pay attention to two points, the first because the meat in the pot after, before the root is generally not watered, so we cultivate the meat of the soil, must do a pre-treatment.

Today, let's pot the succulent soil together. We need to pay attention to two points. First, because succulent plants generally cannot be watered after potting and before taking root, we must make a pretreatment when cultivating succulent soil.

That is, the cultivated soil can be watered with a little water to keep the soil in a semi-wet state, so that the succulent plant on the basin can provide a certain water supply to the succulent plant, which is very useful for the survival of the succulent plant.

The second point is to put the succulent plant in a cool and ventilated place after going to work and let it slowly hurt the roots. when can the succulent plant be moved to the sun? It was after discovering that succulent plants began to grow new leaves.

Or succulent leaves, because after you dry, the succulent leaves will generally show a soft state, as long as the succulent leaves begin to sprout, the leaves will begin to harden and become harder, because it can absorb moisture. At this time, you can move it to the sun to bask, and then start watering.

Semi-wet soil is very beneficial to the newly modified succulent growth, because it has a certain amount of moisture, but not only is it very permeable. We can just insert the succulent plant into the soil, but not too tight.

All right, this issue of flower sharing is enough to share with you, if you like, please pay more attention to it, if you have any questions below comments and comments, thank you for watching, we will see you next issue!