
Causes and methods of bagging Loquat

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Causes and methods of bagging Loquat

Loquat is a common fruit in the south, with sweet taste, rich nutrition and high medicinal value, which is deeply loved by consumers. When planting, it is often found that many fruit growers bag it, so why bag it? How to cover the bag? Let's take a look at the detailed introduction of the pro-agricultural network.

1. The reason of bagging loquat.

Loquat ripens earlier than other fruits, usually in early summer, when the temperature begins to rise rapidly, and it is rainy season, bacteria and microorganisms begin to multiply, loquat is vulnerable to diseases and insect pests. Therefore, bagging can prevent fruit from being harmed by diseases and insect pests, and it can also prevent birds from pecking. In addition, bagging has many advantages, such as making the antler skin on the fruit intact, increasing the number of fruit powder, keeping its color bright, improving the commodity rate, avoiding the burning of the sun, causing fruit cracking, reducing the friction and collision between fruit and branches and leaves, causing mechanical damage, and avoiding drug damage, with many advantages.

2. Bagging time

The bagging time of loquat is generally from January to February, if it is an early-maturing variety, bagging can be carried out when the fruit grows to the size of the thumb, generally bagging is earlier in Fujian and Guangdong, but if there is frost, bagging can be carried out in advance to reduce the loss caused by frost injury.

3. Bagging material

Bagging materials have a great influence on the color and quality of the fruit. If you choose paper bags such as white paper and newspaper, the color of the fruit after harvest is deep red, the fruit has high sugar content, but the pulp is hard and the taste is poor. If you use transparent bagging, the peel is light red, the fruit is soft and juicy, the taste is good, but the sugar content is low, and the price of this bagging is higher, so it is not suitable for ordinary growers. So now the mainstream Times paper bag, low cost, good effect, the newspaper will grow square paper bag, the length depends on the size of the ear, if it is a serious bird damage area, you can also make two-layer bag.

4. Bagging method

Carry out fruits and vegetables before bagging, remove too many branches, generally leave only 2-3 branches without ears, remove some diseased fruits and lost fruits, then remove small fruits and dense fruits, and keep the swollen ones in the middle. Spray chemicals before bagging to eliminate pests and sterilization, and so on can be bagged after drying, bagging should be carried out from top to bottom, from inside to outside, carefully and gently, hold open the mouth of the bag, hold up the bottom of the bag, cover the fruit, tighten the base and fasten it with nylon thread or stapler. Do not touch the young fruit with your hands before bagging to prevent injury to the young fruit. Bagging should be in the right position to avoid direct contact with the bag surface and cause sunburn injury.

The above are the reasons and methods of loquat bagging brought by pro-agricultural network. I hope it can help you. If you want to know more about loquat planting, please pay attention to pro-agricultural network.