
Causes and Solutions of non-fruiting Loquat

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Causes and Solutions of non-fruiting Loquat

Loquat evergreen small trees, mainly planted in the southern region, its sweet fruit, soft and juicy pulp, high nutritional value, highly favored by consumers, as well as the function of clearing lung and stomach heat, reducing qi and resolving phlegm, often and other medicinal materials to make "chuanbei loquat ointment". But many friends are wondering, the loquat tree planted at home for many years did not bear fruit, what is the reason at this time? Let's take a look at the pro-farm network.

1. It is not time for the result

Loquat is different from other fruits, which bear fruit in the same year or in the first year, and its growth cycle is very long in the coming year, generally from planting to fruiting, normally 5-6 years. Therefore, the loquat trees planted in many friends' homes do not bear fruit, perhaps because they do not have time to bear fruit and need to wait patiently. Loquat planting time is very long, and if you do not want to wait for so many years, you can cultivate grafted seedlings that are easy to blossom and bear fruit through grafting technology. generally sowing and planting loquat trees take at least 5 years to bear fruit, while grafted seedlings only take three years to blossom and bear fruit.

2. Variety and soil

The above is no time to bear fruit, if the planting time is more than 5-6 years, there is still no fruit, the most likely is the variety and soil problems, some varieties after years of introduction and planting, the phenomenon of variety degradation or atavism may occur. In addition to its origin can blossom and bear fruit normally, other non-origin flowering and fruiting may be more difficult, in view of this situation, it is necessary to improve varieties by grafting. In addition, the lack of some trace elements in the soil will also cause difficulties in flowering and fruiting. In this case, it is necessary to apply fertilizer in time, strengthen fertilizer and water management, and increase the content of trace elements in the soil so that the plants can bear fruit normally.

3. Improper pruning

In order to make the plant more branched, grow more vigorously, blossom and bear more fruit, pruning will generally be carried out in the young trees, this method is correct, but if the pruning is improper or excessive pruning will lead to excessive truncation of the tree, it is bound to cause future growth, tree potential instability, difficult to blossom and bear fruit. The purpose of pruning is to take shaping as the goal, to increase branches and expand crowns and stabilize the tree potential, and it is not suitable for excessive pruning, which affects its normal growth.

4. Poor pollination

Loquat tree is not divided into male and female, but it is a cross-pollinated plant. Male and female flowers grow separately. Only when the pollen of male flowers is stained with the stigma of female stamens, female flowers will inseminate and bear fruit, otherwise they will not bear fruit. The general method of pollination is through the natural wind and bees to collect honey and insects for pollination, but if due to climate or other reasons, these ways can not pollinate normally, it will lead to no fruit. For this situation, it is necessary to carry out artificial pollination, pollination, choose cloudy or sunny morning and evening, to avoid strong noon sun and rainy weather, so as to avoid pollination failure. Remove the male flowers to collect pollen, dip the pollen with a cotton swab and smear the stamens of the female flowers, you can dig out the pollination, or directly use the stamens of the male flowers to touch the style of the female flowers.

The above are the reasons and solutions for the non-fruit of loquat brought by pro-agricultural network. If you want to know more about loquat planting, please pay attention to pro-agricultural network.