
How to plant coriander to get high yield

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, How to plant coriander to get high yield

Coriander is one of the most common side dishes in our daily life, it contains a special flavor that other vegetables do not have, and is sought after by many people. At the same time, it is also one of the least favorite dishes for many people, but there is still a high demand for coriander in the market, and now the market price of parsley is gradually rising. The acreage has also been further expanded, and everyone wants to achieve high yield and earn higher economic benefits. So, how to plant coriander to achieve high yield? Let's take a look at it.

1. Seed selection and soaking

Seed selection is the first step to obtain high yield. Coriander is generally divided into two varieties: large and small seeds. If you want to make high yield, you can choose large seeds of parsley, but although the yield of large grains of parsley is high, the flavor is relatively light. If you want a stronger fragrance, you can choose a variety with small grains, but the yield is relatively low. After the selection, we should begin to soak and disinfect the seeds, rub the seeds open before planting, in order to emerge in the later stage, soak the seeds in potassium permanganate for about half an hour, wash them clean and then soak them in cold water for 20 hours. you can start sowing.

2. Soil preparation and fertilization

After soaking the seeds, you can begin to sow the seeds, but choose a good plot before sowing. The garden should be built in a place where the soil is fertile, there is plenty of water and it is easy to drain and irrigate. Turn the land deeply and then expose the soil for half a month, and then make the border, which is 30 to 1.5 meters high and 1.5 meters wide. Apply enough base fertilizer before sowing, use fully mature farm manure or Jiaen Yibi fertilizer, and plough it with the soil to enhance the fertility of the soil. The sowing time depends on the change of the weather season, or the time to go on the market is not fixed. After sowing, apply enough water, and then cover with a layer of forage to retain water.

3. Disease control

Because coriander itself contains a special flavor, some people can not stand it, not to mention some pests, so the harm of pests is relatively less. Mainly will produce certain diseases, such as quenching disease, anthrax and other diseases, the prevention and control of diseases is mainly prevention. In about a week after the emergence of seeds, fungicides and other agents can be used for spraying prevention, and then every week with oxygen clear continuous spraying for a month or so. In this way, some diseases can be effectively prevented. If diseases are found, the diseased plants should be pulled out in time, and the ground should be sprayed and disinfected.

4. Water and fertilizer management

When it is found that most of the parsley has emerged successfully, the forage should be removed in time, but if it is in summer, it is still necessary to shade and cool down. Strengthen the permeability of the ground, control the occurrence of diseases and insect pests, remove the weeds in the ground in time, and do a good job of topdressing seedlings. When the seedlings are fully watered, they are usually watered once a week, but the frequency depends on the growth and the surrounding weather. When the seedlings grow to a certain height, they need to start topdressing, topdressing can use urea and boron fertilizer, in the growth and maturity period can appropriately increase a little potassium dihydrogen phosphate, which is conducive to the increase of yield.

The above is the editor's brief introduction to the high-yield planting techniques of coriander. When planting coriander, we must pay attention to not blindly fertilizing and watering. Because too much watering may cause coriander to be retted, too much fertilizer may burn out the roots of parsley and seriously hinder its growth and development. All of us should have a correct method of fertilizer and water management. For more information, please continue to follow the pro-agricultural network!