
Why there are so many empty pods in soybeans

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Why there are so many empty pods in soybeans

The cultivation of soybean occupies a very important position in our country, because most of the grain and oil in our country comes from soybean, and the adaptability of soybean is relatively strong, so it can be planted all over the country. however, some farmers respond that there are a lot of empty pods in soybeans, which is why? As there are many reasons for causing empty pods in soybeans, the editor of the pro-agriculture network made a simple arrangement about it. Let's take a look at it.

Causes of empty pods in soybean

1. Variety problem

Although soybean has strong adaptability, it does not mean that it can grow well and have high yield in inappropriate environment, so one of the most basic reasons for soybean empty pods is the improper selection of varieties. Secondly, if the late-maturing variety is planted late, it will cause a large number of empty pods, because it is not mature at all at the time of harvest, and because the season will no longer mature, so we must pay attention to the selection of varieties.

2. Time problem

Soybean planting it has a suitable period of time for its growth, in general, if it is planted in the best growth time of soybean, coupled with late management, then basically there will not be empty pods. The correct planting time is usually from June to August, and the best is the early-maturing varieties planted in June, so that you can avoid the high temperature.

3. Continuous cropping and continuous cropping

Continuous cropping of soybeans cannot be carried out when planting soybeans, that is to say, if soybeans are planted this year, they can no longer be planted next year; another land should be changed for planting, because each time they are planted, the trace elements in the soil suitable for soybean growth will be reduced, making it impossible for soybeans to grow normally. In addition, planting crops such as melons and fruits and then using them to grow soybeans will also cause empty pods.

4. Improper fertilizer and water

If there are still empty pods when other planting conditions are normal, then the biggest reason is improper fertilizer and water management and unscientific fertilization, such as partial application of urea, and low application of potash fertilizer or improper application of other necessary micro-fertilizers, which can easily lead to malnutrition of soybeans, so it is not surprising to have empty pods first. The second is too much water, there is no timely drainage, or there is not enough water in the soil for soybean growth, but still not watered, or not watered in time, which will also appear the phenomenon of empty pods.

5. Weather influence

The effect of weather on the empty pods of soybean is mainly shown in three aspects. The first is high temperature and little rain, the second is high temperature and rainy, and the third is low temperature and rainy. If the temperature is above 38 degrees, then soybeans may stop blooming, or stop growing, or even burn to death, followed by excessive rainfall, soil consolidation, poor drainage and empty pods, or even stiff.

Methods of prevention and control

In fact, the method of preventing and controlling soybean empty pods is very simple, the first is to select soybean varieties suitable for local planting, the second is to pay attention to crop rotation, select good planting plots, and then to match fertilizers, apply fertilizer reasonably and apply nitrogen fertilizers. there is timely drainage and soil ventilation, and finally, it is necessary to prepare in advance for drought and flood prevention and timely and effective management of soybeans in the field.