
How to plant baobab trees

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, How to plant baobab trees

Baobab is native to Africa, Madagascar and other tropical regions, its crown is very large, the diameter of the trunk can reach two people can not hold. But it is so fragile that you can pierce the tree trunk with a gun. Baobab is full of treasures, and its fruit is rich in vitamin C and antioxidants. It is called "super fruit". Leaves and even bark can be used as medicine to reduce inflammation and fever. Although it is native to Africa, it is also planted in the tropics of our country, so how to plant baobab? Details are as follows:

1. Soaking seeds to accelerate germination

The seed coat of baobab is very thick and hard, and its germination rate will be very low if the seeds are placed directly before planting. Therefore, it is necessary to promote the germination of the seeds before sowing and planting. There are many ways to accelerate seed germination, such as mechanical peeling, seed soaking, etc., generally using the method of seed soaking. Soak the seeds in concentrated sulfuric acid for about 7 hours, and the germination rate of such seeds can exceed 90% about three weeks after sowing. Although the method of mechanical peeling can accelerate the germination of seeds, it will produce some side effects, which not only can not accelerate the germination rate of seeds, but also affect its normal growth.

2. Select land and sow seeds

After the seeds have been germinated, they can begin to sow, because baobab is a fruit growing in the tropics, so it requires sufficient sunshine, a certain amount of water, fertile soil and a deep soil layer. The seeds will begin to appear white about a week after sowing, and in all normal growth conditions, the seeds will begin to germinate in about a month. However, it is necessary to shade the seedlings for about a week after germination, so that the seedlings can be completely exposed to the sun. Within the time of shading, the seedlings need to gradually adapt to the sun to avoid sudden changes in light that the seedlings can not adapt to death. Then water it at least twice a day in the morning and evening to ensure sufficient water for growth.

3. Water and fertilizer management

The water and fertilizer management of baobab is determined by the weather conditions and soil conditions of the planting site, and the amount of water and fertilizer required by baobab trees varies at each growth stage. Young trees are watered at least twice a week, usually in the evening or in the morning. Although mature baobab trees do not need watering, proper watering can better promote the growth of baobab trees. It is necessary to apply a certain amount of base fertilizer before planting, and then topdressing the root fertilizer after planting. If the planting purpose is mainly for leaves, then more organic fertilizer should be applied. Every spring and summer is the peak growing season for baobab trees, so it is necessary to replenish the necessary water.

4. Timely harvest

The harvest time and harvest method of baobab are also paid attention to. Without a correct harvest method, it will not only reduce the yield, but also affect the quality of storage and transportation after harvest. It will even cause harm to the trees and the yield in the coming year. Generally, the appropriate harvest time is around October every autumn, when the bark turns dark gray or the trunk turns black, the leaves can be harvested. If you want to harvest better fruit, it's best to wait until the bark turns pink or purple and the trunk turns red.

The above is a brief introduction to the planting method of baobab, the planting area of baobab in China has not been fully developed, because baobab is native to the tropics. There are great requirements for the environment, and it is only planted in Hainan, Yunnan and other tropical provinces in China. However, the editor thinks that the baobab still has a certain prospect of planting, because the nutritional value of the baobab is very high, the shell of the fruit can be used as a ladle, the flesh can satisfy hunger, and fruit juice can quench thirst. So growers with planting conditions can consider it.