
Planting methods of organic rice

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Planting methods of organic rice

Rice is one of the staple foods in our country, and now the annual output of rice is also considerable, but most of them use chemical fertilizers and pesticides, and with the improvement of people's economic level, they pay more attention to the safety of food. it is more inclined to pure natural and pollution-free green food consumption, so there is the emergence of organic rice planting, so today we follow the pro-agricultural network to see how organic rice is grown. And how is it different from ordinary rice in the method of growing it?

1. Planting conditions

The conditions for the cultivation of organic rice are very stringent, because we want to ensure that organic rice is pure natural and polluting, so we should stay away from cities and polluted areas when choosing the planting land. secondly, the soil and air of the planting land should meet the second-class national standards for organic rice cultivation, and the water quality of the planting land should also meet certain standards. Then the rice fields with fertile soil, good water storage and no continuous cropping near the water source are selected for planting. In addition, we need to plow the ground before sowing, and the most important thing is to get up the field, rake it flat, and then wait for sowing.

2. Seed selection

First of all, we need to choose the right seeds according to the climatic environment of the planting place. one of the principles of seed selection is to plant varieties with full grains, good color, strong resistance, high survival rate, high local yield and good market quotation. This can not only ensure the survival rate and yield of organic rice, but also ensure the sales of organic rice, which is the wise choice of growers.

3. Sowing and raising seedlings

We all know that when planting rice, we need to raise seedlings first, and then transplant rice seedlings, and so do organic rice. Usually, we sow seeds around April, and no later than the end of April at the latest. So you can generally choose to start sowing when the average temperature of a day is stable at about eight to ten degrees. Before sowing, we should pay attention to packing the seeds with cotton cloth or linen cloth, and then soaking them in warm water. a day later, the seeds are raised from edema disease and placed about one centimeter above the surface of the water for germination. After most of the seeds germinated, the seeds were evenly scattered in the whole field, and the seeds were raked into the soil and raked flat.

4. Scientific transplanting

When the rice seedlings grow to about 20 centimeters, that is, around May, we can pull out the seedlings for transplanting, and the latest time for transplanting can not be longer than June, so it means that the transplanting will be finished in May anyway. In order to save labor costs and improve the efficiency of transplanting seedlings, we usually transplant sparsely, so there is another advantage that can improve the survival rate of seedlings in time.

5. Water and fertilizer management

The water and fertilizer management of organic rice is very important, because it cannot use chemical fertilizer, but the growth of organic rice must have sufficient nutrients in order to ensure its yield. so we usually use farm manure such as livestock manure, cake fertilizer and scientific organic fertilizer to spread, about 4,000 jin per mu, and we must spread it evenly when applying fertilizer. Otherwise, some seedlings will grow too much or die of fat because of too much nutrients. Secondly, the separation of water pipes is also a relatively important link. Organic rice is different from other rice cultivation, it does not need a lot of water, so we just need to keep a certain amount of water in the field. In general, the water depth is about 10 centimeters. Irrigation is carried out when there is a lack of water.