
How to remedy the softness of the leaves of Cymbidium

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, If it is caused by unreasonable watering, it should be watered reasonably according to the state of the plant; if it is caused by impermeable soil, it should be replaced with loose and breathable soil; if it is caused by insufficient light, it should be properly increased; if it is caused by insufficient nutrients, it is necessary to increase the number of fertilizers during its growing period.

I. rational watering

1. Reason: if you water it too much, it will rot its roots and water it too little to achieve the purpose of watering it. Both wrong watering methods can cause its leaves to soften.

2. Solution: it should be watered reasonably and the watering method should be decided according to its state. If the basin soil is completely dry, it can be watered. Water should be thoroughly watered at one time. If the basin soil is wet, it means that it does not need watering for the time being.

II. Change of soil

1. The reason: the soil for breeding Cymbidium needs a soil with good looseness and air permeability. If the soil is not breathable, it will cause the leaves to soften.

2. Solution: replace the plant with soil with good porosity and air permeability.

Third, increase the light

1, reason: although the hanging orchid does not like the strong light, but the light is the essential element of its growth. If the light is not enough, the leaves will soften.

2. Solution: make sure it can reach astigmatism for six hours every day. Because it does not like strong light, give it proper shade when the sun is big, and give it all-weather sunshine when the sun is not strong, such as winter.

IV. Rational fertilization

1, the reason: the hanging orchid does not like fertilizer does not mean that does not apply fertilizer, especially in the growing period, the nutrient is not enough, the leaf will appear soft.

2. Solution: it is necessary to increase the number of fertilizers during the growing period and apply it twice a month.