
Why don't peonies blossom at home?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, The non-flowering of peony at home is mainly caused by improper pruning, late ramet, cold and insect pests. It should be properly pruned, split at the best time, and then moved outdoors until the spring cold is over. When it is infected with diseases and insect pests, it should be treated with chemicals in time.

1. Improper pruning

1. Reason: peony branches need to be pruned when they are too luxuriant. If they are not pruned in time, or if the pruning is unreasonable, they will not blossom.

2. Solution: when pruning it, first remove the diseased branches and residual branches, and then cut off the redundant side branches, leaving room for growth and nutrients for the main branches.

Second, timely ramet

1. Reason: it is necessary to choose a good time for peony ramet. If it is too late, it will not blossom.

2. Solution: the ramet should be completed before October. After this time, it will come to its growth period. At this time, it has a great demand for nutrients. At this time, it is easy to cause nutrient loss. So October is the most suitable time to give it ramet every year.

Third, avoid the cold

1, the reason: peony is not cold-resistant, if the spring cold has not passed, move it to the outside too early, it is easy to make it cold, resulting in not blooming.

2. Solution: it is best to move it outside in April and May, so that the spring cold is over and there will be no failure to blossom.

IV. Treatment of insect pests

1. Reason: peony will not blossom if it is infected with insect pests.

2. Solution: first of all, observe where the insect pest is infected, if the branches and leaves are infected. Use insecticide to disinfect the plant, the amount of use should be used according to the instructions. If the basin soil breeds insect pests, it is necessary to change the soil in time.