
What if the leaves of Phnom Penh are yellow?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, There are many reasons for the yellow leaves of Phnom Penh: if it is caused by lack of nutrients, it needs to be fertilized in time to replenish the necessary nutrients. If it is caused by improper watering, it needs to be watered reasonably and thoroughly, and more water should be watered when the temperature is high. If the light is unreasonable, it needs to be exposed to astigmatism and shaded properly when the light is strong. If it is caused by improper fertilization, fertilizer should be applied once a week during the growing period, not too much.

1. Replenish nutrients

Reason: Phnom Penh orchid can not grow well by relying on the nutrients in the soil, and it is easy to be undernourished, which will lead to yellowing of leaves.

Solution: give it appropriate nutrients in time, the nutrients should contain nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium these three elements, these substances are very helpful to the growth of the plant, can make the leaves big and bright.

Second, rational watering

Reason: when watering, if too much water is easy to cause basin soil water, leading to root rot; less watering, the plant will dry up, these two incorrect watering methods will cause leaves to turn yellow.

Solution: when the temperature is high, water once a day, spray its leaves sooner or later; when the temperature is low, water it three or four times a week. The soil should be watered thoroughly when watering, but there must be no stagnant water.

Third, reasonable lighting

Reason: although the hanging orchid likes the semi-overcast environment, it also needs light. If the light is not satisfied, its leaves will turn yellow.

Solution: give it astigmatism every day and give it proper shade when the sun is strong.

IV. Rational fertilization

Reason: pay attention to the ways and means of fertilizing the orchid. Too much or too little fertilization will lead to the yellowing of its leaves.

Solution: fertilize once a week during the growing period and twice a month during the dormant period. When fertilizing, do not be too close to the root, a little away from a few centimeters, to avoid burning roots.