
Is mosquito repellent useful? How to raise mosquito repellent grass?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Summer arrived, and all kinds of mosquitoes began to be active, which was annoying. However, mosquito-repellent incense, insect repellent spray, and other chemicals are slightly toxic, and physical methods such as electric mosquito swatter are tiring. To kill mosquitoes with long-term health, we began to think of plants-mosquito repellent grass.

Summer is coming, and all kinds of mosquitoes become active, which is very annoying. But mosquito-repellent incense, insect repellent spray, and other chemicals are all slightly toxic, and the physical way of electric mosquito patting is tiring. If we want to kill mosquitoes in a long-term and healthy way, we begin to think of plants-mosquito repellents. But does mosquito repellent really work? How to raise mosquito repellent?

It is believed that many people have high hopes that they can eliminate mosquitoes by planting mosquito repellent, but is mosquito repellent really useful? Some people say it is useful, some say it is useless, and some say it is good to appreciate it even if it is not used. Let's talk about mosquito repellent today.

What is mosquito repellent?

What on earth is "mosquito repellent"? The mosquito repellent grass sold on the market has thick, fluffy leaves with zigzag edges, which are somewhat similar to watermelon leaves. Sometimes, this "mosquito repellent" will also open a pink 5-petal floret, which looks very cute. Take a closer smell, and sure enough, there is a smell similar to lemon.

In fact, this "mosquito repellent" and our common flower plant geranium are "close relatives", called Pelargoniumgraveolens. The fragrance of geranium is due to its ability to synthesize a variety of volatile aroma substances, including geraniol, citronellal and so on. Compared with geranium, the odor of geranium is less irritating, so it can also be used as a raw material for making essential oil.

Is mosquito repellent useful?

Can Pelargonium play a role in repelling mosquitoes? In terms of the substances it emits, geraniol and citronellal can indeed dispel mosquitoes. Unfortunately, these substances are released in large quantities only when the leaves are bitten by mosquitoes, causing damage to plant tissue, which is actually a way for plants to protect themselves. Under normal circumstances, the amount of aromatic substances that plants spread into the air is far from enough to dispel mosquitoes, let alone protect humans from being bitten.

In addition, if you put too many geraniums in the room for mosquito repellent, the smell will be too strong and uncomfortable. It seems that it is not reliable to rely on "mosquito repellent grass" to drive mosquitoes.

How to raise mosquito repellent?

Although the hope to rely on it to completely eliminate mosquitoes is dashed, but friends should not be discouraged, mosquito repellent grass still grows very pleasing to the eye, and emits a slight fragrance, which is also conducive to physical and mental well-being. So how to raise mosquito repellent?

I. Culture methods of mosquito repellent grass

1. Soil

Mosquito repellent grass prefers neutral and acidic soil, 6 parts of peat soil, 1.5 parts of vermiculite, 1.5 parts of perlite and 1 part of coal ash are used in 6 months. The PH value is slightly acidic and neutral, and the prepared (PH value 5.5-7) foliage base soil can also be purchased. After six months, mosquito repellent has strong adaptability and can use soil at will. Biennial repellent mosquito repellent grass trunk Lignification, can be trimmed, according to personal preferences random human soil modeling.

2. Temperature

Mosquito repellent grass likes warm and hot, 10 to 25 ℃ is suitable for growth, below 7 ℃, temperature above 32 ℃ is disadvantageous to growth, indoor overwintering temperature is not lower than 12 ℃, lemon fragrance can be distributed normally when the temperature is above 15 ℃, and the higher the temperature is, the stronger the fragrance is. Spraying proper amount of water spray on mosquito repellent grass leaves can make citronella aldehyde release continuously, thus making mosquito repellent grass repellent mosquito repellent better.

3. Lighting

Mosquito repellent grass likes shade and is not tolerant to strong light when growing, especially in summer. It can be planted under trees or shaded places. Family potted plants are usually sprouted indoors.

4. Watering

Mosquito repellent grass should be watered once after changing the basin, usually once in 3-6 days, but not stagnant water, watering should pay attention to the principle of dry and wet. If the surface of the basin soil is white, it should be watered less in summer, and the mosquito repellent grass should be watered once a week. From July to August, we should often spray water to cool down and keep the environment around mosquito repellent grass moist.

5. Fertilization

Slow seedling 10 days after fertilization, spring and autumn is the peak growth period of mosquito repellent grass, usually fertilized once every 15-20 days. In the first ten days of April, after the mosquito repellent grass grows new branches, the thin organic liquid fertilizer is applied once a week, and the mosquito repellent grass will blossom one after another when it is removed from the outside in the last ten days. The high temperature in summer should be less watering and no fertilization, which is beneficial to the development of mosquito repellent root system and improve disease resistance. Family farming can also apply a small amount of cake fertilizer and rice water.

6. Insect diseases

Root rot or stem and leaf rot caused by improper management, followed by leaf shrinkage, black spots, and then the whole plant atrophied. This is caused by too much humidity, too high temperature, poor ventilation or excessive seedling density. Can be sprayed with fungicides such as carbendazim or carbendazim (800 to 1000 times liquid). But do not spray frequently.

II. Matters needing attention in mosquito repellent culture

1. Mosquito repellent grass has the best mosquito repellent effect when the plant height is 30 cm and 40 leaves. If mosquito repellent grass appears yellow leaves, it needs to be picked in time.

2, in the daytime, do not directly let mosquito repellent grass receive sunlight, too exciting sunlight will make the surface of mosquito repellent grass become scorched yellow, it is best to put mosquito repellent grass on the balcony to keep the soil moist.

3. After mosquito repellent grass grows up, it is necessary to change a larger basin for mosquito repellent grass. The root system of mosquito repellent grass is quite developed and can absorb a lot of minerals in the soil.

4. If the mosquito repellent is not properly managed, it will cause root and leaf decay, followed by black spots on the leaves and shrinkage of the whole plant. This is due to excessive watering and lack of ventilation, and a little chlorothalonil solution can be sprayed. And quickly move the mosquito repellent to a ventilated place for breeding.

5. The common short-term leaf loss is caused by the lack of light of mosquito repellent grass. Mosquito repellent grass can be properly placed in places with light for breeding. Mosquito repellent leaves fall off and turn yellow due to lack of water, and this situation may also occur in winter because the temperature is too low. Too much fertilization or too much light will cause scorched yellow leaves, which need to be paid attention to.

The above is about mosquito repellent popular science introduction, hope to be helpful to friends.

How to raise mosquito repellent grass is it useful? mosquito repellent grass culture method

The leaves of mosquito repellent grass are alternate, each leaf is about 6 to 9 mm long. Every time the mosquito repellent grass blossoms, many flowers bloom together. The blooming season is from May to July. Mosquito repellent grass likes places with a mild climate and a cool environment. I hate cold, dry, hot and humid summer environment, their most suitable temperature is 15 to 20 degrees! Is mosquito repellent useful-the mosquito repellent effect depends on its own fragrance to ward off mosquitoes and insects, so it still has a certain effect, but it is not very obvious, even if you plant mosquito repellent grass in your own home, the effect will not be very good. Only by breaking the branches of mosquito repellent grass will they give out a strong fragrance, but they only fumigate the mosquitoes and do not kill the mosquitoes until the smell disappears. There will still be mosquitoes! Is mosquito repellent useful-- breeding method 1. Its vitality is relatively strong, so organic fertilizers can be applied directly. They like an environment with plenty of sunshine and good ventilation. Do not let the soil accumulate water. Fertilizer can be applied every 15 to 20 days. But be careful not to sprinkle on the leaves! 2. during the day, do not directly let the mosquito repellent grass receive sunlight, too exciting sunlight will make the surface of the mosquito repellent grass become scorched yellow, it is best to put them on the balcony to keep the soil moist! 3. After mosquito repellent grass grows up, it is necessary to change a larger basin for mosquito repellent grass. Their roots are quite developed and can absorb a lot of minerals in the soil. In summer, mosquito repellent grass should be watered once a week! 4. Mosquito repellent grass is generally propagated by cutting or sowing. Generally, cuttings are selected in the spring and autumn season, so their survival rate will be greatly improved. If the sowing choice is at about 20 degrees Celsius, it will take root and sprout in about a month. Then split the roots! Is mosquito repellent useful? if mosquito repellent is not managed properly, it will cause root rot, leaf decay, followed by black spots on the leaves and shrinkage of the whole plant. This is caused by excessive watering and lack of ventilation, which can be sprayed with a little chlorothalonil solution and quickly moved to a ventilated place. If the leaves of mosquito repellent grass suddenly fall off, it is due to the lack of light or the sudden change of temperature, and the leaves turn yellow and then fall off, which is because the temperature is too low; if mosquito repellent grass appears in a certain period of time, the leaves grow excessively, it is because of insufficient light and too much nitrogen fertilizer, they should be transferred to places with good light in time, and then the branches and leaves should be trimmed! Conclusion: mosquito repellent grass is a kind of plant that is easy to raise, but we pay no attention to it, it is also a kind of plant that is easy to get sick. The above are the useful mosquito repellent grass shared by the editor today, as well as mosquito repellent breeding methods, these are some very good methods! [more information] | Azalea picture | hyacinth flower language | rhododendron picture | tortoise back bamboo picture | lavender florescence | | other shore flower picture | calla lily language | Carnation flower language | Iris picture | Green Rose function | Lilium characteristics | Poppy flower language | Rose picture | other shore flower picture | forget-me-not language |

How to raise mosquito repellent? Is mosquito repellent useful? Mosquito control is one of the important events in summer. Many people will choose to arrange some mosquito repellent plants at home. How to raise mosquito repellent grass? mosquito repellent grass is one of the common varieties. At present, mosquito repellent grass is sold in the market. Is it useful? what are the breeding methods of mosquito repellent grass? What are the matters needing attention in the process of breeding? today, the editor of the provincial many decoration network will give you a detailed introduction, hoping to help you. Mosquito repellent grass can be modeled as bonsai, often placed in offices, bedrooms, business places (restaurants, hotels) to purify the environment, pleasing to the eye, both beautiful and applicable. Mosquito repellent grass emits lemon fragrance all the year round, which combines the fragrance of geranium and citronella. It is fragrant, fresh air and safe mosquito repellent. It is a complete natural mosquito repellent product without any side effects. Mosquito repellent grass culture methods should pay attention to the following points: 1, soil, mosquito repellent grass like a sunny, well-ventilated environment, especially afraid of soil stagnant water, loose sandy loam is appropriate, to prevent improper watering caused by alkalization. 2. Lighting: it should be placed in the sun during the day, and proper shade should be paid attention to in the hot sun.

3. Reproduction: sowing and cutting are often used, and the latter has a high survival rate in spring and autumn.

4. Changing basin and pruning: mosquito repellent grass grows fast and needs to be fertilized once a year, usually in early spring from February to March. First, it is strongly pruned, leaving only three basic lateral buds per branch, and then take off the basin to remove the surrounding old and decaying roots. Is mosquito repellent useful? compared with mosquito-repellent incense and electric mosquito-repellent incense, it has the advantages of pure natural, non-toxic and harmless, and the mosquito repellent effect is also very good. The only thing that can't be compared with mosquito repellent is that mosquito repellent can only achieve the effect of killing mosquitoes, unless insectivorous fungus is used. There are several kinds of mosquito repellent grass, there are many kinds of mosquito repellent grass, and its mosquito repellent principle is also different, the common mosquito repellent grass has the following types. Qilixiang: Qilixiang is an evergreen shrub. The mosquito repellent principle of this mosquito repellent grass is the pungent and sweet smell emitted by its leaves, which has a good effect on mosquito repellent. The shape of Qili incense is like an umbrella room, the branches are very close, the leaves are small and the flowers are white, and it has an ornamental effect. Cordyceps: Cordyceps is also a well-known type of mosquito repellent, which is a herb of Compositae. There are more than 100 flower heads on each plant, and there is mucus on the periphery of each flower head, which is the main tool for repelling mosquitoes. When the mosquito lands on it, it gets stuck in the mucus, and the body of the worm is slowly digested into nutrients.

Fly plum: the mosquito repellent principle of fly plum is similar to that of Qilixiang. Its branches, leaves and flowers release a kind of gas. Mosquitoes and flies are very sensitive to this gas, so it is very effective in repelling mosquitoes and has no toxicity to the human body. Fly plum is also called "mosquito repellent seven flowers", because its design and color is very colorful for many times. There are red, yellow, white and other colors, and with the flowering of its color will also change gradually, very beautiful.