
Cutting sweet-scented osmanthus seedlings to grasp the time and the essentials

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Many flower friends see the sweet-scented osmanthus by the roadside and think of their own cuttings. in this paper, let's take a look at the specific cutting method of sweet-scented osmanthus, which is easier to understand with picture and text flower friends. I hope that flower friends can successfully propagate sweet-scented osmanthus. 1. Know Gui first.

Many flower friends see the sweet-scented osmanthus by the roadside and think of their own cuttings. in this paper, let's take a look at the specific cutting method of sweet-scented osmanthus, which is easier to understand with picture and text flower friends. I hope that flower friends can successfully propagate sweet-scented osmanthus.

1. First understand the cutting time of sweet-scented osmanthus, sweet-scented osmanthus cutting in May and June is the best, the rooting temperature of sweet-scented osmanthus is 25 ℃ to 28 ℃, if the temperature is too low, it should be covered with plastic film, increase light, increase seedling bed temperature. If the temperature is too high, you should pay attention to shading and lift a corner of the plastic film for ventilation or spray.

The above is the best time, if you stagger this time, you should pay attention to properly control the temperature.

two。 For the choice of branches, we had better not choose the branches of the next year, but use the semi-lignified new branches of the same year, which is conducive to rapid rooting, the completely woody ones can not survive, but the rooting is slower and the survival rate is lower. Cut into 10 cm to 12 cm long, the lower end is cut into a horseshoe shape close to the node, and the upper end has 2 to 3 blades.

3. Cutting media, you can use pure perlite, but it should be noted that if only perlite is used, attention should be paid to film mulching, because water is easy to volatilize. Other media can also be used, such as sand, peat, etc.

4. Generally, cuttings can take root in about 30 days. When cutting, we do not use fertile media, it is best to use plain soil, such as pure sand, perlite and so on. In addition, after rooting on the basin, still do not use too fertile medium, because the new root can not stand fertilizer, not conducive to root survival.

Ps: when putting on the basin, we should pay attention to the fact that the small seedling is not good with a large pot, the basin soil is not easy to dry, and it is easy to rot the root. It is recommended to use a 20 cm diameter basin with 2 seedlings in one pot, separated in order to hurt the roots less when dividing the basin later.

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