
Hurry up and cut these 6 kinds of flowers in autumn. It is easy to sprout a branch and plant into a potted flower. Wait another year.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, For many novice flower growers, potted green plants are becoming more and more handy. In the past, when potted plants were green, they would be thrown away as long as the plants died, and they would buy a new pot. Learn from the previous experience of raising potted flowers to death, now...

For many novice flower growers, potted green plants are becoming more and more handy. In the past, when potted green plants were planted, as long as the plants were necrotic, they would just throw them away and buy another pot. Learn from the previous experience of raising flowers in pots, now whenever the spring and autumn season comes, I will remember to divide some green potted plants into pots or cuttings, such as recently raised green pineapple, jasmine and rose, and now it is time for cutting breeding season. I will give myself to flower potted plants and share my experience and experience of cutting propagation with you for your reference.

Quickly cut these six kinds of flowers, it is easy to sprout in autumn, a branch and leaf becomes a potted flower, miss waiting for another year

Points for attention in cuttage propagation of green pineapple:

Green pineapple is not only a good green plant for beginners, but also a good cutting plant. A pot can be cut from any branch. As the green pineapple cuttage cycle is very short, it only takes about two days to let the green pineapple cuttings take root.

I secretly told you that I didn't spend any money on my green pineapple at all, because the company is full of green turnip pots. I just picked one or two branches from each flowerpot, went home and planted them directly in the soil, and put them in a ventilated and astigmatic place.

Cutting propagation method of crab claw orchid:

First of all, cut off the tender branches of crab claw orchid with scissors and cut them directly in the potted soil. Secondly, it is best to use rotten leaf soil in crab claw orchid basin soil, and pine needles can be mixed with organic fertilizer. Remember these two steps, after the crab claw orchid cutting, a week can take root and sprout.

The florescence of crab claw orchid is generally in winter, so when autumn comes, it is the best time for crab claw orchid cutting. Because after the cuttage is good, it will be winter after two months, and the crab claw orchid bloom will also be ushered in.

Matters needing attention in cutting propagation of rose:

The growth adaptability of rose cuttage is very strong. But in the rose cuttage, it should be noted that the rose branches should be cut off with scissors, it is best to choose the branches with leaves and buds, and then cut directly into the prepared fine sand. Wait a week, after the rose branches grow roots, and then migrate to the flowerpot with fine sand.

After the success of rose cuttage, watering is a technical job. Can not be too dry can not be stagnant water, only to keep the soil moist, so that the rose blossoms, so that the rose more exuberant growth.

Methods of cutting propagation of Artemisia angustifolia

It is of great significance to plant the money tree at home. It is a potted plant that is evergreen all the year round. It is suitable for lazy people, because plants can grow well without careful care. Money tree cutting is very simple, even if it is only a leaf, it can also let the money tree grow luxuriantly. Therefore, if you are usually lazy and hope to have evergreen plants at home, you might as well plant and raise money trees, which are easy to cut and easy to maintain.

Points for attention in cutting propagation of longevity flowers:

The vitality of longevity flowers is also very strong. It usually takes only one branch to cuttage. When many friends are cutting longevity flowers, they will smear rooting powder on the bottom of the cutting branches, so that the longevity flowers can be buried in the soil so that they can take root and sprout quickly.

But when cutting longevity flowers, we must pay attention to the following three points:

First, the basin soil must be kept in a moist state; second, the placement position must be ventilated; third, there is sufficient astigmatism.

Pay attention to the above three requirements, longevity flower cuttings can grow a lot of roots in less than 7 days, and after 15 days, they can migrate to the flowerpot.

Cutting propagation method of jasmine flower:

First of all, the mature jasmine, cut off two branches, cut directly into the new flowerpot, usually after a week, can take root and sprout.

Secondly, jasmine pot soil is best to combine ordinary soil with fine sand, because jasmine likes to grow in a loose and breathable environment.

Finally, it is suggested that you should not directly expose the cut jasmine to the sun, first keep it in a ventilated and cool place for two or three days, and then put it in a scattered place.

Where the light shines in.

Jasmine flowers are not only white and good-looking, but also blindly scented tea, which is very suitable for family cultivation.

The above 6 flower cuttage propagation methods and matters needing attention, hope to help you do a good job of flower cutting propagation. At the same time, I also hope that everyone can plant flowers by cutting, which will not only produce a sense of achievement, but also make more and more green potted plants at home without spending a penny.