
What if the orchid leaves turn yellow? Causes and solutions

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The yellowing or scorched tip of orchid leaves is a common phenomenon, most of which belong to physiological diseases, which not only damage the integrity and ornamental of the leaves, but also seriously affect the healthy growth of the orchid plant, and even lead to the premature decay of the whole plant. The occurrence of yellow and scorched tips of orchid leaves is complicated, and the general reason is improper cultivation and maintenance.

Orchid leaves yellow or leaf coke tip is a common phenomenon, mostly physiological diseases, not only damage the integrity of the leaves and ornamental, but also seriously affect the healthy growth of orchid plants, even lead to premature decline of the whole plant, orchid leaves yellow coke tip situation is complex, the overall reason is improper cultivation maintenance, let's take a look at orchid leaves yellow how to do it!

Yellowing of leaves caused by too much light

Orchids are semi-shade plants, suitable for morning light, astigmatism, soft light irradiation. If the light time is too long, the light quality is too strong, it is very easy to cause yellow leaves and charred leaves. The countermeasure is to adjust the illumination time and intensity in summer and autumn to avoid direct sunlight. The most common and easiest method is to use different specifications of sunshade net, shading general varieties 60%~80%, edge art, white art, crystal art, pattern art to reach 90%.

yellowing of leaves caused by dry air

When the air is moist, the orchid leaves are green and shiny. If the air is dry, the leaf texture is rough, and the phenomenon of scorched tip sometimes occurs. Especially in drought, less rain, windy north, spring, autumn, winter air often dry, blue leaf charred tip phenomenon is particularly serious. The solution is to spray leaves and sprinkle water on the ground when the air is dry. Can also be placed in the basin sink, blue shed, blue indoor nylon cloth do pool, hang wet curtain, install automatic spray humidifier.

Yellowing of leaves caused by poor watering

Orchids, like other plants, do not work without water, and insufficient or excessive watering can cause losses. Often there is this situation, because the basin soil is too full, watering is not much that is to outflow, the result is wet at the top and dry at the bottom, forming a "half-child" water. Over time, due to root water loss first from the leaf tip began to wither coke. Another reason is due to careless leakage of water, also prone to this phenomenon. On the contrary, no matter soil or granular plant material, watering on time and in equal amount causes soil plant material to be too wet and oxygen-deficient, poor respiration, blackening or even rotting root system, causing orchid leaves to dry and burn tip. Countermeasures are, according to the growth habits of different orchids, timely watering, to prevent the occurrence of the above two bad tendencies.

Yellowing of leaves caused by excessive fertilization

Orchids are fleshy roots and symbiotic with orchid bacteria. They only need thin fertilizer and frequent application to grow healthy and fragrant leaves. If excessive fertilization, especially the application of raw fertilizer or concentrated fertilizer, it will lead to root rot, yellow leaf tips, premature senescence. The correct way is to fertilize appropriately according to different orchid varieties, different growth periods and different growth. Such as root fertilization, organic fertilizer retting liquid fertilizer before use, must be mixed with 1:10~20 times of water, chemical fertilizer is prepared by 0.1%~0.2%, about 1 month. Foliar fertilizer should be light rather than thick. If you use micro-fertilizer such as Lanjun Wang and Spray Bao, you must prepare according to the product instructions, and you cannot increase the concentration at will to avoid causing fertilizer damage.

Yellowing of leaves caused by abnormal physiological function of leaves

Some due to excessive nitrogen application, resulting in young leaves, anti-retrograde decline, some due to spraying fertilizer, pesticide concentration is too high, deposition of leaf tips, resulting in damage, some due to winter cold measures ineffective, resulting in leaf tip frostbite. There are also orchid basin spacing is too small, leaf tip and leaf tip friction collision, damage occurs. The measures taken are dialectical treatment and appropriate seating. That is to say, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium should be reasonably applied, the concentration of fertilizer and pesticide should be light rather than thick, the cold and warm work in early winter should be done well, and the distance between pots should be increased to prevent the occurrence of phenomena affecting the physiological functions of leaves.

How do white orchids yellow leaves cause yellow leaves and solutions?

Many people do not know what to do about the yellowing of white orchid leaves. Here are the reasons and solutions for yellowing white orchid leaves.

Reasons for yellow leaves:

1, too much water: white orchid pot soil watering too much or too little, dry when wet, etc., fleshy roots can not stand, will cause yellow leaves, etc.

2, the temperature is too high: white orchid leaves yellowing and temperature has a lot to do with, the temperature is too high sultry leaves will also appear yellow.

3, too little light: white orchids like yang, if the sun is too little, it will also cause poor plant growth and yellow leaves.

4, yellowing disease: white orchid yellowing disease will also cause yellow leaves fall off, serious plant death.

5, root rot: white orchid root rot, root rot black, leaves will also lead to yellow fall off.

White orchids yellow leaf solution:

1, watering should be appropriate, after the pot soil dry, one-time watering should not be too much water, nor can it be out of drought for a long time without watering.

2, the temperature should be kept stable, not too high or too low, between 5 and 10 ° C is the most appropriate, the temperature rises, the environment is stuffy, pay attention to ventilation, and strengthen humidity management.

3. White orchids are suitable for planting in courtyards or home balconies, windowsills and other places. They need plenty of sunshine, but they cannot be exposed to the sun. In summer, when the sun is fierce, they should pay attention to shade.

4, white orchid basin soil to choose slightly acidic soil, can not apply more alkaline inorganic fertilizer or water, yellow disease to timely use 0.2% ferrous sulfate foliar spray, once a week, continuous spray 3^-4 times, or with alum fertilizer spray once a week, continuous spray 3, 4 times, control the disease.

5, root rot is mainly caused by excessive water, usually wait until the surface of the pot white water, and often loose soil. In the rainy season or excessive rain, it is advisable to move to the eaves or indoor shelter; in the basin bottom should add more broken tiles, etc., so that the drainage is smooth, and the basin with bricks to speed up the flow of water.

How to deal with yellow orchid leaves, orchid leaves yellow causes and solutions

Orchids have always been one of the flowers that flower friends like to cultivate most, but many flower friends will encounter when breeding orchids. I don't know how the leaves will turn yellow when raising orchids at home, so I am very distressed.

Analysis of the causes of yellowing of orchid leaves 1. Improper watering causes yellow orchid leaves

Orchids like a humid environment and have high requirements for air humidity. When the roots are damaged due to insufficient watering or the air is too dry, the orchid leaves will turn yellow. On the contrary, if too much watering, ponding in the basin and poor drainage, it will cause the roots of orchids to lack oxygen and rot, yellow leaves will appear, and even death.

2. Improper fertilization causes orchid leaves to yellow

If it is caused by fertilization orchid leaf yellow, generally because of one-time fertilization too much, resulting in orchid rhizome burns and yellow leaves. This is because orchids do not need large amounts of fertilizer to grow, so they need to be fertilized sparingly.

3, light caused by orchid leaves yellow orchid requirements for light is more strict, it likes a more overcast growth environment, more afraid of the sun but can not lack sunlight. Therefore, the growth of orchids will be affected by insufficient light or too strong light. Strong light, easy to occur sunburn, so that orchid leaves injured and yellow; weak light, orchid plant nutrients are not enough, easy to yellow leaves.

4. Diseases and insect pests cause orchid leaves to yellow

If orchids encounter pests and diseases, they will also appear yellow leaves, such as leaf spot disease, anthrax, etc., rotten roots will also lead to yellow leaves, even more harmful.

5. Metabolism causes orchid leaf yellow

Orchids need to replace old and new plants as they grow. Because of the need to develop new leaves, the old leaves do not continue to grow, but turn yellow, wither and fall off.

Orchid leaves yellowing solution 1, scientific watering

Watering should have scientific basis, do not blindly look at the mood, the mood is good on flood irrigation, the mood is not good dripping water, according to the dry conditions of the basin soil both weather conditions watering, special attention to increase air humidity, avoid basin soil too dry.

2. Proper soil selection

When selecting soil, try to choose slightly acidic soil, and change pots in time. In northern areas, because the soil is alkaline, ferrous sulfate solution can be irrigated once a month to ensure the acidity of the soil.

4. Appropriate lighting

Orchids like semi-shade, early spring and winter can be full sun maintenance, other times will plant in a well-ventilated place, avoid direct sunlight.

5. Reasonable fertilization

Apply thin fertilizer skillfully, avoid applying thick fertilizer and undecomposed liquid fertilizer. The next morning after fertilization, water should be poured once to dilute the fertilizer and avoid the occurrence of fertilizer damage.