
How to raise orchids? Culture methods and matters needing attention of Orchid

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Orchids are epiphytic or terrestrial herbs, which have been cultivated in China for more than a thousand years. Chinese people have always regarded orchids as a symbol of nobility and elegance, together with plum, bamboo and chrysanthemum, which is of high ornamental value. Let's take a look at the cultivation methods of orchids.

Orchids are epiphytic or terrestrial herbs, which have been cultivated in China for more than a thousand years. Chinese people have always regarded orchids as a symbol of nobility and elegance, and together with "plum, bamboo and chrysanthemum", they are called "four gentlemen" with high ornamental value. let's take a look at the cultivation methods of orchids.

Growth habits of orchids

1. Soil: orchids grow in shady, ventilated and non-stagnant mountain areas, so the cultivation substrate requires aeration, softness, good leakage and slight acidity, and mud flower soil is the most commonly used in outdoor cultivation.

2, temperature: the best growth temperature of orchids is 18 Murray 30 degrees Celsius, below 5 degrees Celsius, slow growth above 35 degrees Celsius, reproductive growth period of 5-18 degrees Celsius.

3. Humidity: orchids grow well when the air relative humidity is 60-70%. Too dry or too wet can easily cause orchid disease. therefore, outdoor cultivation should create a humidity microclimate suitable for orchid growth, and indoor sprayers and hygrometers should be installed.

4. Lighting: orchids like shade and are afraid of direct sunlight, but if they are kept in a hidden place all the year round, they rarely bloom.

5. Fertilizer: more fertilizer should be applied during the peak growth period of orchids, but not in dormant or weak growth period. if excessive fertilization is applied, the roots and leaves will be burned and irreparable losses will be caused.

Propagation methods of Orchid

1. Sowing and propagation: the orchid seed is very fine, there is only one underdeveloped embryo in the seed, the germination power is very low, and the seed coat is not easy to absorb water, so it can not germinate by conventional sowing, so it is necessary to use orchid or artificial medium to supply nutrients to germinate.

2. Tissue culture: the tissue culture of orchids has been successful, and this method can be used to propagate orchids where possible.

3. Ramet propagation

① ramet time: can be carried out in both spring and autumn, generally once every three years, where the plant growth is robust, pseudocorm dense can be ramet, after the ramet, each clump should preserve at least 5 connected pseudocorms, before the ramet should reduce irrigation, so that the basin soil is dry.

② ramet method: when putting on the basin after ramet, first cover the bottom hole of the basin with broken tiles, then cover the basin with coarse grained soil and a small amount of fine soil, and then plant with sandy loam rich in humus, and plant the pseudo-corm just into the soil, leaving 2 cm along the edge of the basin, covered with green cloud grass or fine gravel.

③ post-planting management: after planting, water thoroughly, place in shade for 10-15 days, keep soil moist, gradually reduce watering, carry out normal maintenance.

Culture methods of Orchid

1. Place: the place where the orchid is placed is very important, which will directly affect the growth and development of the orchid. It is generally placed in the open field in spring, summer and autumn (in summer in the open field in shade) and indoors in winter. It is best to be open outside, the air is moist, and there should be plenty of light indoors, preferably facing south, so that orchids can grow. The orchid basin had better be put on the wooden frame or table, not on the ground.

2. Soil selection: peat soil, black mud, pine soil, pastoral soil, fern root, moss and bark can all become the culture medium soil of orchids. The basin bottom should have a good drainage function and increase its permeability, and tiles can be used to pave the drainage hole. Then a layer of broken brick and stone is laid with a thickness of 1/4 of the depth of the basin bottom, and finally the culture soil is laid on the top. When planting orchids, they should be upright and inserted into the soil, and then covered with soil until the bulb. Compacting the soil, no filling within two centimeters, easy to irrigate. After planting, pour water thoroughly, place it in a cool environment, and move the half moon into a ventilated and sunny environment. The basin can be paved with small gravel, which can not only moisturize but also enhance ornamental.

3. Watering: eight-minute dry orchid, two-minute wet is the best, flowering and leaf budding stage, watering should be less, plum rain season should be moved back indoors, or shed to cover the rain, summer watering in the early morning or evening, it is not appropriate to increase the amount of water in autumn, dry season, spray every evening. Spray upward, the fog point is fine and uniform, so that the leaf surface is moist, the ground is moist, and the air humidity is increased. Sometimes it is best to spray several times a day, watering should be watered from the edge of the basin, not at noon, although watering in winter can be greatly reduced, but it is not irrigated, pay attention to do not let the basin soil dry thoroughly, early winter and early spring and watering make the leaf sheath along the wet, to be dried and moved into the room to avoid decay. In short, dry is poured, wet is stopped, appropriate partial dry as the principle. It is better to use Rain Water and spring water. All kinds of water should be taken and stored in the tank first, so that the pollutants in the water are precipitated, the water temperature is normal, and the chlorine in the tap water escapes, and then poured.

4. Lighting: although orchids like to be cool, they rarely bloom if they are kept in a hidden place all the year round. Orchids have long and sparse flowers, while orchids have short leaves and many flowers, so the cultivation of orchids must pay attention to the problem of light. in spring and summer, orchids had better be shaded by Reed curtains, or placed in indoor windows facing east and south, and orchids should be turned into pots once a semimonthly so that orchids are exposed to light on all sides. It is beneficial to the balanced growth of the plant, when it is cool in autumn, the pot orchid should be removed from the shade and let it bask in the sun for half a day in the morning, but it should be kept dry in autumn and put under the indoor south window in cold weather to survive the winter, but it is not necessary to be too warm, it is best to cover it with a plastic film cover to maintain proper humidity on the leaf surface. As for the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests, such as brown rust and white silk disease, 0.5% stone-sulfur mixture is used to treat. If there is an ant nest, the basin can be immersed in water to drive it.

5, fertilization: the application of fertilizer should be taboo, so in the growing period, horseshoe sauce residue water, bean cake water, etc., every half a month, if the appropriate amount of potassium dihydrogen phosphate is applied better, fertilization in summer season is not appropriate, because the temperature is too high, water loss fast, fertilizer concentration will become thicker, affecting plant growth, in addition to daily watering, and spraying water on the leaf several times, the water is slightly acidic, which is conducive to plant growth.

6. Pruning: plant pruning should be carried out in the process of orchid culture, such as when the old leaves are withered and yellow, which is conducive to the growth of other leaves and can also be ventilated, and those leaves with diseases need to be pruned in time to prevent infection. In addition, scissors also need to be disinfected to prevent infection.

Analysis on the Culture methods and matters needing attention of White Orchid

The white orchid is a natural hybrid of Magnolia and Michelia. The flower is large and pure white. Whenever the flower blooms, it will attract countless passers-by to stop and watch. How to raise white orchids, and what are the breeding methods and points for attention of white orchids? Today, our wed114 wedding network will introduce you to the knowledge of how to raise white orchids.

How to raise butterfly orchids, breeding methods and matters needing attention of butterfly orchids

Butterfly orchid flowers dance like butterflies, colorful, known as the "queen of orchids", high ornamental value, many people like to raise, let's take a look at how to raise butterfly orchids, butterfly orchids culture methods and points for attention.

Growth habits of butterfly orchids

Butterfly orchid flowers like warmth, fear of cold, high requirements for temperature and humidity, and like slightly sour soil with good drainage and permeability.

Culture methods of butterfly orchids

Soil: available aquatic plants, moss as the cultivation medium, generally use breathable, rot-resistant, slightly acid, permeable soil.

Temperature: the butterfly orchid likes to be warm, and the growth temperature is 15-20 ℃. The lowest temperature during the growth period should be kept above 15 ℃, but the temperature should not be too high. If the temperature is higher than 32 ℃, the butterfly orchid will enter a semi-dormant state; it will stop growing below 10 ℃ in winter, and it is easy to die below 5 ℃.

Pay attention to keeping room temperature.

Lighting: although the butterfly orchid likes shade, it still needs to make the orchid plant accept part of the light, especially before and after flowering, appropriate light can promote Phalaenopsis blossom, make the flowers gorgeous and lasting, generally should be placed indoors where there is scattered light, do not let direct sunlight.

Watering: butterfly orchids should be cultivated and maintained in an environment with high ventilation and humidity. In general, the suitable air humidity for the growth of butterfly orchids is 60%-80%. If the humidity is too high, diseases will occur. Watering principle: see dry and wet; when watering, water should flow down to the bottom of the basin, not too much. At the same time, in order to maintain the temperature, you can often sprinkle the orchid in the place to maintain the humidity around the orchid, and remember not to accumulate water.

Fertilization: butterfly orchids have relatively strict requirements for fertilizer, fertilizing throughout the year, unless the low temperature lasts for a long time, otherwise should not stop fertilizer. Winter is the flower bud differentiation period of Phalaenopsis, and stopping fertilizer can easily lead to no flowers or few flowers; during spring and summer, when Phalaenopsis is growing, thin liquid fertilizer can be applied every 7 to 10 days, organic fertilizer should be used, and special nutrient solution for Phalaenopsis can also be used, but do not apply when there are buds, otherwise it is easy to drop buds early; after flowering, you can apply nitrogen and potassium fertilizer. Phosphate fertilizer can be used in autumn and winter flower stem growth period, but it should be thin, about every 2-3 weeks. Fertilization time is mostly in the afternoon after watering, fertilization several times, to use a lot of water to wash orchid pots and orchid plants, so as not to harm the roots of residual inorganic salts.

Pest control: Phalaenopsis common diseases and insect pests are: soft rot, brown spot, anthrax, bituminous coal disease, virus disease, shell insects, red spiders and so on. Mainly adopt the principle of prevention, usually pay attention to maintenance, improve ventilation conditions, and keep the environment clean. If diseased plants are found, the source of infection should be cleared in time, the diseased leaves and remains should be removed, and the seriously diseased plants should be isolated or destroyed to prevent the spread of diseases and insect pests. In addition, suitable agents can be selected for prevention and treatment, and fungicides and insecticide diluent can be used during the onset of the disease.

Matters needing attention of butterfly orchids

When watering butterfly orchids in winter, do not sprinkle water on the leaves, which is easy to produce frost damage; pay attention to high temperature and humidity in summer, otherwise it is easy to produce diseases; do not put butterfly orchid plants near air conditioning or heating in summer and winter; fertilizer should adhere to the principle of less fertilization and light fertilizer.

These are the breeding methods and precautions of butterfly orchids. We can see that it is not easy to raise a pot of butterfly orchids. We must take care of them carefully.

Extended reading:

Butterfly orchid language meaning, how to raise, planting method, breeding method and matters needing attention