
When everyone can accept each other, there will probably be a beautiful color.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, "Hello, Beaver, Rabbit, Mole. Please say hello to the other friends. " The sea otter put down his pen and scratched the tip of his nose. Although it is not easy to write, it still has to be written on. The otter scratched his head and sighed. "I received my letter earlier. You guys.


Hello, Beaver Rabbit and Mole. Please say hello to the other friends. "

The sea otter put down his pen and scratched the tip of his nose. Although it is not easy to write, it still has to be written on. The otter scratched his head and sighed.

"I received my letter earlier. I think it's a little bit that you said the fox left the woods and went on his journey. "

The sea otter stopped. What word should be used here? Sad? I don't think so. It should not be sad for the fox to find his own way. Not feeling well? It's not right. Happy? Of course I'm not happy. What word should I use?

The sea otter thinks his brain is a little blocked. The weather is fine and should not be blocked in any way.

The sea otter looked up and looked into the distance. Under the blue sky spread only the green, deep and shallow has been extended to the end of the line of sight. The air is hot, and the body soaked in the water will not feel cold. Even the stone, which has been cool all the time, is hot now.

I didn't expect it to be so hot in here. The sea otter scratches its ear. It's a little too hot to hold up all the way here. If I hadn't seen so many new and interesting things, I would have missed the ice and snow in Alaska.

The sea otter sank a little more into the water and watched the fish bump against its toes and belly. The sea otter laughed, scratched the tip of his nose and picked up the pen again.


It should be. Well, I think that's the word. I've seen it before, but I've never used it. It should be appropriate to use it here.

"there is a mixture of sorrow and joy." Well, I think that's the right word. The sea otter sighed with satisfaction. "when a friend leaves, he will feel a little sad, but some will be happy for him. Is that probably what it feels like? "

"so I don't think the rabbit should be too sad," the sea otter paused, remembering that the letter might not be received for a month, and it might not be appropriate to write that way. The pen clicked on the paper and crossed out the line.

"in short, guinea pigs should be more important now. How are her babies? I'd love to see the round babies. Maybe when they grow up, I'll see you, too. "

"but I don't know. After all, the world is so big. I went all the way south, and now I have arrived in South America. Occasionally I wonder if you have been to the place where I am now. Have you ever stood here on the land where I have stood? "

"then I thought, maybe not. After all, if you had been here, you would have told me. There is a special kind of fish here. If you see it, you will write to me, just like you told me about the seahorse. "


The sea otter grabbed his pen and stretched himself. There is moisture and the smell of plants in the hot afternoon wind. The sea otter remembered that he seldom smelled such a strong and fresh smell of plants. Sure enough, it's nice to come out for a walk, isn't it?

"in the river, I saw a kind of small fish, as if wearing all the colors of the rainbow. They are very small and have no way to communicate with me, but they seem to like to soak in water with me. Just like now, they are hitting my stomach, gently soft, very comfortable feeling. "

The sea otter looked down and saw that a small fish was still hitting his stomach relentlessly, his mouth opening and closing. What might he be eating? The sea otter touched its belly. It's pretty clean.

"in short, I heard that this kind of small fish is called 'neon fat carp' and can only be found here. Maybe the colors of the animals here are very bright and beautiful. I think of the candy snails mentioned in the previous letters and the parrots I have heard of. I don't know what kind of environment it is to let animals wear colors so freely. "

The sea otter picked up his stone and it was a little hot. The sea otter rolled on his forehead with the stone, warm and comfortable. The sea otter sighed again and thought of Alaska. There are not many colors there. The sea otter looked down at his fur and shook his head.

"maybe it's a very free and tolerant place, so there are all kinds of colors. There is no such color in Alaska, and most of the animals living there are black and white-by the way, except for Arctic puffins, that guy is more colorful. I kind of miss him. "


It seems to digress. The sea otter thought. Do you want to cross it off? The sea otter put the tip of his pen on the paper, thought about it, and did not draw a line. Anyway, it's okay to digress from time to time. Like a rabbit's letter, it always strays from the subject.

"this large forest in South America is really amazing. It would be hard to believe if I didn't see it with my own eyes. It's a pity that I can't spend too much time here, and I have to keep going south. After all, it's serious to go to the South Pole, and I'm not used to the weather here. It's really too hot. "

The sea otter put down his pen, watched it float on the surface of the water, floated away with the stream, and reached out to pull it back. The sea otter laughed twice.

"I don't know when animals will be able to wear all kinds of colors. It may take a long time? But if there is such a day, it will be worth it. Everyone used to be busy fighting and killing and hurting each other. At a time like this, no one should be dressed in a rainbow. People can only hide and hide their thoughts and expressions in their hearts. It's better now, but it's far from enough. It may take a long time. "


The Rex sighed and wrote down one after another.

"when people are no longer hostile to each other, when they don't reject species that are different from themselves, when they can accept each other, when they no longer need to worry and fear, they can have beautiful colors."

"as long as people are still worried about survival, there will be no real happy life. I think beauty and happiness may be linked together. It may take time, but I think such a future will certainly come. "

"along the way, I saw the peaceful coexistence of different species, the peaceful life and the efforts to pursue equality. Seeing so many things makes me more and more believe that a really good life will be waiting for us. "

"maybe I won't see myself turn into color. But if we all work hard enough, maybe we can see more colorful animals in our lifetime, like putting a rainbow in the sky, like bringing a good life in the sky to the earth. "

"I will look forward to such a life, and I will work hard for it!"

The sea otter wrote so much in a hurry that he noticed that he had been gently biting the tip of his tongue. The sea otter stuck out its tongue, relaxed its muscles and stretched out again.

It seems that before I know it, I have made up my mind. The otter scratched its head. It probably doesn't matter.

The sea otter licked the tip of its nose and signed its name on the paper. The sea otter put the pen in his mouth, folded the letter paper carefully, put it in the envelope and sealed it.

The little fish is still hitting himself in the stomach. The sea otter put its finger in the water and put it close to the mouth of the little fish. The rainbow-colored fish gently hit the fingers of the sea otter, like a gentle kiss.

To be continued